Mathews Inc.
Think this will make a difference?
Contributors to this thread:
Medicinemann 31-Jan-24
Medicinemann 31-Jan-24
Medicinemann 31-Jan-24
EmptyFreezer 31-Jan-24
Beendare 31-Jan-24
Beendare 31-Jan-24
Ed 31-Jan-24
Ed 31-Jan-24
Rgiesey 31-Jan-24
Topper 31-Jan-24
Straight Shooter 31-Jan-24
Paul@thefort 31-Jan-24
LUNG$HOT 31-Jan-24
Tilzbow 31-Jan-24
sasquatch 01-Feb-24
Nomad 01-Feb-24
Nomad 01-Feb-24
Nomad 01-Feb-24
fuzzy 01-Feb-24
Jaquomo 01-Feb-24
Brotsky 01-Feb-24
TreeWalker 01-Feb-24
sticksender 01-Feb-24
Jaquomo 01-Feb-24
Missouribreaks 01-Feb-24
Missouribreaks 01-Feb-24
Mule Power 01-Feb-24
Jaquomo 01-Feb-24
drycreek 01-Feb-24
Beendare 02-Feb-24
Missouribreaks 02-Feb-24
Mint 02-Feb-24
HDE 02-Feb-24
spike buck 03-Feb-24
spike buck 03-Feb-24
Missouribreaks 03-Feb-24
APauls 03-Feb-24
From: Medicinemann
Regarding the mindset of the non-hunting American public, do you think that these types of articles will make a difference, regarding future wolf debates?

From: Medicinemann
Damn it, let me find the link again.....

From: Medicinemann

Medicinemann's Link

From: EmptyFreezer
I believe the people that want wolves could care less about elk, bison or deer. Much like California, the city libtards have protected mountain lion, bobcat, wolves and pedophiles. They want it because hunters and conservatives don't. These articles show they are winning. Its disgusting.. Welcome to the USA. Geez, do i sound a bit jaded??

From: Beendare
Ooops, the unintended consequences of the idiot anti hunters and Climate 'Sky is falling' hacks are piling up.The inmates have taken over the asylum.

But then Biden just 2 months ago told us the most dire problem we have is Climate change.

From: Beendare
And No, it won't make any difference.

Have you seen the policy decisions these idiots deflect, ignore and defend? We have a track record of these wolves destruction....and what does Colorado do?

From: Ed
I don't think so. I spent a lot of time in northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and the wolf problems in both states are no joke. This has been going on in Minnesota longer than Wisconsin and has wiped out the moose. The ardent wolf supporters can't be reasoned with, and the average citizen doesn't understand or care. All are suspicious of us that we only care about killing the animals ourselves. They don't understand that leaving nature to itself in this case is nuts.

From: Ed
Oh yeah. Both states were able to over-ride the wolf protection, and allow least in the recent past. This was a start, but it's going to take more shooting and time to get the deer/moose back.

From: Rgiesey
We had an incredible moose population in the Yellowstone region. Mostly gone and nobody says anything.

From: Topper
Ed - FWI Minnesota has not had a wolf hunt in 10 years and with the current wolf plan it doesn't look like there is going to be one any time soon.

Holy crap Jake, it took you three tries to post this??? ??

From: Paul@thefort
"mind set of the American Public" So, like this initiative in Oregon, one would never have thought 40 years ago, an initiative like this would show its ugly face but here it is. Hunting is next Nation wide, and on many anti hunting organizations minds and play books. Re Wild America, Replace hunters with wolves, ban mt lion hunting, ban all trapping, etc, etc, Here in Colorado due to Ballot Initiatives, we lost trapping, spring bear hunting and the use of dogs, reintroduction of wolves, and currently, a ban on mt lion hunting and hunting and trapping of bobcats. What is next????

PORTLAND Oregon — An animal rights ballot initiative is underway in Oregon that seeks to make hunting, fishing and raising cattle for slaughter illegal.

Initiative Petition 3 (IP3) criminalizes injuring or intentionally killing animals, including utilizing breeding practices and raising/killing livestock for food. Originally intended for Oregon’s November 2022 election, proponents regrouped and filed a ballot initiative for the 2024 November general election.

To qualify, they must deliver 120,413 signatures for verification to the Oregon Secretary of State by July 5, 2024. Proponents say they’ve gathered just over 30,000 as of the end of July.

If passed, IP3 would remove the exemption for hunting, fishing, and trapping from Oregon’s animal cruelty laws, meaning that any practice that involves the intentional injury of an animal would be criminalized.

IP3 would also prohibit ranchers from raising cattle and other livestock with the intent of breeding them and/or going to market. Instead, proponents say on the Yes on I3 website “encourage ranchers to transition to an alternative agriculture practice” or “help operate an animal sanctuary.”

The initiative would also force the Future Farmers of America, 4-H and similar organizations as well as rodeos to “adapt” their programs and procedures to be in compliance or they too would be criminalized.

“We’re asking Oregon voters to support our initiative because doing so would extend the same legal protections that our companion animals have to animals currently on farms, in research labs, in exhibitions, and out in the wild.” said David Michelson, who leads “Yes on IP3”. “We believe it is possible to create a world where our own needs for food, clothing, entertainment, etc. do not come at the expense of an animal’s need for life and bodily autonomy. Voting in favor of our initiative would help move society away from the routine killing of animals, and allow us to collectively strengthen our compassion for the sentient beings with whom we share our planet.”

^^^The mentally ill and unstable at work. How in the hell did we as a society come to allow such stupidity as the norm. God help us.

From: Tilzbow
Won’t make any more of a difference than the wild (feral) horses destroying the range in Nevada and replacing native species such as mule deer, sheep, pronghorn and elk. Now if we could teach wolves to only kill feral horses and establish a population of these horse eating wolves in Nevada and a handful of other western states impacted by feral horses we’d be getting somewhere! Plus imagine the dilemma this would create of the wolf and feral horse lovers…. I can dream, right?

From: sasquatch
Lung$shot, how this happened you ask?

By slowly becoming more and more gay as a society, literally.

"Regarding the mindset of the non-hunting American public, do you think that these types of articles will make a difference, regarding future wolf debates?"

it might...but not unless its picked up by outlets other than those geared to hunters.

if a tree falls in the woods...and nobody is there to hear it...

From: Nomad
Soon after it will be illegal to grow your own food. If you can hunt, raise, kill, grow or harvest your own food they can't control you. Like the American Indians & the buffalo.

Why do you think Bill Gates along with other elites & china are buying up large swathes of Ag land in the US?

From: Nomad
Also apathy & low information is killing us. When you only have 20% voter turnout & even less in off years this is what happens.

From: Nomad
Double post.

From: fuzzy
Not even a drop in the bucket IMO

From: Jaquomo
The urban-rural divide keeps widening. Not so much a geographical divide, as an ideological one.

What have some of us been harping on for the past 25 years, and continually told by the "in your face" hunters that it doesn't matter what nonhunting voters think of us? Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Meanwhile, we have hunters voting for political candidates who are deep in the pockets of anti-hunting organizations. And we wonder why they keep gaining momentum..

From: Brotsky
After they eat all the ungulates we can just set out dog food for them.

From: TreeWalker
If it does not pay to have an animal, the only animals (domestic or wildlife) will be pets. If it pays, it stays.

Look at the tragedy in Africa where hunting was banned. Century old trees bull-dozed to convert to other uses such as domestic goats and the lions were poisoned to increase goat production. Cape buffalo were eliminated, too.

Then, look at South Africa where wildlife species paid their way through hunting and now are more animals than ever on what was formerly cattle ranches.

If my brother can no longer raise cattle, he is not creating a sanctuary on his nickel so he will plant row crops. The whitetail deer, rabbits, wild turkey, etc, will be displaced as row crops can be planted edge to edge of your property leaving no bushes, fencerow vegetation, etc.

We should not let the ballot box decide matters best left for biologists or doctors. Do better, America.

From: sticksender
Look at the typical video on YouTube or Instagram that depicts wolves as charming, appealing, and cuddly....and notice how many views and likes that video will have. Always a yuuuuge number. The average public is hopelessly entranced by the notion of wolves as lovable house-pets. And similarly they love bears, lions, and all the cuddly mammal predators. Especially when they're shown with young or depicted with an anthropomorphic bent. This is the urban public's mindset in play and probably always will be. Seldom in the big venues would you see wolves depicted in their ripping a newborn bison calf or moose calf into bite-size pieces.

From: Jaquomo
There is a Facebook group called Colorado Wolf Tracker, which is supposed to keep track of actual sightings (since CPW won't tell anyone where they are..) The comments and arguments by the wolf lovers are really telling in their unbelievable ignorance, but more importantly, their openness about hatred toward hunters and ranchers.

The non hunting voter is far more important to our cause than the antihunter. Hunters behavior on social media is less than impressive to either group.

Actually, hunters fail to impress in many ways.

From: Mule Power
The first reply from empty freezer nailed it. They do not give a shit about that. You could show those people videos of wolves ripping an elk calf out of the uterus of a live cow and it wouldn’t change their mindset for a second. Wolves are their Allah.

From: Jaquomo
I post photos of wolves doing nasty, gruesome things all the time on the governor's husband's FB page where all the anti-hunting sycophants hang out. They think it's great that wolves do this instead of hunters, who get enjoyment out of killing for fun.

From: drycreek
No. I heard just last week that they were wondering where all the elk went. Idiots !

From: Beendare
The reintro of wolves was a genius plan by the antis. It has hunters arguing in stores all while a deadly predator, runs rampant reduces the need for hunting seasons as a control.

And, now the Swifties want to expand the range of the wolves. We all know why.

From: Mint
They will only change when it affects them personally. If and when wolves start preying on tourists to the park then something will change. I hunt deer out in the Hamptons and 20 years ago all the locals were against you hunting deer. Now with lyme disease and there expensive bushes being decimated I would say at least 1/2 have changed their attitude and want all the deer gone.

From: HDE
No, because these types of articles rarely appear in publications they read.

And, when they do, it's too late.

From: spike buck
Recent picture taken from Yellowstone.

From: spike buck

spike buck's embedded Photo
spike buck's embedded Photo
Yellowstone last week....

"The reintro of wolves was a genius plan by the antis. It has hunters arguing in stores all while a deadly predator, runs rampant reduces the need for hunting seasons as a control."

might be more truth to this than you know...but it might not be the antis that are behind it.

has anyone ever considered that maybe the game departments are behind this...or at least not pushing back on it because they see the trends in both hunter numbers and hunter behavior and they are coming to the conclusion that long term...something is going to have to be done to control game populations?

Yes Ricky. And remember, game managers like predators because they have no boundaries and therefore can control game on private property as well as public lands. And, predators do not complain about access, etc, etc as human hunters do. Unfortunately, I can see their logic.

From: APauls
Why would they? They’re 3-D printing meat and getting rid of cows.

We talk about the idiots not knowing “where meat comes from,” but soon they will claim that eating meat is unethical and not needed. Wolves are a much lesser issue than the voting majority claiming no need for meat period just you wait.

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