Cabelas Greenland Caribou hunt
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Anyone go on this one? I’m booked first week of August
2 caribou tags and artic char fly fishing
Open to any advice. Sounds like you spot them from a boat then stalk the caribou
Karsten and Frank are the outfitters that most bowhunters seem to go with. Haven't heard of LAX-A angling club.
Karsten is the man…reach out to him
Been with both Karsten (2023) and Frank (2019). Both top notch. World class. Same product offering essentially, maybe slight edge to Karsten (family operation). Massive edge to Karsten on the price. He is less for two ox or ox and bou than Frank is for one ox.
Absolutely epic trips. Live with the crazy travel and make a memory (or more) to last a lifetime.
I took ox with both. my son took ox and bou when he joined me with Karsten. I never hunted for caribou. Obviously caribou are tougher than ox to get and more prone to population issues than ox
Met my outfitter at the SCI convention this weekend. Fantastic people. The hunt sounds crazy good ????????
The hunt is fine. The adventure is crazy good.
Best of luck, JG! Please come back here with pics and a story when you get back!
I will. This a cool hunt for me. Bow hunting and fly fishing in one trip. I’m tying artic char flies getting prepped
Good luck on your hunt, John! Musk ox are tailor made for spot n stalk hunting. Do you have the option to caribou hunt as well?
I know they offer it but not in the package I bought. I got 2 caribou tags, I can shoot a seal ( which I’m not going to) and fly fishing for artic char and believe it or not cod. They said they can get me a cod on a fly. and coached me on the gear to bring
Well I got burned. Got Covid the day before my trip. My family exposed too and I have a disabled daughter (she has it too now). Decided to pull out. Right call. My flight was last night and I had horrible sweats, sore throat and cough
I didn’t buy insurance. My philosophy is never buy it. I’ve won for years up till this one but I think I’m still ahead
My buddies are there so I’ll get a report but they are gun hunting
Damn, sorry to hear you missed your trip JG...
Damn. Sorry to hear it JG.
Dang it, John! That really stinks! Prayers for you and your family for a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear you missed your trip. Hope your family gets well quickly.
Very tough break. Get well it will still be in your future
Sorry to hear, but, Get well so you can hunt lots of stuff for years to come, and enjoy the info from your buddies.
Bummer. Hope you all get well asap.
Oh, man, that sucks! Hope you and your family recover quickly!
3.5 days since I tested positive. My family and I are coming out of this. Still had bad cold sweats last night. Hopefully last time.
My buddies take the 3 hour boat ride to camp this evening. Hunt starts tomorrow
At the end of the day Covid hadnt been horrible yet but if I would have got on that plane Thursday night I would have exposed a bunch of people. Sweating, coughing and runny nose. I feel good that I did the right thing.
Thanks for the support guys. Hopefully I get another chance at this one. My buddies say Iceland is amazing. They went early and did tours
Glad to hear you’re doing some better. Good on you for not going and potentially infecting others. Hopefully it works out to where you can make it up there soon! It’s a fun hunt.
Trip insurance or taking hunt at latter date or someone bought your cancelled hunt?
Long ago I decided to be my own insurance and have not bought trip insurance. I’m up over my lifetime but this one stings obviously. The airlines even sounded like they wouldn’t give me credit. Iceland air. Hotels were easy. They didn’t want Covid and thanked me for cancelling
The camp said they’d look for an opening to bring me in. That’s fair imo
I have a moose hunt in Alaska mid Sept. Running into a caribou is possible. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get one in 6 weeks.
A buddy of mine is fishing in Alaska. He said Covid is all over up there. He even had fishing cancelled because guides got Covid. Hopefully I’m done with this for a while
Well, it sucks, but you did the right thing. Is there any way you can get another trip for a discount ?
Did the right thing. Good luck on picking up another hunt with them and making it happen! And, good luck in Alaska!
Drycreek, I don’t know. Frankly this is the first day my heads clear enough to even start thinking of my options. I really got a great feeling meeting this outfitter at the SCI convention. Awesome people, I’m sure we can work something out
Here is my timeline:
Monday- visited my parents in a nursing home. Hadn’t seen them in over a year. Family was exposed and we were told we were exposed
Wed- running nose, body just felt like something was coming but I was worried because my flight was at 730pm Thursday. Was it in my head? Had to check. Walgreen test popped positive.
Thursday and Friday - I was sick. No doubt, no covering it. I did start taking Paxlivid on Thursday about noon
Saturday- by noon I could tell I was on way out
This morning - I feel good. I’m gonna go on a 4 mile walk and see how well I can shoot my bow
My daughter got it really mild (thank God) and my wife is about 1 -2 days behind me
My brother called last night. Their hunt starts tomorrow. He’s already called it that I need to go, Iceland and Greenland have impressed him and he’s not even gotten to camp
The timing of this is hard to wrap my head around but it is what it is and my family is safe
Well, I hate it for you. I’ve never planned an out of country hunt, but I’ve had plans fall through on an out of state hunt and to those of us who love to hunt, and anticipate it for months, it’s a kick in the huevos. Especially when it’s family or close friends. Hell, my best friend and I didn’t get to go on our annual turkey hunt this spring, and while no money was lost, the opportunity was, and even if we go every year until one of us croaks, we ain’t getting that back. Good luck !
Well I could hunt today. I’d guess I’m at 80%. Just walked 4 miles and after took 12 shots 30-60 yards. All in the kill zone
Ugh. They don’t have WiFi at camp so it will be a long wait wondering how the boys week goes
Thanks for the support guys. Helps sharing this
Time to get my mind wrapped around Alaskan moose. This one is my last big dream animal with the bow
Sorry about your missed hunt, but you made the right decision. Hopefully karma will make it's way back to you and you'll get your Alaskan moose AND caribou! I hope you and your family get well soon!
How did the trip go for them