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CO Archery Elk 3pts vs 6pts
Contributors to this thread:
DIYELK 18-Mar-24
DonVathome 18-Mar-24
LUNG$HOT 18-Mar-24
LUNG$HOT 18-Mar-24
Bou'bound 18-Mar-24
Aspen Ghost 18-Mar-24
Glunt@work 18-Mar-24
cnelk 18-Mar-24
Glunt@work 18-Mar-24
Scott/IL 18-Mar-24
Tracker 21-Mar-24
So my hunting partner has 3 pts and I have 6pts. Is there a big difference in a 3pt unit vs a 6pt unit. Would you cash in to hunt a 3pt unit?

From: DonVathome
That is really hard to say. You can have a better hunt in a 3 point unit. It is a little less likely. If I had a good spot in a 3 point unit I would take that over blind in a 6 point unit.

Obviously there is a reason some units take more points.

If you are looking at both units blind research and find people who have hunted it.

Resident? Non resident?

It definitely depends on specifics. Res/non-res, Public /private access. Do you have good intel on a 3 point unit you have your eye on? Like Don said it’s possible to have a better hunt in a 3 point unit but not likely. Plenty of guys go into OTC units every year and have great hunts and kill big bulls. You have to weigh the pros and cons. A great hunt for you might be different than another guys opinion on a great hunt.

From: Bou'bound
It also comes down to how much do you want to hunt with your buddy?

From: Aspen Ghost
Buck, since you are from Wisconsin may I suggest an alternative? Think about going on two different hunts. Figure out what unit works for 6 points and what works for 3 (there are actually very few units for NR archery in Colorado in those point ranges). Figure out which one fits best this year and which one makes sense to wait a year or 2 to have a better chance to draw.

If your buddies 3 points fits best then put in for a tag for him this year and you go along to help (as caller, scout, cook, meat hauler, water fetcher, camp sitter, whatever works best for your style of hunting). Then repeat in a year or 2 with you getting the tag.

The best situation would be if your 6 points works well this year. Then hopefully he can draw the same unit in 3 or 4 years. That way you guys get two years of hunting the same unit. Of course, the risk is that the guy who hunts this year might bail on the other when it's his turn to be the non-hunter.

OTC archery is going away for Nonresidents so you won't be able to do that after this year.

I have a really good archery elk hunt that takes 3 point to draw. Flattopsadventures.com

From: Glunt@work
With the state of things, may want to go sooner than later.

From: cnelk
A better use of those PPs would be a ML or 1st rifle tag

From: Glunt@work
Another aspect is to research why the unit is limited. I hunt a limited unit most years. It now requires a point to guarantee a tag. Its as crowded as many OTC areas and has less elk than most of the OTC spots on my list. Its limited because its close to a big population along the front range but not limited with a goal of a better experience than a typical OTC hunt. I hunt there because I have access to a cabin and I can day or weekend hunt it from my house so its convenient.

From: Scott/IL
As long as I’m not saving points for a specific tag, I’d have no problem using more points to go with a good hunting buddy and having a good time.

From: Tracker
I have hunted CO since early 80’s. o be honest you are not getting a much better hunt with 6 than you are with 3. Best way to see is do some research. Check 6 point units and see success rates then check 3 point areas and compare.

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