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Longest shelf life emergency bars
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 07-Mar-24
fuzzy 07-Mar-24
t-roy 07-Mar-24
HDE 07-Mar-24
Nick Muche 07-Mar-24
Highlife 07-Mar-24
DonVathome 08-Mar-24
fuzzy 08-Mar-24
smarba 08-Mar-24
Mule Power 08-Mar-24
fdp 08-Mar-24
Bowfreak 08-Mar-24
Mule Power 08-Mar-24
bigeasygator 08-Mar-24
Trial153 08-Mar-24
IdyllwildArcher 08-Mar-24
Trial153 08-Mar-24
sitO 08-Mar-24
DonVathome 10-Mar-24
fuzzy 10-Mar-24
butcherboy 10-Mar-24
fdp 11-Mar-24
Bow Bullet 11-Mar-24
Brotsky 11-Mar-24
KHunter 03-Apr-24
From: DonVathome
I am looking for what bars have a LOT of calories and last the longest. I keep an emergency pack in my vehicle and never touch it so I am looking for something with shelf life of hopefully years - candy bar size things only. Something like pemmican bars - which I know about but never tried.

From: fuzzy
Fuzzy Meal Bars.

From: t-roy
For some reason, I’m questioning the shelf life of anything called a “Fuzzy” meal bar! Maybe you need some help with rebranding it, Cecil ;-)

From: HDE
Pemmican. You can buy it or make your own, just real time consuming.

From: Nick Muche
How’d I know….

From: Highlife

From: DonVathome
Thanks guys!

From: fuzzy
t-roy I didn't name em (the Bowsite did) and I don't sell em. Lol

From: smarba
I once read of a guy that kept a can of dog food in his car. It lasts forever and he'd never be tempted to snack on it during a long road trip or whatever, so it would always be there in case of DIRE EMERGENCY

From: Mule Power
IYKYK Nick Lmao

Don instead of leaving them in for 10 years why don’t you take them on your hunting trips every year and eat them and put new ones in there? Don’t eat the wee little black things!

From: fdp
"why don’t you take them on your hunting trips every year and eat them and put new ones in there?".....makes sense to me.

From: Bowfreak
You won't need to worry about how long they last. The mice will eat them before they go bad. Before you ask, go ahead and eat them after the mice get into them. It won't hurt you in the least.

From: Mule Power
As long as the mice are organic free ranging grass fed, you should be fine. Just tuck them under the seat. Mice don’t generally get into small confined spaces like that. They’ll never find it.

From: bigeasygator
Millenium bars offer the best I've seen. Five years. I have a few cases at the house.

From: Trial153
I freaking sick of bars at this point. I been packing them less and less.

Trial, try Cliff Bar brand coconut chocolate chip and especially the white chocolate macadamia nut bars. They will restore your tolerance of energy bars.

From: Trial153
I will give them a shot… anything is worth a shot I am barred out !

From: sitO
Second the Cliff Bar coconut choc chip, good stuff w or w/o hantavirus

From: DonVathome
It would be in my emergency kit which mice cannot get in. 5 years is good enough.

From: fuzzy
Consider vacuum sealing them

From: butcherboy
I like honey stingers but idk how long they last.

From: fdp
What fuzzy said. The way they are packaged is crucial.

From: Bow Bullet
Don, next time the family fruit cake comes your way at Christmas, cut it into the sizes you want and put them in baggies. Don't worry about the mice, they'll leave them alone.

From: Brotsky
...and if your family doesn't have a fruit cake it's time to look in the mirror.

From: KHunter
Consider eating and rotating the nasty things sitting in your frozen/overheated/frozen and repeat vehicle versus letting them sit for years. I mean, why would you want to eat crap that has been sitting around for years when the going gets tough?

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