Moultrie Mobile
Spring 2024 hunt
Contributors to this thread:
bghunter 04-Mar-24
Sam 04-Mar-24
bghunter 05-Mar-24
Zebrakiller 06-Mar-24
Shug 06-Mar-24
Hondolane 06-Mar-24
bghunter 06-Mar-24
From: bghunter
So just found out, my taxidermist freezer went out and lost my first and only black bear ugh!

So I am looking to see if anyone knows of any possible hunts for this spring? I know it's late, but figure I would give it a shot. I am also waiting to hear from my eye Dr about another possible surgery, so might have to push it out to 2025 anyways.

I would like Alberta as option for two bears. I would like airport pick up as my vision is still an issue from my corneal transplant in 2022.

From: Sam
Check with Mike Ukrainetz for cancellations

From: bghunter
Sam, thanks for the heads up .

From: Zebrakiller
That suck Bghunter fly into Winnipeg ill pick ya up

From: Shug
PM sent

From: Hondolane
Idaho is always a fun hunt and theirs 2 bear unit.

From: bghunter
Thank you for all the responses, can always count on bowsite.

I spoke to my Eye Dr and he suggested I hold off. Long story short there is a new surgical lense he wants to try and he hopes to have one in the next two to three months, which of course would be around the time of a spring hunt, ugh!!

So looks like I am looking at 2025 now. Good thing this corneal transplant has taught me patience lol.

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