Mathews Inc.
Never been more Bow info
Contributors to this thread:
Beendare 13-Feb-24
Beendare 13-Feb-24
fdp 13-Feb-24
Blood 13-Feb-24
12yards 13-Feb-24
Tilzbow 14-Feb-24
midwest 14-Feb-24
Blood 14-Feb-24
DanaC 14-Feb-24
KHNC 15-Feb-24
Chris Walker 15-Feb-24
midwest 15-Feb-24
From: Beendare
Wow, there has never been more good bow information out there as there is now.

After a long stint of only shooting my recurve, I am picking up a compound and the set up and tuning information out there is incredible. Hoyt has detailed tuning and setup info and a diagram of exactly how their strings are made up.

PE has the same tuning guide and there are many SME’s on YouTube that show you the exact best setup- special thanks to John Dudley. His Nok On stuff is excellent.

Yeah, there is some junk out there too…but its the golden age of info for a guy that wants to set his bow up ….and shoot with good form.

From: Beendare

Beendare's Link
Well…I made an attempt to talk Bowhunting on Bowsite.grin

Link is to one of Dudleys setup vids. He has another on Jocko’s bow that is excellent.

From: fdp
There is actually so much information out there that it can become overwhelming for someone just starting out.

I enjoy sorting through it though.

From: Blood
Yes I agree. You can find enough info online to setup, tune and shoot your bow. You never need to visit a pro shop for anything any longer, except to purchase a bow. It’s a very good resource.

From: 12yards
I agree Blood, if you have a bow press.

From: Tilzbow
Along with a press a draw board is mandatory, too.

From: midwest
Paige Pearce also has some excellent bow set up and tuning content.

From: Blood
Yes, I meant to add, you can buy everything you need (new or used) to have your own personal shop in your house and do all your tinkering and tuning…..and your friend’s bows and arrows too :)

From: DanaC
Great short videos on youtube once you sort through the dross. Jake Kaminski and Levi Morgan both have good channels, just for starters.

From: KHNC
Yes, if you have a bow press, a vise, arrow level, draw board, paper tune setup and a chronograph, no need at all to go to a shop! What a wonderful time it is! :)

Agree good info out there. But to a few others point, gonna take some $ in equipment to do what they do. I did see a good hack on a bow vise using a bike vise from I believe Rockbros, $35.

From: midwest
Can't imagine having to take my bow to the shop every time I need to do anything to it. Start with a press and add an item or two every year. I just upgraded my vise from the homemade ones I've been using to a BAP. Next, I'll upgrade my drawboard from the homemade one I currently have.

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