Sitka Gear
More not politics
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
buckeye 17-Feb-24
Jaquomo 17-Feb-24
4nolz@work 17-Feb-24
buckeye 17-Feb-24
fdp 17-Feb-24
buckeye 17-Feb-24
4nolz@work 17-Feb-24
4nolz@work 17-Feb-24
fuzzy 17-Feb-24
Stephengiles 17-Feb-24
From: buckeye
I'm really interested in getting into muzzleloaders. Specifically percussion cap style. Couple questions,, a 38 caliber is the smallest I can use on deer here in Ohio, can I use this on squirrel without blowing them into smithereens? I'm guessing I'm going to have to get two calibers, a 32 for squirrels and a 50 for deer, more the merrier right? I want to cast my own round balls and at some point experiment with making my own powder.

Can anyone recommend a good kit and or supplier for lead, powder and such? I think a kit would be a fun build.

From: Jaquomo

From: 4nolz@work
I come here to talk politics not guns :)

From: buckeye
I know it's not bowhunting, my apologies.

From: fdp
Check out Dixie Gun Works.

From: buckeye
Thanks Frank

From: 4nolz@work
I haven't looked in awhile but there used to be a huge excellent forum called grey beard outdoors

From: 4nolz@work
I looked it's still there but much more than muzzleloaders now

"I come here to talk politics not guns"

is there a difference? :)

From: fuzzy

From: Stephengiles
People use 40 caliber for both with much success. If you enjoy them like I do save your pennies for a smoothbore flinter in .62 and you can add turkey to the list.

  • Sitka Gear