2024 Colorado OTC Elk - New Regs
Contributors to this thread:Elk
From: cnelk
From: hobbes
I've not paid attention to this map in a while but looks like they are cramming 10 lbs of OTC hunters into a 5 lb bag, unless I've really forgotten what the OTC area map used to look like.
From: cnelk
Here is the map from 2015
From: hobbes
Yeah, that's what I recall. I left in 11.
From: hobbes
No argument from me but dwindling it down bit by bit has to be rough on the areas remaining open to it.
From: Glunt@work
Its like offroad trails. The more they close, the more the remaining open trails get used. The more they get used, the more issues arise that are used as reasons for them to be closed.
Resident archery OTC being restricted like it has over the last decade isnt solving anything.
From: IdyllwildArcher
Orion x 2
From: Aspen Ghost
Isn't that the same map as last year?
From: sasquatch
From: sticksender
FWIW, the map is unchanged from 2023.What DID change though, is that in the lower-demand limited hunts, NR's are now restricted to no more than 25% of the public licenses, a reduction from the former 35% ceiling.
From: cnelk
Another BIG change was eliminating OTC rifle in units in NW Colorado
From: Aspen Ghost
The 2024 brochure is now on the CPW website. I don't understand why there are still either-sex and cow permits for the Bears Ears and White River DAU units. There are even some list B cow permits. Makes no sense.
From: Pop-r
Between 09-10 is when the BIG change happened.
Looking at the draw stats it blows my mind how many people still applied for, drew and hunted the NW LE archery units. Why??
From: Deercy
The was a guy (fool) from Ohio on I hunt Colorado advising someone to burn 13 points on a 12 muzzleloader tag this year. I slid in and said personally I wouldn't advise it. He said there were more elk than normal there last year. The original poster thanked him profusely for the help.