Moultrie Mobile
Colorado auction sheep tag
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
Mathewsphone 21-Jan-24
Orion 21-Jan-24
Treeline 21-Jan-24
Bou'bound 21-Jan-24
Glunt@work 21-Jan-24
Matt 21-Jan-24
JTreeman 21-Jan-24
caribou77 21-Jan-24
Pyrannah 21-Jan-24
KB 21-Jan-24
Ramhunter 21-Jan-24
Mathewsphone 21-Jan-24
Ambush 21-Jan-24
Tilzbow 21-Jan-24
Zbone 22-Jan-24
KHunter 22-Jan-24
molsonarcher 22-Jan-24
JTreeman 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
DonVathome 22-Jan-24
Cazador 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
njbuck 22-Jan-24
Mhg825 22-Jan-24
buckeye 22-Jan-24
Zbone 22-Jan-24
Straight Shooter 22-Jan-24
Treeline 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Bou'bound 22-Jan-24
Jaquomo 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Supernaut 22-Jan-24
JDM 22-Jan-24
Jethro 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
JDM 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Glunt@work 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Glunt@work 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Straight Shooter 22-Jan-24
PECO2 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Orion 22-Jan-24
Cazador 22-Jan-24
Huntcell 22-Jan-24
Paul@thefort 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 22-Jan-24
Matt 22-Jan-24
Sandbrew 23-Jan-24
Orion 23-Jan-24
BULELK1 24-Jan-24
YZF-88 25-Jan-24
KHunter 29-Jan-24
goelk 29-Jan-24
From: Mathewsphone
Colorado sold the govener bighorn sheep tag at the sheep show in Reno last night tying the previous record $600,000

From: Orion
Don't forget about the 300,000 dollar trespass fee that was added onto it

From: Treeline

Might as well call it a million dollar sheep!

From: Bou'bound
Great news for conservation

From: Glunt@work
Unfortunately, it only covers a portion of the new costs that came with introducing our new canine friends.

From: Matt
Lots of auction records tied or broken last night in Reno, it was a tremendous night for conservation.

Plus I got to meet Tilzbow….

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's Link
NM also went for $600k. BC had one go for $430k. AZ was $430k also. AB was $320k.

You can see all the results from Saturday night at the link.


From: caribou77
Which one did you pick up Jim?

From: Pyrannah
wonder what people do to be able to afford stuff like that?

From: KB
Sell a sandwich company for north of $1B?

From: Ramhunter
Why so high? What pictures are they showing?

From: Mathewsphone
Ramhunter there a pic of 8 rams I think it's south of you on the river

From: Ambush
And do I understand correctly that someone paid a MILLION bucks to be the 100th member of the Marco Polo Club?!!!

From: Tilzbow
Yes, someone paid $1M for membership to the Marco Polo Society.

WSF seemed to do really well this year plus they got me as a volunteer for four days at registration! If anyone is interested in volunteering next year they can really use the help in several areas.

I also got to meet Matt after going back and forth for 15 years on this site so it was a good four days but my liver sure got a work out last night and is a little angry with me today.

From: Zbone
So seriously, who is the lucky byer?

From: KHunter

KHunter's embedded Photo
KHunter's embedded Photo
KHunter's embedded Photo
KHunter's embedded Photo
“ Why so high? What pictures are they showing?”

Well, this one was on the big screen during auction. LOL.

From: molsonarcher
Caribou, I think Jim got a couple of them;)

From: JTreeman
To be clear the 100th Marco Polo didn’t go to a single individual, a group of people bought it, not sure how it will list in the records though.

The sheep tag prices were incredible. I didn’t buy anything! I’m so poor I had to work a buddies booth for a day just so he would would get me on his exhibitor list to get in the door!


From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
I've been going to FNAWS and WSF for more than 20 years and the talk and buzz around the floor was all about the Colorado tag before it was sold. This pic of these 5 big rams was on the screen briefly but the people in the know already had that info and have worked out the access I'm pretty sure. There will be 2 resident public tags in the unit and anyone can buy a raffle ticket for $25 from the RMBS and hunt that unit as well....if they win. EDIT to clarify- These rams do live on private land (some of which charges an access fee for permission - if you can get it) for a large part of the year, but their overall range does include public land and the season dates are long Aug 15-Dec 31 2024. Sandbrew

From: DonVathome
Thanks Sandbrew. I just pooped myself.

From: Cazador
I know this will come across shitty in several manners, but where is/was all this outside money when wolves were on being discussed? Same goes for this current lion situation we're facing? I mean if we're saying "its good for conservation". I think we need to start worrying more about "preservation" vs "conservation" these days in the Western states.

From: Sandbrew
Caz- There was a an add on item for a Hill Ranch Elk tag that was not in the program that sold for $55K Those funds were earmarked for Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management and the fight against the "Trophy Hunting Ban" Sandbrew

From: Orion
Sandbrew that property down by Pueblo is no secret, probably why the trespass fee keeps climbing every year

From: njbuck
Amazing rams!

From: Mhg825
Who says hunting isn't an elitist sport ?

From: buckeye
Imagine the dilemma of having to pick one of those rams pictured above. I don't think you could go wrong with any of them . The top one looks like a fighter.

From: Zbone
Dang, at least 4 of them look like world records to me.... Wow...

Yep people in the “know” definitely knew about these guys. Truly a different kind of “hunt”.

From: Treeline
Definitely a group of bomber rams! Those genetics should be spread out across the state…

From: Orion
Sandbrew's post is misleading the public or raffle tag hunters aren't going to be pursuing these rams unless they are shelling out six figures for a trespass fee. $300,000 was given by the governor's tag winner for a trespass fee. These rams never leave that sanctuary they are on.

From: Bou'bound
"Who says hunting isn't an elitist sport ?:

Hunting is absolutely not an elitist sport. People can do it in their local area for a few bucks and be hunting for months. Licenses are not expensive, gear is very affordable, and game exists for those wanting to go hunting. People can actually hunt for darn near free if they want to.

Are there certain species that are a more elite? Yes

Are they certain places that are more restricted? Sure

Are their certain people to take their passion to a different level and invest far more than others in their pursuit of it? Of course.

That does not make the sport of hunting elite any more than saying spending a night at a hotel is for the elite just because if someone wants to spend a night at the Cheval Blanc Randheli Private Island it is going to cost them $50,000.

Hunting is not a rich person's sport unless rich people want to do it in places and in ways that require that, but that is their choice and not an indictment on the activity overall.

From: Jaquomo
^^^ This

From: Orion
I didn't call it elitist. I just stated not to forget there was an extra $300,000 paid for a trespass fee to go with the tag. I was also just clarifying sandbrew's photo because those rams rarely if ever leave the ranch that photo was taken.

From: Supernaut
Good post Bou.

From: JDM

"Sandbrew's post is misleading the public or raffle tag hunters aren't going to be pursuing these rams unless they are shelling out six figures for a trespass fee"

This isn't true. The public hunter with the BSAP tag has access to those rams even if they never leave the ranch. no additional fees required.

From: Jethro
I can't remember a better post from Bou'. Well said.

From: Orion
JDM I'll believe it when I see it. I believe Demaske and his daughter are the only ones that have hunted that ranch. I've had many conversations with RMBS board members about the disaster known as the BSAP program

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's Link
Orion- There has been a public hunter on that ranch Jeff Demaske and his daughter hunted - it is a requirement that the public hunter goes first then the landower gets a tag. I was against BSAP when it was proposed as I personally felt a 3:1 ratio was to many landowner tags for a public resource but that didn't change anyone else's minds. The current system works as designed and dozens of tags have been issued and lucky public tag holders have drawn them and hunted free of charge. FROM the CPW site "The Bighorn Sheep Access Program (BSAP) was initiated in 2015 with the intent of improving public access for bighorn sheep hunting on private lands in Colorado through the formation, or continuation of partnerships with private landowners. Similar partnerships like these have proven effective in the ranching for wildlife (RFW) program? for a variety of species, as well.?

Bighorn sheep licenses are limited in number, but in high demand. The BSAP program helps to increase hunting opportunities for bighorn sheep in Colorado and provides residents a unique opportunity to hunt on private ranch land normally closed to the public. Through this program, hunters can play an important role in assisting CPW and landowners in managing bighorn sheep populations on private lands."

100s of additional sheep can be hunted on 6 ranches and 470,000+ acres are now open that wouldn't be. It's a win in my mind.


From: Orion
Sandbrew that's good to know. I was informed that ranch wasn't in the BSAP program. I know that program caused a lot of issues in S48 a few years ago and I believe there were some issues on the Trinchera as well.

From: Orion
6 of the 8 BSAP tags last year were for ewes I'm also not sure that was part of the original agreement on how the program would work

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
There very small numbers of tags on some of the ranches and ranches open and close based on what the heard can sustain from a harvest and management standpoint. 100% of the female tags go to the public and 25% of the ram tags. Edit 3:1 ratio not 1:1 Also from the website - "Six ranches currently participate in the BSAP program, although, public licenses are not available on every ranch each year. When available, public licenses are available through the CPW draw process. The number of licenses on each ranch is determined by negotiations and a contract between the landowner and CPW" The pic is of the 2023 breakdown of tags.

From: JDM
Also, when the 'regular Joe' BSAP hunter is on the ranch, the raffle and auction tag holders are not allowed. They can hunt it before or after, but not during. Once they harvest, they can go back on, but not until then.

From: Orion

Orion's embedded Photo
Orion's embedded Photo
That contradicts what was actually allowed to apply for in the regs. Your graph also shows one of the issues in S48. The other issue is ranches traded ewe tags to the public for more ram tags for private sales.

From: Glunt@work
Am I reading that correctly that there were 2 public and 11 private ram tags in 2023?

I really haven't followed the program since objecting to it when it was starting.

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
The ratio of rams tags public vs private can vary per the regs. 3:1 Private to Public is what most ranches have adopted. I don't think there was any trading of ewe tags for ram tags. In S48 there used to be no public for free hunts but there was a tag that nearly always required a trespass fee. Now a public hunter on BSAP hunts the same private without a fee. Is that the issue you are referring to?

From: Sandbrew
Glunt - Some years there are no public tags or only public tags depending on the ratio and when they hunt. Some ranches only have 1 or 2 tags a year so the public vs private availability cycles depending on tag #s overall. The public always goes first in those limited cases that is why there will be an S79 public BSAP tag this year then they can sell a tag.

From: Glunt@work
Ok. Thanks for the edit and info.

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Orion - You said - "I'll believe it when I see it. I believe Demaske and his daughter are the only ones that have hunted that ranch." Here's the proof from the 2017 CPW Harvest stats a BSAP hunter killed a great ram in there in 2017 the year before Demaskes did.

Kirby, I’ve seen your sheep multiple times and I still get jealous every time I see it ! What a beautiful ram, congrats!

From: PECO2
Insane. Not even on the lotto list.

From: Orion
Sandbrew you sure that was the public hunters ram? Also there was more than one ram killed in there that year where are its measurements listed? From 2018 to current no public land hunter has been allowed in there.

From: Orion
You did hit on the S48 issue. The other issue I believe was wasn't there some sheep transplanted in there and they were supposed to allow access which led to the BSAP program over there? I know there was a lot of fuss about the trespass fee and no one able to hunt sheep in there.

From: Cazador
@Sandbrew, good to know. I can't help but think that if anyone would have an interest in this lion hunting ban, it would be the sheep guys. I wasn't there, but it seems like the "sheep show/shows" would be a great place to put some serious money towards this campaign in front of us as it's obvious that funding isn't an issue as long as you pitch it correctly. Heck 10% of just the sheep raffles alone would have put 400k towards the effort.

If memory serves me right, the Poudre canyon herd was pretty much wrecked by cats and the unit you and I both killed rams out of also has been hampered by cats over the years.

Anyways, maybe something you guys can implement during the Colorado show. Once again, all these huge organizations that support, and put so much effort into getting sheep, moose, etc. off the ground over the years and it seems like we just sit back and let it piss away. It just doesn't compute.

From: Huntcell
What a gay looking group!

Holding out for the one on the right of the group of 5 carries mass all the way thru and nice curl, the one on far left suffer circumference and symmetry due to being busted up on top.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
WOW, and to think it only cost me $200 for my Colorado sheep tag in 1997. Inflation at its best.

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Orion- I think the S48 sheep wandered up from NM from Unit 58 in the far NE corner. I don't think CPW moved any sheep there. Colorado sheep unit S48 is due north of NM unit 58 for sheep for those wondering. Edit new info from the Bighorn Sheep management plan Although, thought to be native to the area, bighorn sheep were absent from this area during modern times until February of 1980 when 20 sheep from the Collegiate Range were released at the Mizer Ranch on Cottonwood Creek. This original transplant consisted of 4 rams, 9 ewes, and 7 lambs. To date this has been the only transplant into S-48.

From: Sandbrew

Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Sandbrew's embedded Photo
Orion - As far as I can tell there was one BSAP S79 tag per the 2017 regs copy I have on file. That tag was drawn by one of the 271 resident applicants with 3 points and 14 out of a possible 16 back then. They were guided, hunted 1 day and harvested a 9 year old 40x42x16 2/8 ram. In 2018 there were 2 rams harvested and are listed at 9 and 12 years old. The 9 year old is one that scores better and is longer and had more mass. The 12 year had less mass and was broken on one horn and 5 inches shorter than the long horn. In 2019 there was a broken horn ram harvested that was only 13+ inches on one side and 40 inches on the other with 16+ bases. I don't see any other rams harvested in S79 since 2019. No public or private tags have been issued and no rams harvested on the auction and raffle tags in S79 since the unit has been closed until 2024. That's probably one of the reasons those rams are so big now.

From: Matt
Cazador, WSF is a 501(c)(3).

From: Sandbrew
Caz - RMBS is a 501(c)(3) too so we have to be careful getting involved in political things as it is not allowed with that non profit designation.

From: Orion
Good points Cazador. The lions have also been really hard on the desert sheep especially in S56. They have also done some severe damage on the S28 and S71 herds. To my knowledge RMBS has not donated or fundraised for any other group or cause. I also don't remember them having a public statement on the wolf issue or the current lion hunting ban proposal. I know Mike Duplan has been calling out a lot of these orgs and insta famous hunters to see if they will put their money into the lion issues. Lots of crickets so far. He hasn't called out the RMBS though

Thanks John

Very informative thread.

Good luck, Robb

From: YZF-88
I don't know. KHunter's really long arming that ram. False advertising. Planted picture to drive the price down?

From: KHunter

From: goelk
Paul that makes you in your latest 50s Nice ram

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