Sitka Gear
Man Grabs Coyote By Tail
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 16-Jan-24
t-roy 16-Jan-24
Zbone 16-Jan-24
scentman 16-Jan-24
Brotsky 16-Jan-24
WV Mountaineer 16-Jan-24
Zbone 16-Jan-24
Insheart 16-Jan-24
WV Mountaineer 16-Jan-24
Zbone 16-Jan-24
WV Mountaineer 16-Jan-24
M.Pauls 16-Jan-24
M.Pauls 16-Jan-24
Zbone 19-Jan-24
x-man 19-Jan-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 19-Jan-24
BoggsBowhunts 19-Jan-24
M.Pauls 20-Jan-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 20-Jan-24
TGbow 20-Jan-24
drycreek 20-Jan-24
From: Zbone

Zbone's Link
This is crazy - Man grabs coyote by tail to save his dog:

From: t-roy
Them Pauls boys ain’t got nuthin on this guy!! Pretty badass!

One question, though…..WTF is a coyote-proof vest??

From: Zbone
Has spikes around the neck of the dog...

From: scentman
Me thinks he'd be on the couch along time if mama lost her Roxie.. he was probably more afraid of his wife then Ole "Wiley".

From: Brotsky
I'd grab a damn lion by the tail if it went after my dog. I'd die for him before I would most people frankly.

He’s a distant cousin to the Paul’s brothers.

From: Zbone
Who are the "Paul’s brothers"?

From: Insheart
Zbone - believe he is talking about :: Apauls and Mpauls?

Apauls and Mpauls are their screen names. They wait till winter and deeper snow. Then run down coyotes and kill them with their bare hands. Apparently, they are just built that way.

From: Zbone
Oh, thanks guys... I guess they are badazzes too...8^)

I don’t know for sure since I’m just guessing. But, I’m betting nobody gets very lippy with that guy without consequences. My dude.

From: M.Pauls
Bahahaha. Was just telling that story to someone the other day. About half ways through I realized it was the wrong audience. You guys are way more flattering

From: M.Pauls

M.Pauls's Link
Found the thread. Was fun to go back and read. Still a weird experience when I think back on it. Almost thought I was going to have to bare hand a badger this fall after he went back in his hole with my arrow, but to my good fortune the arrow did him in and it was an easy retrieval ;)

From: Zbone
I just read your thread M.Paul... You da man... BTW, did you get bit or nicked?

From: x-man
Should have swung it head first into one of those fence posts.

I shot a yote once in PA way down a pipe line at a brush pile….end of my morning sit I walked down to go get him and pull him out by his tail….i reckon I either missed, didnt look hard enough or another one was takin a nap cuz when I grabbed his tail he took off like a rocket. Idk who was more startled me or him.

Brotsky x2

From: M.Pauls
ZBone no he never did break skin on me

MA-PA that’s hilarious

Matt I’m really convinced he was more startled that I was…

From: TGbow
Looks like the old adrenaline kicked in and he went into safe the dog mode

From: drycreek
I shot one between the eyes (I thought) with a .22 on Thanksgiving day once. He was in a trap and I went down and released him, flipped him over to determine sex, and about that time my wife calls out and says lunch is ready. After partaking, my son-in-law and I road back down there in my Ranger to haul him off and reset the trap. As we get close, he sits up, drunkenly gets to his feet, and runs off, falling twice and running into trees. He made it about 30 or 40 yards before he really gained his composure and then he really kicked in the afterburners. We just at there and watched with disbelief because I had left my gun at the house. :-((

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