Sitka Gear
Info on 201 in Co is this a good Yr
Contributors to this thread:
Drop Tine 02-Mar-24
Grey Ghost 02-Mar-24
KHunter 02-Mar-24
Bent arrow 02-Mar-24
In2dmtns 02-Mar-24
Aspen Ghost 02-Mar-24
Quinn @work 02-Mar-24
JohnMC 02-Mar-24
JohnMC 02-Mar-24
JohnMC 02-Mar-24
Aspen Ghost 02-Mar-24
Orion 02-Mar-24
Pop-r 03-Mar-24
Grey Ghost 03-Mar-24
Grey Ghost 03-Mar-24
Grey Ghost 03-Mar-24
Beendare 03-Mar-24
Jaquomo 03-Mar-24
cnelk 03-Mar-24
Jaquomo 03-Mar-24
redneck hunter 04-Mar-24
Treeline 04-Mar-24
Jaquomo 04-Mar-24
Who Cares 04-Mar-24
Treeline 04-Mar-24
Jaquomo 04-Mar-24
808bowhunter 04-Mar-24
In2dmtns 05-Mar-24
Who Cares 05-Mar-24
Pop-r 05-Mar-24
KHunter 05-Mar-24
Treeline 06-Mar-24
Aspen Ghost 06-Mar-24
From: Drop Tine

Drop Tine's embedded Photo
Drop Tine's embedded Photo
I have 26 pts Non Res l heard there was a huge winter kill a couple of years ago. Didn’t know if l should apply for the hunt this year or buy another point?

From: Grey Ghost
I'm not sure 26 points will get you a 201 tag. I think it was taking 30 points for non-residents to draw a few years ago. I haven't checked recently, but I'd be surprised if the minimum point requirement has lowered.

From: KHunter
Drop tine do you really think you have a shot this year?

You are A DECADE away from drawing any 201 tag with a wee 26 pref point stash in hand today. Suggest investing in draw odds software such as toprut or familiarizing with readily available draw stats on CPW site. No need to stumble forward not knowing.

you needed MORE than 30 points to draw any 201 bull tag last year.

From: Bent arrow
My bro was at 29 last yr. Didn't come close. He passed last winter. Don't wait 4 ever. Many great units w/ that many points.


FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo
FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo
Hunt 40 and be happy! Mike lawson!

From: In2dmtns
You could honestly never catch 201 with 26 non res points. Follow Forest advice. Or better yet dump them on 61 and go have a blast. Good luck

From: Aspen Ghost
It takes so many points to draw 201 that they are going to have to install wheelchair ramps, pave trails and ask the bulls to bugle louder.

Thats funny ^

From: Quinn @work
Take Forestbows and In2dmtns advice. Those are probably your best options.

Even if you can outlive the years of additional points it will take to draw 201 the CPW will have probably changed the draw system and or the wolves have slaughtered a good portion of the herd.

Hunt now.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's embedded Photo
JohnMC's embedded Photo
See stats but last year there was one non res tag it took 31 points. Also last year there were 17 people with more points than you that did not draw. Not to be bearer of bad news, but the odds of you drawing 201 anytime soon is slim to none.

From: JohnMC

JohnMC's Link
You can see all stats here, but you are years from drawing northwest corner. 201, 2, 10, 1. You really should look at 40, 61, 76. Either than or be very patient and hope you are still physically able to hunt those units in 10 years.

I think 40 is the best unit in the state. Easy terrain lots of bulls.

From: JohnMC
Forrest were you on private or public?

From: Aspen Ghost
Looking at the stats provided by John above there are actually 20 people with more points than you because those identified with 26 points now have 27 vs your 26. And that's only the people who bothered to apply. Others with more points didn't apply because they knew they wouldn't draw. So at 1 permit issued per year you are 20 years out minimum if all those people stay alive, healthy and interested in unit 201. It really is becoming a hunt for the elderly.

And who knows what could happen to 201. Wolves, disease, drought, fires, winter kill could all make it less desirable. And of course the CPW could change the rules and make all those points worth far less.

From: Orion
Looks like drop tine didn't do his research

I hunted both. Killed on private.

From: Pop-r
Did you find bulls on public Forest?

From: Grey Ghost
Yeah, 40 is a good unit, if you pay for private access, not so much for a public land hunt.

Lots of 300-310 bulls on public. Like alot. I called in 20 6x6s in the first3 days

When did you hunt 40 Matt?

From: Grey Ghost
Forrest, I personally haven't hunted it, but I did a fair amount of scouting there when I was nearing the level of points to draw it. I've also spoken with several hunters who have hunted it. Ultimately, I decided to hold out for unit 10 instead. Glad I did. Maybe 40 has improved since then.

Did you get a good bull in 10?

From: Grey Ghost
I killed my best ever bull in 10. Unfortunately, I liver shot him and it took 2 days to find him. By that time, the meat was spoiled by the heat and scavengers. So, it was a bittersweet conclusion to one of the best elk hunts I've ever had.

From: Beendare
Yeah, the reality of these units that don’t give out many tags is harsh….to think you have been applying for 26 years and you are still more than a decade away…possibly 2 decades- ouch

Dant it! Post a pic if ya got one. I hunted 10 for deer 3 years ago. Saw alot of elk and good Deer.

From: Jaquomo
My partner and I hunted 2 instead of 201 just because of the size of the respective units. While there are lots of "good" bulls (by CO standards), and a few giant bulls, the days of being able to flock shoot and hit a 350 went away with the big deliberate herd reduction starting 20 years ago. That said, we both killed 350+ bulls with recurves, but we got lucky and killed the two biggest bulls we saw or cammed.

From: cnelk
I remember applying for 201 way back when. Then I had enough PPs to draw unit 10.

That was 24 years ago

Post a pic of your Bull Lou

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Here ya go. 25 yard shot with a recurve my hunting partner built.


Dream bull Jaquomo.

From: Treeline
When I started applying for elk in Colorado, 6 points would get any unit in the state as a resident or nonresident. When I finally had 23 points, I could draw any archery hunt in the state.

I chose 2 for basically the same reasons as Lou. With a lot of time and effort, I was able to take a good bull with my homemade longbow with a day or two left in the season… Then used my antelope points a year later and got a good antelope up there. Learned a lot more about that country on the antelope hunt. It was a great experience!

It really is too bad that those units are getting out of reach for most for any species.

From: Jaquomo
Tavis, please post your bull pic as a reminder. That was an awesome bull!

From: Who Cares
A dandy, Lou!

From: Treeline

Treeline's embedded Photo
Treeline's embedded Photo
Treeline's embedded Photo
Treeline's embedded Photo

Treeline's Link
Sure, Lou.

Here’s my bull from unit 2 and a link to the recap I did on Bowsite.

From: Jaquomo
Yep, a serious "Wow" bull. We didn't see anything of that "next level" caliber during scouting or our hunt.

From: 808bowhunter
Monster bulls! Great looking country. But I got a better chance of drawing Nevada

From: In2dmtns
I remember reading about both of those bulls, but seeing them again, wow.

Congrats again to you both incredible bulls.

From: Who Cares
Wow! Awesome bull Tavis!

Holy Whale tails

From: Pop-r
I think Drop Tine may have dropped out.

From: KHunter
I think drop tiny was trolling

From: Treeline
Or he just figured out that at 26 points, he likely still can’t draw for another 10 years and gave up…

From: Aspen Ghost
He'll be back in 2034 to see if 36 points will do it. Then we'll tell him he needs 42.

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