Mathews Inc.
What Mt throws some NR a bone!
Contributors to this thread:
Huntcell 28-Feb-24
Rut Nut 29-Feb-24
Scrappy 29-Feb-24
Vonfoust 29-Feb-24
Grey Ghost 29-Feb-24
Vonfoust 29-Feb-24
KHNC 29-Feb-24
Highlife 29-Feb-24
Scoot 29-Feb-24
KHNC 29-Feb-24
808bowhunter 29-Feb-24
wildwilderness 29-Feb-24
Pop-r 29-Feb-24
DonVathome 01-Mar-24
Scrappy 01-Mar-24
Mule Power 01-Mar-24
DonVathome 01-Mar-24
From: Huntcell
March 1st starts new Mt app and license year. Landowning NR get priority. Will other states step up? Since the usually diatribe is other states are charging more for NR tags and or other states have lower NR quota.

A few changes:

Also new this year, nonresidents who own at least 2,500 contiguous acres may qualify for priority in drawing a nonresident Big Game or Elk Combination License.

More information can be found here:

From: Rut Nut
Who owns 2500 acres???!! Don’t think that’s gonna be a lot of folks.............

From: Scrappy
So your saying the NR super rich is getting preferential treatment. Ok got it......

From: Vonfoust
Note to self: Get super rich, buy 2500 acres in MT. NR problem solved.

From: Grey Ghost
2500 acres is an average size ranch in Montana. I know that's hard for east coast boys to fathom.

From: Vonfoust
If I was a resident, making a living on 2500 acres, great. Being a non-resident and owning an average size ranch in MT is a luxury.

Edit: Quick Google search is showing a sold ranch 2300 acres at $2.5 million.

From: KHNC
I wont ever apply to MT's joke of an app process. I let my points go few years ago when it changed. So that may help the odds for someone. However, I still apply for NM and WY every year. Occasionally, Colorado to keep my points intact.

From: Highlife

From: Scoot
MT has gotten really good at catering to the rich and the outfitters. Some of this catering occurs for the rich through the outfitter application process. This is just another example.

From: KHNC
"Kenny there's a positive Cody post listed ;)"

I try not to read post's that are lies. HAHA! :)

From: 808bowhunter
That is ridiculous. That hurts majority of NR catering to the rich. Its like how every rich person who owns a beach house vacation rental in Hawaii thinks the should get a local discount!

If a 2,300 acre ranch sold for $2,500,000 that's only $1,087 per acre- very cheap compared to Midwestern farm standards where $5,000++ is common....

From: Pop-r
I would figure the average sized ranch in MT is much larger than 2,500 acres. Not counting "hobby ranches."

From: DonVathome
I am very confused with MT elk NR point system. I want to draw a "general" elk tag. Hopefully I said that correctly. I got a point last Nov (aprox $103). I apply alone and I am hoping to draw this year. I believe I can buy another point THEN apply right? That way I have 2 points for this year draw. What are my draw odds?

From: Scrappy
Don last year 2 points had about a 82% chance of drawing. People are saying 2 points this year will most likely drop a bit to the low 70% range. Not 100% certain but I believe your correct on being able to purchase another point when you apply. Butttttt remember this is Montana we are discussing. They have proven over and over they will give out tags to who they want:):):)

From: Mule Power
Once again, the rich prevail. I hope they still have to qualify by having a certain amount of animals on their property for a specified amount of time, making them eligible for a tag.

From: DonVathome
Thanks Scrappy!

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