Mathews Inc.
Thoughts on age
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Shug 01-Feb-24
Shug 01-Feb-24
Shug 01-Feb-24
fuzzy 01-Feb-24
drycreek 01-Feb-24
Insheart 01-Feb-24
Scoot 01-Feb-24
Rgiesey 01-Feb-24
Jimmyjumpup 01-Feb-24
BwanaND 01-Feb-24
RonP 01-Feb-24
greg simon 01-Feb-24
12yards 01-Feb-24
Shug 01-Feb-24
milnrick 01-Feb-24
Bwhnt 01-Feb-24
Bent arrow 01-Feb-24
arlone 02-Feb-24
Shug 02-Feb-24
DL 02-Feb-24
Lee 13-Feb-24
Bow Crazy 26-Feb-24
Corax_latrans 26-Feb-24
Jack Harris 26-Feb-24
Jack Harris 26-Feb-24
Corax_latrans 26-Feb-24
From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
Don’t have any live photos but by tooth wear what do ya think this bucks age is? Also one odd thing is how he had excessive wear inline mid jaw which I thought was odd..

Teeth are being sent out to be aged.. Just thought I’d get opinions here…

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo

From: fuzzy
Wow! 6 plus is my best guess

From: drycreek
Depending on soils where he lived, between 6 and 8. He was certainly a mature buck. Jawbone aging has been proven to be only about 50% accurate and cementum annuli not much better at 60%.

From: Insheart
Hmmmm, I've never seen anything like that before. Must be the spot where he mostly chews on sticks??

From: Scoot
Shug- my thought is that you are pretty darn old. Looking older all the time (kinda like me). :)

From: Rgiesey
My experience is that age is bad

From: Jimmyjumpup
Being a dentist I would crown all of those teeth. Severe wear.

From: BwanaND
Perhaps wear from the bit? ;-)

From: RonP
what part of the country? :)

From: greg simon
It looks like he might have fractured those two teeth. I don't see any way that could be a bilateral wear pattern unless there is a serious malformation of the maxilla.

From: 12yards
As old as the dirt in the background. LOL. Looks old to me.

From: Shug
Ty guys except the mean ones… Ron Mexico

From: milnrick
I'm in Drycreek's camp. 6-8... leaning closer to 6 though.

From: Bwhnt
He is old as he is gonna get

From: Bent arrow
Agein sucks. Me est 8 at least.

From: arlone
I like the "bit" explanation, was he shot around Christmas? Did he have a red nose, cause I have read somewhere that the other 8 are all females?

From: Shug
Thanks guys.. Bwana.. no not a bit

Is kinda odd though

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
This buck I shot was nearing the end. He had front teeth missing.

From: Lee
When I see a deer like that come through the check station I just put 8.5+ in my data sheet. I can’t age them past that. Old deer for sure.


From: Bow Crazy
I agree with Lee and others, that is an old deer. 8+ if not 10+. I would say it pretty rare to see teeth wear like that. I have been aging deer using the TWM and have only come across one dee like that. It was a dead doe someone found in an urban setting/no hunting allowed. The fourth tooth in the mouth, the first molar, is the oldest tooth in a deer mouth. So, one would expect that one to look the roughest on an old monarch. BC

Head-shot(s) gone wrong?

From: Jack Harris

Jack Harris's embedded Photo
Jack Harris's embedded Photo
Can anyone guess the age of this mature buck?

From: Jack Harris
and that was a little TBM retro-humor, for those that recall....

Head-shot(s) gone wrong?

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