Mathews Inc.
change vanes
Contributors to this thread:
boly 13-Feb-24
Bou'bound 13-Feb-24
boly 13-Feb-24
Blood 13-Feb-24
Ironbow 13-Feb-24
Blood 13-Feb-24
sundowner 13-Feb-24
x-man 13-Feb-24
Empty Freezer 13-Feb-24
12yards 13-Feb-24
Ambush 13-Feb-24
Zbone 13-Feb-24
RJ Hunt 13-Feb-24
boly 13-Feb-24
Murph 13-Feb-24
fdp 13-Feb-24
Blood 13-Feb-24
x-man 14-Feb-24
LeeBuzz 14-Feb-24
midwest 15-Feb-24
From: boly
I am currently shooting Blazer vanes in a three fletch done with an Arizona mini max true helical. I want to change to something different. I am considering the AAE hybrid 26 or the Q2i fusion II same fletching configuration. The broadheads i use are the Magnus Snuffer SS 125, Iron Will 125 solid, and the Magnus black hornet 125 4 blade serrazor. Please give me your ideas on which to go to as I cannot decide. Thanks

From: Bou'bound
what problem with Blazers are you trying to solve for. That will help in prescribing the alternative.

From: boly
They are ok but I am hoping for quieter and better control.

From: Blood

Blood's embedded Photo
Blood's embedded Photo
The Q2ii are super. Durable as anything I’ve tried. Fly very silent and so easy to fletch.

From: Ironbow
I tried both of the vanes you mentioned and really like the looks of the AAE vanes. After LOTS of testing I went back to the Blazers. While I don’t like the looks of the Blazers, they were more durable, better color retention, accuracy was excellent and stayed adhered better than the other two. I wouldn’t hesitate to use the other two vanes if Blazers were not available. Great vanes, I just felt in the end the Blazers were the best choice.

From: Blood
I forgot to mention, I have shot these with mechanical, fixed blade and COC BH’s with great accuracy. I have also messed around with arrow configuration and bow efficiency. And shooting at longer distances up to 115 yards. I have yet to have anything bad to say about these.

From: sundowner
Flex Fletch Silent Knight. 3 fletch. 3 degree offset. Make sure broadhead spin true.

From: x-man
Don't take this the wrong way but, if you're Blazers aren't controlling your arrows, you should fix that issue first.

You should check out the DCA Super Sabers. Works great with the Arizone EZ Fletch. my .02

From: 12yards
I love the sound of Blazers in the morning. It's the sound of death.....and victory. LOL. Just kidding, but I do use Blazers and like them a lot. They just flat out work and don't add a ton of weight to the back of the arrow. And, I'm not a big believer in loud vanes spooking animals.

From: Ambush
I quit Blazers dure to clearance issues. I went with the QII's in a four fletch with good results. I recently had problem getting them so went with the Heat vanes in the same four fletch pattern. No difference as far as I can tell.

From: Zbone
I shoot traditional bows and last year set up an ILF recurve Hoyt Excel metal riser with elevated rest and want to try TAC Driver vanes.... Anybody shoot them?

From: RJ Hunt
For a fixed blade I have tried many a vanes and keep coming back to a 3 fletch 418 flex fletch with helical. Just works for me

From: boly
Thanks for the replies. This is a hard choice. What I might do is make up some arrows with each and then test them for control and sound. My bow is tuned and I don't have issues with the Blazers, I just want to change.

From: Murph
Never hurts to tinker I’ve tried them all currently shooting 2.25 TAC driver 4 fletch shoots very well fletched with a left helical great control with fixed and mechanicals and extremely durable if you fletch them as per their instructions

From: fdp
Control/steering comes from surface area. The more surface area the more steering.

From: Blood
The AAE vanes will be loud. Not as loud as your blazers, but you’ll hear them very well.

From: x-man
"Control/steering comes from surface area. The more surface area the more steering."

Sort of... The more drag, the more steering/control. The ratio of surface area relative to the stiffness of the material will help control the flight. Remember, the main function of fletching is to act as a parachute. Keeping the back of the arrow in back of the arrow. Field point arrows don't need any rotation, just drag. Large blade BH's need an amount of rotation to counter the front steering affect of the blades. It is that rotation that increases the noise. Use just enough rotation to stabilize the front wings(blades) but not too much rotation.

Blazers are very stiff, which is why they work so well for their small size. A softer, lower profile vane will be much quieter but, will require a much longer vane in order to achieve the same level of control.

From: LeeBuzz
Shooting: Griz Trick 100, 3 fletch Blazers R-helical, 4" wrap, 300 spine 29.5" shaft. I can see my arrow spin like it's chucked up in a drill and guided on a wire.

Makes a whooshing sound. But because of Dopplers effect coming at you there's little to no sound until almost impact. Standing out to the side while they go past is when they're the loudest.

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Same vane and configuration as Blood. Love them!

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