Sitka Gear
Az credit cards getting hit
Contributors to this thread:
Huntcell 21-Feb-24
PushCoArcher 21-Feb-24
EZBreazy 21-Feb-24
PushCoArcher 21-Feb-24
pav 21-Feb-24
patience2spare 21-Feb-24
Billyvanness 21-Feb-24
Treeline 21-Feb-24
rebelmdb 21-Feb-24
KY EyeBow 21-Feb-24
WI Shedhead 21-Feb-24
Treeline 21-Feb-24
WapitiBob 21-Feb-24
Brotsky 21-Feb-24
antlerless 21-Feb-24
Jason Stafford 21-Feb-24
Scoot 21-Feb-24
bird dog 21-Feb-24
EZBreazy 21-Feb-24
Scoot 21-Feb-24
Tejas 21-Feb-24
Bake 21-Feb-24
Olink 21-Feb-24
ElkWhisperer 21-Feb-24
808bowhunter 21-Feb-24
t-roy 22-Feb-24
BULELK1 22-Feb-24
In2dmtns 22-Feb-24
ElkNut1 22-Feb-24
Medicinemann 22-Feb-24
Huntcell 22-Feb-24
Cheesehead Mike 22-Feb-24
Cheesehead Mike 22-Feb-24
Treeline 22-Feb-24
bigbuck 22-Feb-24
TXCO 23-Feb-24
T-rex 23-Feb-24
Junior 23-Feb-24
Cheesehead Mike 23-Feb-24
midwest 23-Feb-24
WapitiBob 23-Feb-24
Rgiesey 23-Feb-24
Ron Niziolek 23-Feb-24
bigbuck 23-Feb-24
WapitiBob 23-Feb-24
bigbuck 24-Feb-24
c3 24-Feb-24
StickFlicker 24-Feb-24
BOHNTR 26-Feb-24
Treeline 26-Feb-24
Billyvanness 26-Feb-24
Bowcrazy 26-Feb-24
pav 26-Feb-24
midwest 26-Feb-24
TOPPIN19 26-Feb-24
Huntcell 26-Feb-24
creed 27-Feb-24
Scott/IL 27-Feb-24
hunting dad 27-Feb-24
bird dog 27-Feb-24
StickFlicker 28-Feb-24
From: Huntcell
Just got notice Az Fish and Game placed a credit card charge ! Wow second year in a row.

From: PushCoArcher
Hope you're kidding if not no luck here.

From: EZBreazy
No. He isn’t kidding. My card got hit this morning also.

From: PushCoArcher
Dang well congrats to the lucky ones.

From: pav
My credit card just got hit for AZ elk.

Yes, Paul!!!! This is shaping up to be an incredible year for you!!! Happy for you! Pete

Good lord I’ve been hit…

From: Treeline
Got a hit. Just not sure for what yet! Applied for myself and my boy...

From: rebelmdb
Oh man the suspense and excitement is going to be brutal today!

From: KY EyeBow
BOOM! AZ is new to me. How do we know which choice we got drawn for?

From: WI Shedhead
Anyone remember how long it takes for them to complete the process? Assuming they didn’t have any hiccups

From: Treeline
The big suspense starts now... Hopefully they post results soon!

From: WapitiBob
Hit for my 2nd AZ archery Elk tag; 11 points the first time, 12 this time. Portal should be updated next week, after they backfill for bounced cards.

From: Brotsky
They must have forgotten my number! :(

From: antlerless
Got a hit. Hopefully I used my 25 points wisely.....

WI Sheadhesd, last year I drew a random tag and didn’t get hit until later in the evening.

From: Scoot
Arizona hates me. I figured it would, but this confirms it. Add another state/draw cycle to the list of Scoot haters!!!

From: bird dog
I got hit today not sure if it’s me or the kid. But I know I can’t wait to find out.

From: EZBreazy
Bird Dog. Same for me. There is me and 3 kids that have apps. Will just have to wait for Portal to see who goes. Good luck!

From: Scoot
Congrats to all you guys with the good news on this!

From: Tejas
Is it pretty much over in one day? Seems like they knock it out pretty fast best I remember?

From: Bake
Nothing. I thought we were a lock

From: Olink
It looks like I now have 23 elk points. Ugh.

I’m going to Arizona I’m stoked!!!

From: 808bowhunter
My partner got a hit on his card. 2 points but a great unit! Looks like I’m cameraman this season

From: t-roy
808……Hopefully your elk video turns out better than your moose hunting one. That would probably take having an up close jaguar encounter, along with a shootout between you guys and a Mexican drug cartel, though!

Nothing Pending this early AM

Happy for all that drew------->

Good luck, Robb

From: In2dmtns
Congrats to the lucky ones. Good luck this year.

From: ElkNut1
Keep your hopes alive guys! When I drew a couple seasons ago our card wasn't hit until 30 days after the regular draws, you just never know! Good luck!


From: Medicinemann
Like WapitiBob mentioned, you were probably fortunate to secure a tag as a result of backfill.....due to another hunters credit card issues.

From: Huntcell
I have been contacted two times early sept about being next inline for a returned tag . I had to refuse as I was in other states on hunts.

So there is a chance up to a week before season opens.

My dashboard says "pending" does that mean anything? Card hasn't been hit...yet...

Thanks, that's what I was thinking...

From: Treeline
Well, I got to thinking and looked at the charge amount… Guess I’ll be hunting elk this fall in one of the top units…

From: bigbuck
not looking good bud but still holding out hope!!!!

From: TXCO
Sadly no charge here. Point creep got me at 14 points

From: T-rex
I have a buddy that's card was hit for $100. Is that just a placeholder until the take the full amount or are you guys getting hit for the full tag price?

I don't have anything pending on my end.

From: Junior
Should be full amout.

The last time I drew Arizona in 2021 I was pretty confident that I would draw because I had enough points. There was a thread just like this back then and some were saying that their cards had gotten hit. Others were disappointed because their cards hadn't gotten hit yet. My card did not get hit until much later and I'm thinking I actually got the notification from AZ before I noticed the charge on my card.

From: midwest
I set my card so I get notifications of charges over a certain amount.

From: WapitiBob
It's over except for re issue of tags that had cards rejected. Later in the year you could get a turned back tag as well.

From: Rgiesey
Good deal Tavis!

From: Ron Niziolek
Congrats to all who drew. Tavis, already looking forward to some photos!

From: bigbuck
I have a question that maybe someone can answer, Do they award turned in tags by first pass or second pass numbers ? Then they must know by the end of the draw who are the first ones in line for a tag should they get turned in. The reason I ask is I have seen where people where called and this happened to me 3 years ago a week before the season ,I had to turn it down as I couldn't put the hunt together that soon Had i had known I would of had at least a go plan I asked if she thought I would draw the following year in the first pass she said I should so assumed it was first pass that they awarded the surrended tag which should have gotten on the next year. You would think that they could also notify like saying alternate on portal so someone could a least have a go plan should it happen . many of the other draws that I enter do that.

From: WapitiBob
If a tag is pulled because of a declined card that was drawn in the bonus pass, the 1st alternate for that pass will be given that persons tag (tags are numbered and issued in sequence). The same happens for the 1-2 pass. That's how it was explained to me when I was the 1st alternate and subsequently issued a bonus pass tag from a NR who's card was declined (tag no 11).

From: bigbuck
Thanks guys!! After reading several times in this thread and others of guys notified so close to the start of the season and having to turn it down because of the short notice they must know who would be eligible for any additional available tags at the end of the draw I know its a little more work but it would be so helpful know that you possibly still had a opportunity even up to the season start, Of course I know most are going to wait till the absolute last minute to turn in a tag !!

From: c3
Congrats guys, I'm on 17 points now.

Cheers, Pete

From: StickFlicker
WapitiBob, While that may have been true at one time, I'm not sure that it still is and may not have ever been done that way regardless of what G&F says. I've heard of several people getting returned tags with a very low permit number, that would indicate that it was a tag that had originally gone in the bonus pass round, but the person that received the tag did not have nearly enough bonus points to have been in the bonus pass. Secondly, I think all of that methodology may have gone out the window when they instituted the PointGuard Plus plan. Per the G&F website:

"Those who purchase PointGuard Plus will receive priority positioning for the reissuing of hunt permit-tags that are surrendered by PointGuard members and non-members alike."

It's possible that they still issue the returned tags in the order of people that would have been next up to draw that hunt, but skip over those that didn't buy PointGuard Plus?

Portal is up to see exactly which unit you drew.

From: Treeline
Cool. Drew archery Unit 1, 2, & 2C. Should be a fun hunt!

Well Tavis we’re not too far apart…haha

From: Bowcrazy
Drew unit 8. Never hunted Az before should be fun.

From: pav
Same as Bowcrazy...Unit 8.

From: midwest
Congrats Tavis!

From: TOPPIN19
Drew 6A early archery Bull. I have plenty of time to scout. It will have lots of hunters but has lots of elk also. Any help on were to focus would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Good luck to everyone and be safe.

From: Huntcell
unit 22 early archery! drew last year ,used Point Guard and donated tag to Wounded Warriors Project. could actually do that 2 more times under the Point Guard system. will use tag this year.

Darn, hitting Arizona cards? Mine are Michigan cards. I’m out of luck.

From: creed
I have hunted 8 a few times. It's always my 2nd choice

From: Scott/IL
Another year of points here it looks like. Congrats to all who drew! Should be some good write ups this fall with some of those hunts. I’ll be sitting on 10 points next year and likely still a long ways from the tag I want.

From: hunting dad
My clan drew 9 tags total this year. 8 archery bull and 1 rifle bull. All for the same unit. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. A neighbor drew an early rifle bull tag with only his hunter ed point. First try! I guess all those points aren't needed after all.

From: bird dog
My kid and Godson drew some anterless tags for unit 9. They are stoked for fall.

From: StickFlicker
Huntcell, I believe you're mistaken about your being able to turn your tag in two more times. You can only do it once and get your points restored. The second time your tag and points would be gone.

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