Mathews Inc.
Stick climber vs ladder climber
Contributors to this thread:
Teeton 28-Jan-24
t-roy 28-Jan-24
Trial153 28-Jan-24
VAMtns 29-Jan-24
greg simon 29-Jan-24
Fulldraw 29-Jan-24
Rock 29-Jan-24
Teeton 30-Jan-24
DanaC 30-Jan-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 30-Jan-24
RonS 30-Jan-24
TGbow 30-Jan-24
Jebediah 30-Jan-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 30-Jan-24
bentstick54 30-Jan-24
Teeton 30-Jan-24
Arrownoob 30-Jan-24
From: Teeton
Looking to get a few sets of climbing sticks/ladder. You know the set; they are 20 ft +- tall that slide into each other and strap around the tree. Now I'm seeing two types. Ones got a center post with rungs out on each side of the center post, and another has two outside posts like traditional ladder that side into one another. Well, my question is pros and cons to both. I have the traditional center post ones. But if the ones like a traditional ladder are better, I may get them Thanks Ed

From: t-roy
I’ve got both, and I like the traditional ladder sticks a little better, but either one works pretty well. If you can find them, the ones with longer braces (the brackets that hold the sticks away from the tree) are much better. The shorter braces don’t allow enough room to be able to get your boots far enough in on the rungs, IMO.

I’ve cut short pieces of tubular steel for extensions, to extend the sticks further away from the tree. A bit of a pain, but worth it. Just slip them over (or inside) the provided braces.

From: Trial153
I like the ladders better especially if they are wide enough to get two boots on the same rung…and like T roy said…the stand off needs to be long enough to get it away from the tree to have safe boot clearance

From: VAMtns
The single stick works better on crooked trees for me .I agree stand off distance from the tree is important . Tip ,when assembling Muddy stick it does matter how you configure each stick so that the rungs are in sequence . Dang it ! Found that out at the tree .

From: greg simon
The single sticks are a bit easier to maneuver around limbs and place in crooked trees I think.

From: Fulldraw
There is a case to be made to have some of both....

From: Rock
Agree with T-roy on the standoff height.

From: Teeton
Thanks guys. Your posts gives me ideas and what to look for.

From: DanaC
"I like the ladders better especially if they are wide enough to get two boots on the same rung"

Not being able to stand 'feet level' is a killer if you have bad knees. Seen too many ladders where you could only put _one_ insulated boot on a rung. Nope!

I’m in T-Roy’s camp, granted I don’t have many, well, any, 180”-200” deer in my trophy room but, we both climb trees so we have that in common.

From: RonS
I only have the center post type, but have been thinking about trying the more traditional ladder style. Rivers Edge makes a nice one.

From: TGbow
With the enclosed ladder system you don't have to worry about getting gutted by one of the stick steps

From: Jebediah
Yup your femoral artery votes for the enclosed ladder.

I’m in T-Roy’s camp, granted I don’t have many, well, any, 180”-200” deer in my trophy room but, we both climb trees so we have that in common.

I have both, but the 1 ladder type I have is only 8” wide between side rails so only room for 1 boot. If I ever need another it would definitely be wider. The climbing sticks I have come 2 different ways and are old enough I have no idea of the brands. But some of them have alternating steps, and some have even steps on both sides. I would strongly recommend trying to find some with the even steps on both sides, because they are definitely easier to step onto when leaving your stand than trying to remember which foot to lead off with if that makes sense.

From: Teeton
All very good info. I have about 10 sets of the center post climbers. Some with steps on both sides. I also favor the ones with steps on both sides. I burnt my cable's points and got two Api 20 ft ladder stands last week and want to get a few climber ladders. All great information you all shared. I'm getting older and had not one, not two but three falls getting in and out of my stands. All with screw in steps. First time was in my early 20s, slippery gloves, about 8 ft landing right on my feet. Second in my 20s only 4ft. Third time was a few years back 12 ft, landing on my feet and then back. Laid on ground for a few minutes and got my composure . I said to myself Ok I'm OK I can get back in till I stood up, put weight on my ankle. I sprained it. Didn't hunt for two weeks. Now I don't leave the ground with being hooked up. Even got a old pole linemen belt for just putting stands up.

Now a reply on Jebediah post on the femoral artery. It was my second time I fell, I was only 4 ft from the ground, I slipped, hand foot I don't remember. But I hook the second screw from the bottom right in the back on my thigh. That caused me to land square on my back knocking my glasses off. In a minute I got up and felt fine. But everything was blurry as I walk back to the truck where my two friends from Canada was waiting. I told them what happened and I feel fine but everything was blurry. Tom says to me dude,, one of your lenses in your glasses is missing. Luckily I was only thee step from the ground, hooking the second step. If I lost it on the top step, I probably wouldn't be writing this. Broken neck or cut artery??? The first two was well before cell phones. By the way my first tree stand was a Baker. Not even sure safety belts (baker) were around then.

Again thanks everyone for your posts. Ed

From: Arrownoob
I like the 30” sticks because they are easier to install, light to haul in, and you don’t have to pay for metal between them.

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