February funnies
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Hey! You cheaters are jumping the gun! It ain't February!
Follow the rules!
They want February to have equal opportunity- it’s a short month
Short months got no reason to live
You do not use the word February when the last day to apply for Wyoming elk tag is the last day of January!
We have 1.5 more days to make January 500 posts. Quit this junk and get those pictures on the proper thread, or Pat will make you all suffer the humiliation of doing 37 Blood Trail challenges before you can post another picture!
(Note: I have zero connection to Bowsite ownership or moderation in any way and do not speak for them, I just thought that was a good idea for "punishment")
Damn "Premature Threadpostulators!!!
You two just jinxed February!
Timex, it’s like bringing a banana on your fishing boat, you just don’t do it…haha
One for you conspiracy lovers >;-)
That sandwich would be overboard as quick as it's discovered with the people I fish with. One guy wore a shirt with bananas on it as a joke, and that shirt got ripped off and disappeared quickly from the boat. Bananas on a boat has gotten to the point that we never mess with it, whether you are superstitious or not. Doesn't even matter the fishery or boat, from inshore to offshore we wont do it. I know it's crazy.
I grew up in Homestead Florida and knew a bunch of the best fishing guides and captains and bananas were always regarded as a complete no no.A lot of that dates back to the 1700s with all the trouble ships incurred with bananas on board.Bouncer Smith who retired a few years back was so adamant about no bananas that not only were bananas not allowed but no fruit of the loom underwear,no banana boat sunscreen,no banana muffins, clothing with a banana on it.You get the picture.Bouncer guided his customers to over 50 world records plus he took a trip to Alaska and caught a 111 halibut on fly it was a a world record that has since been beaten.Superstitious yes Good luck Lewis
Any truth to the rumor that the “is that a banana in your pocket, or…….,” stemmed from these maritime superstitions?
t-roy, I think that's just a midwestern thing :)
I'd throw that gal a banana BULLELK1 :)
Gotta luv how AMC runs the movie "Groundhog Day" over and over and over all day long...8^)
Basil..she may not understand physics, but she sure knows how to get stitches!
As for the WD-40, give your lure a spray next time you're fishing. :)
Ron: Now that's just downright disgusting.
Mike B - that one is brilliant!!!
Will occasionally do an "Irish Car Bomb" or two at the bar and that Alaskan Duck Fart sounds good, I might have to actually try one...8^) Anymore than a couple Car Bombs (they're like Harvey Wallbangers) better make sure you have a ride...8^)
For Pat and his wonderful neighbors in Ohio
That's too freakn funny...8^)))
^^^^^^^This kid has some serious problems !^^^^^^
DL's Link
Probably still living in mommy’s house
Timex before the motorcycle
That one dude is applying for a job online...8^)))
^^^^ Cracking up DL. I definitely see Alf.
I'm a saddle hunter, and this is still absolutely hilarious!
I'm a saddle hunter, and this is still absolutely hilarious!
That amish pic is too funny... Pat, you have one of those at your house for the neighbors to come over and play...8^)))
Jeff you fried my brain with that one.
Mike B, that was a funny refence to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Republic P-47 Thunderbolt + Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Jeff my valentine's day plans would have to go really wrong for me to wind up being Bidens caretaker in 9 months.
Yup I do look both ways on one way streets.
They are ratshit, I have a heck of a time to get them to work right...8^)
When your wife finds out you bought another bow
Don't wanta know what "FCB" means...8^)
He!!, Keith was young in that portrait...8^)
Another Bowsite dispute??? ;^)
Another Bowsite dispute??? ;^)
Basil - I actually like that painting, can I ask where it came from?
Sorry but I don’t know. Came to me via text.
My brother had his third carotid artery operation to increase blood flow. I asked him if the increased oxygen to his brain might be making him feel more conservative. It didn't work.....Mike
Basil, Did a google image search on the painting you posted above. Found it on flickr by Make Art Lviv.
At least not until the next day
Venison tacos, yeah baby!
BULELK1 - Now that guy is serious...8^) Luv it...8^)
Jeff - "Boobs" Yeah, took me a second, then yeah, that's right...8^)))
Timex's porn pic had Basil so excited that he posted twice.
..and finally, in honor of Timex
Wow, what the heck kind of cat is that with the teeth? Dang...
"Wow, what the heck kind of cat is that with the teeth? Dang..."
That's Schrodinger's cat, but no worries..it's dead. Maybe.
I googled Schrodinger's cat, didn't Edgar Allen Poe have a Black Cat like that...8^)))
petedrummond - That just ain't right...8^)))
Maybe there is a positive to the wolves in Colorado. Plenty of weak, stupid people here.
I dunno timex. That one seems a little over the top for supposedly a family site. Maybe you should delete that one.
Perhaps you should send the request to Pat as it is your poor judgement not mine.
The pic and text is completely tasteless and even offensive on a site that supposedly tries to encourage participation in hunting, bowhunting in particular and the outdoors in general by women and children who maybe using Bowsite. There are plenty of sites where your post is acceptable and if the women in your life are good with that then hang it in your kitchen. I just don't think women and children need to see that disrespect any more than I think they need to see some weird guy hanging his dick out in a female changeroom.
But it's up to you man.
Timex. Probably should just man up and get it removed rather that just laughing it off I know not your unfiltered style, surprise everyone this time
Timex, it is funny and I doubt any are offended. Just not the right place for it. You knew that.
I was only offended by your mispelling of humorous. I won every spelling bee I ever entered………both of them ! ;-))
I guarantee nobody was offended and nobody was disappointed that you did not try to make it right. That would be expecting something from you that you are not capable of. You doubling down was where the smart money was, lol !! :)
Timex?, Ambush IS RIGHT. The booty pic is over the top, and inappropriate for a family site, same as dudes kissing....I mean...WTF are you thinking?
And yeah, a little racy is one thing, but there are boundaries. 'Nuff said.
Mike, I mostly agree with you. But, using "WTF" in a post where you're scolding a guy for not posting family friendly content is an interesting approach. You do know what the "F" stands for, correct?
“What the frick” is what we say in Iowa
Not to take sides here, but when the owner of the site offers "leave the doe - go bang the wife" as an answer to a blood trail question, then you have to take that into consideration as to how "family friendly" he intends it to be.
Carry on!
Sheesh guys if your tender feelings are hurt report the post and let the moderator handle it. If not, as "the puppy " RCG would say just scroll on by....
Happy belated Valentines Day
Timex text me the pic before it gets pulled. The thread not me. Lmao
Seems like every other thread gets derailed and the clown show is here to stay... it's getting tougher to decide if you want to open any thread, and now the monthly funnies has turned into a chit show.
May be a shit show but that shit is funny ;)
Everything I do is funny. I even smell funny
Scentman, you spelt it wrong, it’s a clit show
Scoot..guilty as charged. WTF was I thinking? Joking aside, the "Funnies" seem have gotten pretty adult oriented of late, and not quite so funny. I've tried to post things that would make people laugh, and not have to look over their shoulder in hopes the wife or kids aren't seeing what they are. Suggesting is one thing, but blatant, body-parts-in-your-face adult stuff is just too much. JMHO
No worries Timex?, at least ya tried.
Supernaut, that was well worth a double post.
Don’t get me started on the beaver memes, fuzzy!
What movie is that with the two guys on the porch with shotguns?
Jebediah - That's from Secondhand Lions. Well worth the watch.
Fuzzy, just admit it... if there was a fart flavored whiskey you would like to try it! scentman
Cecil 65.00 bucks a bottle but their out of stock.
^^^^^ That's hilarious and so true
Went to my favourite hunting site. Couldn't find much hunting talk dodging all the politics so I clicked on a funnies thread for a laugh and found some soft porn. Guess it's not really my kind of place anymore. Bowsite is getting Californicated.
Oh, the people that are so sensitive... One can only rehash so much about best bow, arrow, tactic, etc., until it's beating a dead horse,,, man up and grow some...
Not offended one bit. But I sure can appreciate Apaul's comment.
Maybe Pat’s a genius? Created the perfect site. Political news, bow hunting talk, and porn all at 1 spot. Should be in the ahead of his time thread.
Supernaut, that's a classic! Love that one every time it pops up.
Waiting to see some funny Leap Year(Leap Day?)jokes...
Just a reminder, are you gonna buy into an annual subscription of any kind? Do it on February 29, you might get it free for the next four years based on poor coding.