Mathews Inc.
Your best bear?
Contributors to this thread:
Shug 05-Mar-24
fuzzy 06-Mar-24
VAMtns 06-Mar-24
Bou'bound 06-Mar-24
Zebrakiller 06-Mar-24
Shug 06-Mar-24
Shug 06-Mar-24
molsonarcher 06-Mar-24
Charlie Rehor 06-Mar-24
Boreal 06-Mar-24
12yards 06-Mar-24
Basil 06-Mar-24
Shug 06-Mar-24
dnovo 06-Mar-24
Trial153 06-Mar-24
Matt 06-Mar-24
yeager 06-Mar-24
Shug 06-Mar-24
BOHNTR 06-Mar-24
CFMuley 06-Mar-24
bluedog 06-Mar-24
g5smoke21 07-Mar-24
carcus 07-Mar-24
pav 07-Mar-24
No Mercy 07-Mar-24
Iowa Rut Nut 07-Mar-24
njbuck 07-Mar-24
Kurt 07-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 07-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 07-Mar-24
TK 07-Mar-24
Shug 07-Mar-24
JSW 07-Mar-24
Bou'bound 07-Mar-24
Dale06 07-Mar-24
fuzzy 08-Mar-24
carcus 08-Mar-24
fuzzy 08-Mar-24
Dale06 08-Mar-24
Shug 08-Mar-24
JSW 08-Mar-24
Mike Ukrainetz 09-Mar-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 09-Mar-24
fuzzy 10-Mar-24
Smtn10PT 14-Mar-24
RD 14-Mar-24
BuckSlayer 15-Mar-24
Windwalker 18-Mar-24
Shug 18-Mar-24
Big-Otis-Jeff 18-Mar-24
Missouribreaks 18-Mar-24
Plum lake 18-Mar-24
Rgiesey 18-Mar-24
mgmicky 19-Mar-24
Tater 19-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 20-Mar-24
Shug 20-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 20-Mar-24
Shug 20-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 20-Mar-24
Shug 20-Mar-24
Billyvanness 20-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 20-Mar-24
Stoneman 20-Mar-24
Tobpitbull 21-Mar-24
Rgiesey 21-Mar-24
JSW 21-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 21-Mar-24
Jason Stafford 21-Mar-24
Buffalo1 21-Mar-24
Billyvanness 21-Mar-24
Billyvanness 21-Mar-24
Jason Stafford 22-Mar-24
Bou'bound 22-Mar-24
Westgak 22-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 22-Mar-24
Shug 23-Mar-24
JSW 23-Mar-24
JSW 23-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 23-Mar-24
Shug 23-Mar-24
Dikndirt 24-Mar-24
grape 25-Mar-24
wifishkiller 25-Mar-24
Buffalo1 26-Mar-24
Nick Muche 26-Mar-24
Shug 26-Mar-24
jmail20 27-Mar-24
Buffalo1 27-Mar-24
Stoneman 28-Mar-24
Speedgoat 28-Mar-24
DGW 02-Apr-24
BlacktailBob 02-Apr-24
DGW 02-Apr-24
5575 06-Apr-24
5575 06-Apr-24
welka 09-Apr-24
Shug 09-Apr-24
BlacktailBob 09-Apr-24
mooseslayer 09-Apr-24
Rob Nye 09-Apr-24
Glunt@work 11-Apr-24
Glunt@work 11-Apr-24
Cobie33 11-Apr-24
Shiras42 11-Apr-24
AKmtnhunter 27-Apr-24
Charlie Rehor 27-Apr-24
molsonarcher 27-Apr-24
wooddamon1 27-Apr-24
Archer Ontario 04-May-24
Archer Ontario 04-May-24
Archer Ontario 04-May-24
Archer Ontario 04-May-24
Tater 04-May-24
From: Shug
With all the bear posts …I’d love to see your best BLACK BEAR skull and weight …

From: fuzzy
I can post a pic of the skull but didn't weight him. There was a LOT of bear sausage tho

From: VAMtns
Fat 200 pounders full of hickory nuts and acorns are the biggest for me . Love a bear roast

From: Bou'bound

Bou'bound's embedded Photo
Bou'bound's embedded Photo
Here is mine sorry for the bad picture, but this was all I could get from him I was as far back as I could go

Ran out of length with the tape measure and pounds on the scale so I don’t know how big he was but it was a good one

From: Zebrakiller

Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
Zebrakiller's embedded Photo
My biggest head 18 5/8 25 years or so ago not sure weight

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
My sons biggest… Taken at my DIY camp in Quebec 315# 18 10/16

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
New Jersey…2017 Dressed 438# 21 3/16 skull 13 years old

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
405# on the scale. 19 11/16 P&Y Spring 2023 Manitoba.


Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Colorado fall bear 2022. Official 20 9/16”. Aged 12 years by Colorado DNR. No weight as we were 5 miles in. Dennis Razza did the mount. Once in a lifetime.

From: Boreal

Boreal's embedded Photo
Boreal's embedded Photo
#285 New Brunswick

From: 12yards
I've killed one bear, so that was my best. LOL. Autumn Orange 2317 with a Bear Super Razorhead. Ran about 30 yards and ran into a tree dead. Didn't hear a death moan.

From: Basil

Basil's embedded Photo
Basil's embedded Photo
I’ve made some great memories hunting with my daughter. This one dressed 360 & is bigger than any I’ve shot. Several years earlier we had a 600ish bear come to the bait & get away with no shot.

From: Shug
Good stuff

From: dnovo

dnovo's embedded Photo
dnovo's embedded Photo
My best bear was 410 # live weight and scored 19 1/16. Aged at 16 years old . the picture doesn't do him justice.

From: Trial153
Great Bear Kenneth had blast hunting with you last year! Hope you’re doing well!

From: Matt
19 13/16” skull. You guys who kill them where you can get them to a scale have it awful easy.

From: yeager

yeager's embedded Photo
yeager's embedded Photo
yeager's embedded Photo
yeager's embedded Photo
Shot my biggest black bear with Desjardin’s Outfitting, Manitoba, Canada back in 2004. He weighed 445 pounds and scored 20 13/16.

From: Shug
Stud Bob


BOHNTR's embedded Photo
BOHNTR's embedded Photo
Unknown weight…..19 4/16” skull….spot and stalk in northern Kali


FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo
FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo

From: CFMuley

CFMuley's embedded Photo
CFMuley's embedded Photo
No clue on weight. 20 6/8” skull.

From: bluedog
When I was a kid and first read how bear were measured by their skull size for record books I came up with idea Mr. America contests should give trophy to the guy with the biggest head.

That'd be cool

From: g5smoke21

g5smoke21's embedded Photo
g5smoke21's embedded Photo
Wasn't able to weigh him. Skull is in the basement but never measured

From: carcus
07-Mar-24 This guy was the thickest, never weighed, skull was only 21 2/16", I've shot a few longer bears with larger skulls, but this was the most impressive bear ive seen on the ground

From: pav
My best and only black bear was aged at 11 years old, but barely made P&Y at 18-0/16ths. That bear was taken spot and stalk on the Kenai Peninsula. Was told not to expect a P&Y bear on the Kenai prior to that the average boar there has a 16" skull and weighs 220lbs. No idea what my bear weighed, but definitely much bigger than 220lbs.

From: No Mercy

No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
No Mercy's embedded Photo
19 11/16-MN bear. Couldn't get a weight, but guessing close to 400.

From: Iowa Rut Nut

Iowa Rut Nut's embedded Photo
Iowa Rut Nut's embedded Photo
505 lbs 20 2/16

Duck mountains Manitoba

From: njbuck

njbuck's embedded Photo
njbuck's embedded Photo
New Jersey- Not a huge one but weighed 215 and was 18 1/16 P&Y. I am hoping to top that this fall!

From: Kurt
19-10/16 spot and stalk in British Columbia last spring. No weight but a big bear for sure.

From: BlacktailBob
I've never killed a big one. But, what is the size of skull on that old man in Shug's post ?

From: BlacktailBob
What about weight ?

From: TK

TK's embedded Photo
TK's embedded Photo
Duck Mountains MB 21 15/16” 430#

From: Shug
Et Tu Bob et Tu?

From: JSW

JSW's embedded Photo
1417 lbs on a certified scale.
JSW's embedded Photo
1417 lbs on a certified scale.

From: Bou'bound
Well with that last one this contest is over, kinda like the guy that posted the 13 1/2 pound bass on the fishing thread that ended it pretty quickly 3/4 of a ton is going to do the same thing here. Holy mackerel what a monster.

From: Dale06
Five years ago, in Alaska. I climbed into a tree stand at about 630 pm. It was a baited stand. Soon thereafter a small black bear came in and ate for a bit. He stood up on his hind legs and stared into the bush for a few seconds and bolted full speed away from the area. I grabbed my bow. I could see the brush moving and out popped another black bear, no bigger than the first one. There was a parade of bears till it got too dark to shoot at about 1:00 am. Since it was dark, I relaxed and snoozed a while. I woke up at 330 am as a nice sized brown bear was approaching the bait. He came in and laid down facing me at 20 yards, and he was raking bait into his mouth. I had no shot. After a bit he rose and walked directly to me and stopped under my tree stand and then bolted full speed back into the bush. Then 15 minutes later he returned, laid down facing me and raked bait to his mouth again, no shot. Then he got up turned quartering away to leave. I took the shot and he bolted and it was quiet. I thought the shot might have been a tad low. My guide in a tree stand by me said let’s give him a few hours, so we slept in our tree stands. The blood trail was the best of over 100 big game blood trails I’ve followed. He was dead at about 70-80 yards from where he was arrowed. He was not a monster, just over 8’ and just over20”. I got back in that stand the next day and killed a nice black bear after a two hour sit.

From: fuzzy
Biggest bear. "Best " was the 125" live weight male from NL. Tender and tasty! This old boar was sausage meat.

From: carcus
Op yelled BLACK BEAR, the monster grizz don't count

From: fuzzy
Can't post the pic, sorry

From: Dale06
Apologies, I only read the title and not the OPs clarification of BLACK bear.

From: Shug
Blacktail Bob…24 15/16 Black Bear Bob feel free to post the P and Y certificate

From: JSW
I have an Excel spreadsheet that gives a very accurate weight on bears depending on several measurements. On the last bear I shot and actually weighed, it was only off by 1 pound. I don't see any way to attach that file here but if you pm me your email address, I'll send it to you. This file was created by a bear biologist and I've had it so long, I don't recall where I got it.

The downside is you have to convert inches to centimeters but that conversion is easy to find.

JSW, I will gladly put that excel spreadsheet to the test this spring with about 50 bears! Love to have it, PM sent.

And I’m Canadian so the conversion to centimetres should be doable for me! Haha

Mike id love to see you do those measurements to the bears and see how accurate it is for the year! That would be neat!

From: fuzzy

fuzzy's embedded Photo
fuzzy's embedded Photo

From: Smtn10PT

Smtn10PT's embedded Photo
Smtn10PT's embedded Photo
Still waiting to get the skull back to officially measure.

From: RD

RD's embedded Photo
RD's embedded Photo
Manitoba 18 6/8

From: BuckSlayer

BuckSlayer's embedded Photo
2013 Manitoba, no idea size or weight. Big
BuckSlayer's embedded Photo
2013 Manitoba, no idea size or weight. Big

From: Windwalker

Windwalker's embedded Photo
Windwalker's embedded Photo
Taken in 2014; 20 1/16; 450lbs; 17 years old. Best trophy I ever took in my 60 years of bowhunting.

From: Shug
Great bears


Big-Otis-Jeff's embedded Photo
Big-Otis-Jeff's embedded Photo
Alberta 1999…Booner.

Black bear, 7 feet, 10 inches squared. Self bow and cedars. Lots of others with longbow, none weighed.

From: Plum lake

Plum lake's embedded Photo
Plum lake's embedded Photo
I have 3 over 19”. And have yet to break 20” for myself. But it was never a goal for 20” Or even 19” for that matter. Just patience and find the time to hunt for myself Just a nice respectful bear. 19 7/16

From: Rgiesey
Shot two at 193/4 and finally got one at 201/8. In Alberta with Chad Lenz and Kevin Pearce

From: mgmicky

mgmicky's embedded Photo
mgmicky's embedded Photo
Some nice bears guys. My first and only bear. New Brunswick 2017. JD Berry longbow and wood arrow.

From: Tater

Tater's embedded Photo
Tater's embedded Photo
19 2/16 DOA outfitters Manitoba

From: BlacktailBob

BlacktailBob's embedded Photo
Not many Black Bears up on the Unalakleet, but some Big Ones.
BlacktailBob's embedded Photo
Not many Black Bears up on the Unalakleet, but some Big Ones.

I had forgot about that one. Is this the one?

From: Shug
That’s him Bob…

From: BlacktailBob
Havent been back up there since. Maybe have to go again one of these years.

From: Shug
Look at that score on Bobs bear.. He’s such a great guy he didn’t want to knock a Jersey bear out of the top spot so he asked for it not to be recognized as the WR

From: BlacktailBob
It was a Jersey Bear?

From: Shug
The WR is from Jersey and because of your affinity for me you chose not to have yours recognized

Incredible looking bears gents!

From: BlacktailBob
OK, I'll go along with that. I had to look up affinity to make sure I had it correct.

From: Stoneman
That bear must have been like some brook trout, all head!

I can’t even imagine a 25” black bear…


Tobpitbull 's embedded Photo
Tobpitbull 's embedded Photo
New Brunswick

From: Rgiesey
Wow Bob! That’s a story I want to hear.

From: JSW
Yer killing me Bob! I'm slightly embarrassed to see my signature on that.

I'm assuming you got it corrected in the Club office.

From: BlacktailBob
It took a while but they finally got around to it. Kind of like sending me a ballot to vote that got to me after the election was over.


ARKBEARHUNTER's embedded Photo
ARKBEARHUNTER's embedded Photo
400 lb. Arkansas with a Stickbow..haven"t measured skull yet. Wooden arrow with Zwickey broadhead. Quite the hunt!

20 12/16” Alaska

From: Buffalo1

2010- called in a small bull at dusk, passed him. A ways back so figured I’d start easing my way out. Stepped slowly around a small Christmas tree and this bear is facing me dead on at 8 yds. He let me draw without a flinch, showed zero fear. I saw the arrow disappear where his neck met his center chest….he turned and ran through a 3” dead aspen…tree parts flew everywhere. Full gas he ran about 100 yds, crazy experience. Mid 19’s for skull measurement.

Photo doesn’t want to load…I’ll try again tomorrow

I had the same problem Billy

From: Bou'bound
Same issue on classifieds

From: Westgak
Was going to post mine, but after seeing Bobs score, I’m just left feeling inadequate….

Any chance you have a picture of that bear? Would love to see it.

From: BlacktailBob
I wouldn't feel inadequate about shooting any bear. Particularly as it relates to the fictious bear on my score sheet. The bear has a close resemblance to a grizzly. Perhaps the P&Y club made a mistake and sent me a score sheet that said it was a black bear and not a grizzly. Not sure how Shug knew about that?

From: Shug
Bob you showed it to me..

From: JSW

JSW's embedded Photo
My first big bear and one of my favorite pictures. 19 14/16, AZ
JSW's embedded Photo
My first big bear and one of my favorite pictures. 19 14/16, AZ

From: JSW

JSW's embedded Photo
My biggest black bear 20 7/16" and over 500#.
JSW's embedded Photo
My biggest black bear 20 7/16" and over 500#.

From: BlacktailBob
I let you in the house?

From: Shug
Bob… why do you hurt me?

From: Dikndirt

Dikndirt's embedded Photo
19 and 3/4 skull….unsure of weight but guess 300 lbs
Dikndirt's embedded Photo
19 and 3/4 skull….unsure of weight but guess 300 lbs

From: grape

grape's embedded Photo
grape's embedded Photo

From: wifishkiller

wifishkiller's embedded Photo
wifishkiller's embedded Photo
I can’t remember his skull size.

From: Buffalo1

Buffalo1's embedded Photo
Buffalo1's embedded Photo
20 3/16” P&Y.

20 1/16” B&C- measured 25 yrs after original scoring.

Weighted approx 425#.

From: Nick Muche

Nick Muche's embedded Photo
Nick Muche's embedded Photo

From: Shug
Wonderful bears guys Greg who’s that young guy posing with your bear?

From: jmail20

jmail20's embedded Photo
20" Chocolate
jmail20's embedded Photo
20" Chocolate

From: Buffalo1
Shug- that is my baby brother ! That photo was 6-13-1992

From: Stoneman

Stoneman's embedded Photo
Stoneman's embedded Photo
Co ‘front range’ spot and stalk. Not huge but big enough.

From: Speedgoat

Speedgoat's embedded Photo
Speedgoat's embedded Photo


TREESTANDWOLF's embedded Photo
TREESTANDWOLF's embedded Photo
Idaho - 2021

From: DGW

DGW's embedded Photo
DGW's embedded Photo
Colorado 18 8/16

From: BlacktailBob
DGW I bet you kill one bigger than that this spring. It wont be as pretty though.

From: DGW
Bob, that sounds like a great plan!

From: 5575

5575's embedded Photo
5575's embedded Photo
5575's embedded Photo
5575's embedded Photo
Finally got my dream bear last year in far north Alberta, he's a gorilla.

From: 5575

5575's embedded Photo
5575's embedded Photo

From: welka
Great thread and some really cool giants! Those 20"ers are rare. Pretty sure I had a couple that big up in AK that I passed on waiting for brown bears. Still kicking myself now that you see they are so rare. Good luck to all.

From: Shug
Some great BOW killed bears

From: BlacktailBob

BlacktailBob's embedded Photo
BlacktailBob's embedded Photo
I guess I've killed 9 of them over 20 but biggest is 20 & 8/16ths Cant find one that hits 21, thats my goal.

From: mooseslayer

mooseslayer's embedded Photo
mooseslayer's embedded Photo
Arrowed in Newfoundland. #405 lbs. 19&10/16ths. Still trying for that 20"/with archery.

From: Rob Nye

Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Rob Nye's embedded Photo
Some fantastic bruins congrats to all! I killed this elusive guy the 4th season we hunted him. I was actually sad when he tipped over gettting pics of him was like Christmas for a kid.

From: Glunt@work

Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Best skull but body and hide were in tough shape. Right at 19" green so likely shrank a bit.

From: Glunt@work

Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Glunt@work's embedded Photo
Only 16" something but a big georgeous fall body and hide. Hit him high on a Tuesday and killed him on Friday. Didnt realize it was the same bear.

From: Cobie33

Cobie33's embedded Photo
Cobie33's embedded Photo
Saskatchewan spring bear 19 12/16, 337 near Wollaston Lake.

From: Shiras42

Shiras42's embedded Photo
Shiras42's embedded Photo
Not sure on skull size or weight, but was a nice one and 8 years old according to ON.

From: AKmtnhunter
Great pictures. Looking forward to baiting this spring, it's getting close now!


Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Big bears are big bears.
Charlie Rehor's embedded Photo
Big bears are big bears.
Each year the highlight of my Spring. Sasky 2022.

Leave 5/12/24 for Saskatchewan.

From: molsonarcher
Good luck Charlie. We will be in MB the same week.

From: wooddamon1
Great bears, everyone. Love seeing the stickbow kills especially.


Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Ontario 475 pounds 20 3/16 inch skull


Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Biggest bear I ever had on trail cam


Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
490 pounds 20 5/16 skull Ontario bear Seen 8 bears that night


Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Archer Ontario's embedded Photo
Ontario monster I had on cam ! Great bears everyone I love to see the Predator Camo !!! And to the gentleman with the black bear with the 24 inch skull Congratulations that’s an amazing accomplishment

Great looking Bears gentleman.

I kinda lost interest in bear hunting years ago.

I don’t have any pics on my phone. Only in photo albums.

Two over 18” one over 19”

From: Tater

Tater's embedded Photo
19 2/16. 330 lb Manitoba
Tater's embedded Photo
19 2/16. 330 lb Manitoba

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