Mathews Inc.
Wyoming or Montana this August?
Contributors to this thread:
Jasper 04-Mar-24
Jaquomo 04-Mar-24
HUNT MAN 04-Mar-24
Trial153 04-Mar-24
wytex 04-Mar-24
Jasper 05-Mar-24
Ron Niziolek 05-Mar-24
Jasper 05-Mar-24
skull 05-Mar-24
PushCoArcher 05-Mar-24
Bowfreak 05-Mar-24
Jasper 05-Mar-24
Trial153 05-Mar-24
skull 07-Mar-24
njbuck 07-Mar-24
Bowfreak 07-Mar-24
PushCoArcher 07-Mar-24
wytex 07-Mar-24
skull 07-Mar-24
skull 07-Mar-24
Pop-r 07-Mar-24
Jasper 08-Mar-24
Jasper 08-Mar-24
Jasper 08-Mar-24
wytex 09-Mar-24
Jasper 09-Mar-24
From: Jasper
I’ve been on one antelope hunt so would appreciate some advice for a southern boy. An Air Force buddy and I want to go on an antelope DIY bow hunt this year. We have 3 points total for WY. Don’t care about trophy potential, just want to go enjoy ourselves. When I drew in 2022 I had 8 points so that wasn’t an issue. Don’t know what issues there are on the low point units. We’d be fine paying a trespass fee. I’ve looked at the odds and data on the Wyoming website and plan on calling a few biologists but have always gotten good advice here. Or would we be better off applying for Montana? Do the low point areas have less antelope or more access issues or both? Thanks and God bless! John

From: Jaquomo
Most of WY got hit really hard by the winter last year, especially mature bucks. I'd look at Montana if I were you

Montana is not in much better shape than Wy . If you do draw Mt let me know and I can help you get started. Hunt

From: Trial153
Neither they are both in poor shape.

From: wytex
We have some decent areas still in Wyoming but not quite for your PPs. Areas around us did ok and have good numbers going into Spring but take more PPs.

From: Jasper
How does the 25% tag thing work? Wouldn’t I have a chance, albeit small of drawing a good unit that I don’t have enough points for in WY?

From: Ron Niziolek
25% of tags go for a random draw so yes, you would always have a chance.

From: Jasper
How is the Montana antelope draw different? You’re not applying for a particular unit, right?

From: skull
I didn’t draw montana with 2PP last year, it’s hard to draw anywhere this days

From: PushCoArcher
Are you willing to pay for the special in Wyoming? With the price hike this year your 3 points might get you more then you'd think if applying in the special.

From: Bowfreak
There are still portions of WY that have plenty of antelope. My group of 3 killed 3 respectable bucks bowhunting in 3 days last fall in WY.

From: Jasper
Yes I’d buy the special tag for sure. I’m not getting any younger and am beyond the point of putting stuff off if I can help it. A buddy of mine, a few years older than me came down with a medical issue out of the blue and his hunting is sadly over. God bless and thanks everyone! (If anyone knows of any ranch trespass fee opportunities please message me)

From: Trial153
Dec and Jan lope numbers in Wy were terrible. Places I would normally see double digit numbers of goats I was seeing none. I bet I seen 1/10 of what I normally have. I wish the F&G would lay off a year on mule deer and pronghorn

From: skull
1200 for a special tag, not sure if it’s worth it though

From: njbuck
How long does it take for Antelope numbers to rebound?

From: Bowfreak
I have a friend that had thousands of antelope migrate through his ranch every year. He said he believes it will be a decade for them to fully recover. I believe biologists are much more optimistic and say more like 3-5 yr recovery.

From: PushCoArcher
3-5 good years in a row. The problem is getting winter to comply. With all the snow melt the range was in good shape so the survivor's were healthy last year. And as long as there's no last minute surprise this winter hasn't been bad.

From: wytex
Jasper I sent you a pm

From: skull
1200 for a special tag, not sure if it’s worth it though

From: skull

From: Pop-r
Montana is down from the winter kill of 22/23 in some areas around 40%. Going to be tough to ever get back to where we were a few years ago.

From: Jasper
Thanks everyone for your help! Very much appreciated! God bless!

From: Jasper
You can’t just buy a point in Montana like you can in WY, right? You have to apply for a hunt?

From: Jasper
So what’s the best way to attempt to hunt private via a trespass fee? Find landowner contact information in an area you’re interested in via Onyx or similar and call? Thanks!

From: wytex
I use the county GIS maps and find their info online for the call.

From: Jasper
Thanks Gregory and wy!

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