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Cancellation polar bear and Griz
Contributors to this thread:
bghunter 05-Jan-24
TEmbry 05-Jan-24
Pyrannah 05-Jan-24
bghunter 05-Jan-24
Dale06 05-Jan-24
JohnMC 05-Jan-24
caribou77 05-Jan-24
midwest 05-Jan-24
t-roy 05-Jan-24
caribou77 05-Jan-24
huntinelk 05-Jan-24
Dale06 05-Jan-24
Zbone 05-Jan-24
t-roy 06-Jan-24
Zbone 06-Jan-24
Medicinemann 06-Jan-24
Pete In Fairbanks 06-Jan-24
wildwilderness 06-Jan-24
BowJangles 12-Jan-24
From: bghunter
Just received an email for a cancellation polar bear hunt at 34k and barren ground griz at 15k, from global hunting Safaris.

No clue who they are, or how I even got the email, but figured I would post it.

From: TEmbry
I’ve never been more tempted to eat some capital gains tax and reward myself in my life. lol someone buy this before I get stupid.

From: Pyrannah
that sounds awesome!!!!!

From: bghunter
Lmao. Way outta league, but figured someone would be interested

From: Dale06
Polar bears are still not importable, correct?

From: JohnMC
Dale you just have it shipped to Mexico then it simple to have it brought over the southern border just label it fentanyl.

From: caribou77
Last good polar bear deal I found was for 20k. I didn’t have the time at work or I woulda took out a loan and went! Tried pushing back a year, that didn’t work… so I got ahold of Bowjangles…. That deal fell thru for him but luckily he pick up a different one… and the rest is history. 34k is still not that far off of full price. Plus add in travel…

JohnMC for the win!

From: midwest
Borrow the money!! :-)

From: t-roy
But for God’s sake, don’t use Gold Tip arrows!!

From: caribou77
All I use is gold tip! Damn it I’m out…

From: huntinelk
Will they be baiting with corn?

From: Dale06
JohnMc, that’s a great idea.

From: Zbone
Can Polar bears be legally hunted in Alaska?

From: t-roy

From: Zbone

From: Medicinemann
A hunting experience/adventure (2, actually) that I will take to the grave with me. It should also be mentioned that while the bear hide cannot be imported at this time, taxidermists apparently now have the ability to produce very lifelike synthetic replicas.

JohnMC: Excellent solution to an otherwise thorny problem!

Zbone- the correct answer is Yes only if you are an Alaska Native. I always see a few hides at the local taxidermist. They can also still hunt seals, walrus and whales…

From: BowJangles
I went door-to-door on my polar bear hunt for under $27k. Luke (Caribou77) got me in touch with a fella named Joe Verni. He doesn't advertise and runs a low-key outfit. That being said I've never felt like more of a VIP on a hunt than I did with Joe. Absolutely first class.

He just had a cancellation at a similar price point. Anybody interested in a polar bear hunt should definitly give Joe a buzz.

Joe Verni Natura Sport 514-389-7995

Tell him the recurve guy sent 'ya!

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