Sitka Gear
Whitetail does running in circles.
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowyer 03-Feb-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Feb-24
t-roy 03-Feb-24
DonVathome 03-Feb-24
Medicinemann 03-Feb-24
scentman 03-Feb-24
Bake 03-Feb-24
Zbone 03-Feb-24
Zbone 03-Feb-24
Basil 03-Feb-24
APauls 03-Feb-24
grizzly 03-Feb-24
Kurt in Memphis 03-Feb-24
BullBuster 04-Feb-24
walking buffalo 04-Feb-24
Ironbow 04-Feb-24
Zbone 04-Feb-24
bowhunter24 05-Feb-24
12yards 05-Feb-24
From: Bowyer
We live in South Central Illinois where we have a relatively small farm and hay operation. We watch deer behavior all year long and photograph and video deer often. One humorous behavior that we enjoy is in the mid winter when there are absolutely no insects or flies and we observe small groups of three to six does suddenly begin to sprint in large circles as if playing or frisking. This happens with relative frequency and is amazing. Years ago when we first saw this we were quite startled but have grown used to it, however it never grows old. We would enjoy hearing from others who have observed this odd behavior.

See it often outside of the rut. Deer are social animals. And social animals play together.

From: t-roy
I’ve seen deer do this as well, but have only seen a single deer at a time doing it, other than a pair one time. Feeling their oats, I guess.

From: DonVathome
It sounds like they are learning in from each other. Kind of like pods of killer whales all have different languages and hunting style. I have seen deer do that a couple times but not often. 6 month old deer seem to play more than adults. I have watched elk do it, looked like young elk, splashing and playing when they came in to water. Really cool to watch!

From: Medicinemann
I had several deer doing that this Fall.....but it didn't seem playful, it seemed urgent. Two minutes later I had a black bear walk out right (18 yards away) where some of them had ran......

From: scentman
As you stated, no bugs or flies... also noticed when weather was nice for deer and food sources were opening up. Also when they feel safe they are content and happy.

From: Bake
I’ve even got trail cam pics of a 3 year old buck doing it. He was splashing in a puddle in a late summer cool snap. I think deer do it when the weather is nice and they’re not so worried about food or heat or bugs

From: Zbone
Got a cool summertime trail-cam video of a buck in velvet teasing 3 turkey gobblers or 3 turkeys teasing a buck, whichever way it was...8^)

From: Zbone

Zbone's embedded Photo
Zbone's embedded Photo

From: Basil
Yep. Can have a bunch of mean does fighting at my feeder. Quite often a fawn will start running around playing & pretty soon they all join in quite often. Seems to happen more towards spring here. Quite entertaining

From: APauls
Last fall I seen a doe sprinting full sprint in about a 300 yard circle until she was tired and laboured breathing. Then she stood still as a statue for 10 mins then suddenly started sprinting again. Me thinks this was something slightly different than what you’re saying…

From: grizzly
Maybe its a way to make sure their muscles will work when they need them. Unlike the exercise us keyboard Olympians are getting.

I saw several yearling deer running in circles for 10-15 minutes in a kudzu field. They were just like kids playing chase with each other. They would switch who was chasing and who was getting chased. Reminded me of my 8 month old golden retriever when she gets the 'zoomies.' Their size was similar to my dog as well. Very fun to watch them.

From: BullBuster
See it all the time, especially in summer. Usually young deer and seems to irritate the older deer but sometimes the elders finally get coaxed into joining the fun. Seen up to 7 or 8 deer joining in.

Girls just wanna have fun....

From: Ironbow
Watched a button buck harass a couple of turkeys one time. It was really funny.

From: Zbone
Yeah Ironbow those button bucks can be mischievous and fun to watch... One fall watched 4 coon cubs on their own and a button buck on is own go round and round, bout laughed out loud while in a tree stand... I was in a pinch point and the coon where coming from my left and the button was coming from my right and the met right in front of me only a few yards away... It was funny great...8^)

From: bowhunter24
While in the stand several years ago I heard the leaves rustling, grabbed my bow, only to see a heifer chasing a doe. Lasted for several minutes...

From: 12yards
I witnessed that one time while hunting and thought "what in the heck is wrong with that animal!"

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