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Oklahoma SB 1857
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Lost Arra 02-Mar-24
PushCoArcher 02-Mar-24
JohnMC 02-Mar-24
Lost Arra 02-Mar-24
From: Lost Arra
Doubles the price of non-resident deer tags and cuts bag limit in half. Senator Hamilton says it's a response to crowding of WMA's but I think he just applied for his first non resident elk tag somewhere in the mountain west.

From: PushCoArcher
You would think they'd reduce NR turkey licenses sales before deer if it was a management decision. Way more pressure on wma's during turkey then deer in my experience. You might be right about that elk tag funny either way.

From: JohnMC
Glad I have a lifetime license. Cutting bag limit for all or just non residents. If just non residents wonder if that applies to lifetime licenses holders? I don't really care as I have no desire to kill more than one deer when down there, unless I guess I saw a huge buck after already killing one. But I normal don't shoot one anyway unless he was pretty darn good anyways.

From: Lost Arra
Reduces bag limit for non residents. Unknown effect on lifetime license. Probably just hot air at this point.

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