Moultrie Mobile
Big Alberta Tom
Contributors to this thread:
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Lee 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
t-roy 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
pav 16-Jan-24
Vaquero 45 16-Jan-24
BULELK1 16-Jan-24
Nomad 16-Jan-24
redneck hunter 16-Jan-24
Jim McNamara 16-Jan-24
Paul@thefort 16-Jan-24
JTreeman 16-Jan-24
Smtn10PT 16-Jan-24
arlone 16-Jan-24
njbuck 16-Jan-24
sticksender 16-Jan-24
Scoot 16-Jan-24
Will 16-Jan-24
Boreal 16-Jan-24
HUNT MAN 16-Jan-24
WV Mountaineer 16-Jan-24
Insheart 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Potro 16-Jan-24
ND String Puller 16-Jan-24
buckeye 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Ron Niziolek 16-Jan-24
Dino 16-Jan-24
Bou'bound 16-Jan-24
Bowfreak 16-Jan-24
scentman 16-Jan-24
APauls 16-Jan-24
sitO 16-Jan-24
Matt 16-Jan-24
Mike Ukrainetz 16-Jan-24
Mark Watkins 16-Jan-24
maxracx 16-Jan-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 17-Jan-24
Vaquero 45 17-Jan-24
DonVathome 17-Jan-24
Dino 17-Jan-24
Alexis Desjardins 17-Jan-24
Dino 17-Jan-24
Dino 17-Jan-24
VAMtns 17-Jan-24
yeager 17-Jan-24
INbowdude 17-Jan-24
yeager 17-Jan-24
Dino 18-Jan-24
Treeline 18-Jan-24
DL 20-Jan-24
Dino 20-Jan-24
Rackmastr 20-Jan-24
Mike Ukrainetz 20-Jan-24
Ace 20-Jan-24
Dino 20-Jan-24
Flyingarcher 22-Jan-24
Supernaut 22-Jan-24
Kurt 22-Jan-24
pirogue 22-Jan-24
pirogue 22-Jan-24
Ambush 22-Jan-24
Dino 23-Jan-24
From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Sometimes you wait till you’re older to do one of the real cool hunts out there…

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
A few more pics…

From: Lee
Wow! Damn nice cat

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Was a very cold day, when I left my house in Lethbridge, it was -39 Celsius.

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
As we got to the mountains it warmed up to about -27

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
This is what I had open to shoot at!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Watching the energy and enthusiasm of the hounds is exhilarating
Dino's embedded Photo
Watching the energy and enthusiasm of the hounds is exhilarating

From: t-roy
Holy smokes, Dino!! Looks like a toad!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
To do this with a life long bow hunting buddy is a special thing!
Dino's embedded Photo
To do this with a life long bow hunting buddy is a special thing!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
A little fireball warms the veins!
Dino's embedded Photo
A little fireball warms the veins!
Always good to celebrate a little!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo

From: pav
Huge tom! Congrats! Can't even imagine chasing a cat in those temps!

From: Vaquero 45
Yes congrats excellent, thanks for sharing. Can you tell us a little about your bow , arrows and broadhead choice please ?

What a cat. Congrats. Huge skull

Crazy BIG---->

Congrats man,


From: Nomad
Good job & great cat! Are those the tops from Tin Cup whiskey your toasting with? ;-)

Congratulations on a good hunt in tough conditions. I am a cat hunting failure. 7 trips, 5 outfitters, 4 states plus Alberta, 42 days and no big tom.

I'm also a terrible judge on size. Sometimes they look giant in certain pictures and other times they don't look to be that large of an animal.

Enjoy your hunt and trophy. You earned it.

From: Jim McNamara
I think any mountain Lion is a trophy, big or small. Usually not an easy hunt and one that you'll remember for life above most other hunts. Nothing like the sound of hounds ringing thru the canyons or crying bayed. More so the feeling you get as you gaze up into the eyes of your quarry. It's intimidating, fascinating and exciting! Well done and great looking kitty. Jim

From: Paul@thefort
Nicely done. The lion meat I gained from my Colorado cat was excellent when cooked property, a variety of ways. Others have stated the same. When you get a chance, what was your experience when fine dining and how was it prepared? Paul

From: JTreeman
Awesome, congrats brother!


From: Smtn10PT
wow, nice cat! Congrats on your hunt

From: arlone
Congratulations on a beautiful cat !!

From: njbuck
Amazing cat, congrats!

From: sticksender
He's a husky one....congrats!

From: Scoot
Awesome cat and experience- congrats!!!

Paul, I know you weren't asking me, but I'll chime in to your question- it was the favorite meat my kids have ever eaten. I liked it a lot! My wife admitted liking it, but struggled with the idea of eating a cat (which is weird, because she's not normally squeamish about things like that).

From: Will
The noggin on that thing is ridiculous! Congratulations.

From: Boreal
Congrats Dino! Nice one!

Nice work Dean!!

Yes sir!!!!!!

From: Insheart
Wow, that thing looks massive. Several years ago I had mt. lion in Ennis MT. It was absolutely great!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
My amazing guides. These guys grind hard looking for tracks and keeping an eye on Tom movements. This cat filled the quota for Toms taken in this area.
Dino's embedded Photo
My amazing guides. These guys grind hard looking for tracks and keeping an eye on Tom movements. This cat filled the quota for Toms taken in this area.
Thx a lot fellas! The temps were very cold, but once we were in snow covered trees, it felt a little bit warmer. Great gear, proper layering and chemical hand warmers also helped tremendously!

From: Potro
Nice trophy!!! Congrats!!

That thing looks like a beast! Congrats…I’m betting you saved quite few deer killing that thing!

From: buckeye
That is a big ole punkin headed cat! Wow, ya get a weight on him?

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
As you can see in the earlier picture, the shots although close, are tricky because of all the branches. My archery gear is an Rx7 Ultra(carbon bow), 65 lbs 30” draw, Hamskea Trinity rest, Vap Tko arrows at 430 hrs with Wasp Jak Hammer broadheads. I carried my bow inside my pack and the bow string was covered with a Sitka bow carrier. I wanted it protected while walking through the tangled forest.

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Packing in u can see my bow and equipment. The big Tom was super healthy but his belly was empty. I could hardly lift him and holding him was almost impossible…180 ish lbs. He was definitely ready for another kill!

From: Ron Niziolek
That’s a big kitty! Congratulations!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
You wouldn’t want these claws to get ahold of you…

From: Bou'bound
Gorgeous cat. Well Done

From: Bowfreak

Congrats on an awesome cat! We have nearly identical setups. The only difference in my setup and your is I shoot the Hybrid Hunter. It looks like you have a Tommy Hogg too.

From: scentman
Helluva story!

From: APauls
That's pretty incredible. Congrats. I got to taste some one time and it was delicious

From: sitO
Just can't get over the size of the head on that guy. Any ideas on age?

From: Matt
Great Tom, congratulations.

Have you been able to measure the skull.

Congrats Dean!!

From: Mark Watkins
Congrats on a giant Tom and an epic adventure!!


From: maxracx
That's AWESOME!!!! Congrats. Thank you for sharing.

Congratulations!!! What and awesome Tom and thanks for sharing.

Gorgeous cat! What a tank! Congrats Dino!

From: Vaquero 45
"My archery gear is an Rx7 Ultra(carbon bow), 65 lbs 30” draw, Hamskea Trinity rest, Vap Tko arrows at 430 hrs with Wasp Jak Hammer broadheads. "

Dino you know how bows are always changeing like the current this years bow is the best ever ? Well one day even if you decided to try a newer model I would'nt get rid of that one . Too many great memories . When you get older it will make a heck of a wallhanger also , look up and see it and it will put a smile on your face even on a bad day ! ............. God bless """""""""""

From: DonVathome
Awesome cat and awesome pics congrat's!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Thank you for all the kudos! Was a special trip for sure, now I am wondering if I should save up and do it again! We have measured the skull at just over 15”, likely a 5 yr old Tom.

That’s a big kitty congrats.

From: Dino
A lot of people have been asking about my gear….I Used merino base layers, Sitka bibs, good layering , a light windbreaker and a Sitka guide coat. Goretex mitts with chemical hand warmers and a thin merino glove inside. I kept my Silverback release inside my inner Sitka ambient hoodie. Kennetrex boots with an extra insole and chemical warmer as well. Gear roll out was good.

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Guides did an amazing job of skinning out this beautiful trophy and peeling out the back straps on this old boy!
Dino's embedded Photo
Guides did an amazing job of skinning out this beautiful trophy and peeling out the back straps on this old boy!

From: VAMtns
WTG Big cat for sure

From: yeager
Fantastic hunt…….congratulations on a great cat. Well done!

From: INbowdude
Way to go Dean. That's a great-looking cat.

From: yeager
Fantastic hunt…….congratulations on a great cat. Well done!

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Dino's embedded Photo
Well a cat hunt pack out isn’t supposed to be heavy, but my loaded pack on the way out was 60lbs still! Great adventure for sure. Skinned Hide attached. head and paws were 34lbs. Backstraps 6lbs. Thanks again for all the kudos!

From: Treeline
Congratulations! Looks like a great day in the woods! 15” is right at B&C. Hope he sticks above that!

From: DL
Nicely done!! Great pictures too.

From: Dino
Thanks a lot! Will have him officially scored soon. My son went with the same outfitter the year before and his cat is almost identical! Except he was about 500 km North of where I killed mine! Enjoy the video!

From: Rackmastr
Congrats Dean!!!! Awesome stuff!

Thanks for sharing Dean! Congrats!!

From: Ace
Excellent, nice video, Awesome Cat. Congratulations!

From: Dino
Ace! Thanks for doing that! Pls teach me how to do a link like that?

From: Flyingarcher
Amazing looking Cat. Congratulations!

From: Supernaut
Congratulations on a beautiful cat!

From: Kurt
Great cat! Congratulations!!!

From: pirogue
Congrats. Looks awesome.

From: pirogue
Congrats. Looks awesome.

From: Ambush
Super cat, congratulations!! Very cool to have great video too!

From: Dino
Thanks Ambush, I posted that video of my son’s cat hunt from last year, I don’t have my video made yet. We shot almost identical sized cats but about 600 kms apart!

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