Contributors to this thread:
It will be tough to break our all time record of 250 set in 2019, but we should crush last years 181 ...... post photos of those 2024 bears. Outfitters please feel free to post client kills ..........and any weapon is eligible........
in 2011 we had 126
in 2012 we had 158
in 2013 we had 131
in 2014 we had 136
in 2015 we had 204
in 2016 we had 166
In 2017 we had 140
In 2018 we had 238
In 2019 we had 250
In 2020 we had 52 due to COVID impact.
In 2021 we bounced back slightly with 88
In 2022 we reported 161
In 2023 we reported a bit of an uptick to 181
Thanks for doing this every year Bou!
I could have contributed one more to last years tally if I knew it was any weapon. Now I know.
Hopefully some of the 1st hunts will take place later this month.
Beautiful bear Jonahs son shot.
Beautiful bear Jonahs son shot.
Had a great couple of days hunting bears with Jonah and his family. Hard to beat days like this!
That's amazing Nick! Hard to beat for sure!
What a start to this thread, congrats Nick
The first ones are always special. A couple years we led off with polar bears.
Dude… Where do we go from here!? That is simply awesome, Nick! -Way to scare all the other bears off! ;) Congrats on a great animal and I’m sure you’ve got all sorts of memories there.
Wow! Excellent start Nick, congrats!
Awesome start. Congrats fellas!
Beautiful bear!! Congrats to that kid!!
Awesome and congrats to Jonah and his son. They always get one sneaking out of hibernation before all the client hunts start!
Nick has the best pictures!!
Just heard theres a coupke bears down in Manitoba. Off to a good start
Well Nick, since we're starting out with pictures in white...... Back in 2006, on my first polar bear hunt, I had ZERO travel problems, spent 16 days on the ice, but never saw a legal bear. (Still the greatest adventure I've ever been on.) Fast forward 18 years to my second hunt, and it was exactly the opposite. Took me 9 days just to get where I was hunting...I hunted a total of 8 hours...and then it took me 10 days to get home. But I finally got a bear. Counted 6 flight cancellations along the way. If someone ever asks me what a "typical" polar bear hunt is like, I will respond that I'm probably not the best person to ask...
Incredible Alan! Way to go!
Wow, starting the year off STRONG. Congrats Alan, and way to persevere through all the travel nonsense!
Nice! What a cool thing to have done. Congrats!
Congrats on a beautiful bear, Alan!
Ronnie Green from Arkansas. His buddy saw a dozen or so bears and zero bugs so it was a good first day in Saskatchewan.
It begins. First black bear is on the boards. Congrats
Congrats Alan! Rob congrats on the first of many to take a dirt nap. Good luck this season!
Mason Hubbard with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta. 20 1/16, 7 ft 1 in, 340 lbs bow kill.
Mason Hubbard with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta. 20 1/16, 7 ft 1 in, 340 lbs bow kill.
Ed Bowden.... M/L
Ed Bowden.... M/L
19 13/16
19 13/16
Carswell Lake Outfitters 13 y/o Beckett with his first bear! 19 13/16” P&Y
Some nice bears guys. Please keep the pictures coming.
Just finished a boat hunt in AK. Didn’t see many bears but had some successful stalks on the ones we did. Not the biggest bears but first bears for some Hawaii boys
who was that with. Have always wanted do a boat hunt.
Big enough for some bear roasts 808 WTG
We went out with some commercial purse seiner fisherman that we have become friends with over the years. Perks of owning a fishing business in Hawaii! Got some awesome video of the hunt.
May 10, Manitoba. PSE Fortis and Snyper Broadhead. 7'2 squared.
19 8/16”
19 8/16”
Carswell Lake Outfitters Jeff with his 19 8/16” P&Y
20 6/16”
20 6/16”
Carswell Lake Outfitters Chuck with his 20 6/16” P&Y ..first traditional kill and at 5 yards on the ground!
19 8/16 “
19 8/16 “
Carswell Lake Outfitters John with his 19 8/16 “P&Y
20 6/16”
20 6/16”
Carswell Lake Outfitters..Brian with his 20 6/16” P&Y
Russian brown bear from a few days ago.
There you go CFMuley. Those brown ones are the ones I like to see. Congratulations!!!
My son Luke in Juneau just shot his biggest bear. 5 inch pads and larg body but sub 18 “ skull.
A new thread on the Russian bear hunt and trip could be a classic. Please do one. CF. PLEASE!!!
I agree. The Russia trip would be pretty cool to hear. Would take some balls going there right now
I’ll do a write up on the Russia hunt in a week or so. I just made it home late last night and I leave early tomorrow morning for my annual bear hunt in Montana.
Can’t wait to read your Russia story CFMuley, I had a similar trip booked and ended up backing out of going. Found that I was more concerned about the potential travel issues than I was looking forward to the hunt.
Ben from WV with his first black bear. 20” green. Sleeve Lake Outfitters
Happy Hunter in Alberta with Mike’s Outfitting
Happy Hunter in Alberta with Mike’s Outfitting
20 14/16 skull, 405 lbs, 7 ft 3 in sq hide
19-4/16” green. Manitoba. Sleeve Lake Outfitters.
Great bear Matt! Congrats!!
Thanks Mike! August is coming quick!
Sleeve lake Manitoba
Sleeve lake Manitoba
My son took this young feller on Kuiu a couple days ago. The weather was poor for the first four days we were camped out there.
That’s a dandy Mr. Millburn congrats .
Nice to hear from you Alexis. Hope you guys are having a great season.
Literally the bottom of the ninth, this boar came in with fading light and I made a lucky shot. Bear went 50 yards. Mikes Outfitting, there is no way to improve this hunting operation.
21” skull…470 lbs
21” skull…470 lbs
I’m a little late to the party this year…
Congrats to all thr lucky hunters! Hopefully I can add to this thread soon
Lucky me
Lucky me
Saskatchewan 5/16/24. 373 pounds, green skull 20 2/16”
Lots of great bears on this thread, you are all setting a high bar for us headed out in a couple more weeks
Congratulations all… some studs there
My sons first bear. 23” DL 42lbs. Almost got a complete pass through after pulling the bleeder blades from a slick trick.
Big time congrats to your son!!
Love that
Congrats on some nice bears, guys! Even bigger Grats to your son, walleyes!
Good job young man. Congratulations
Congrats to your son Colin!
Great job young fella, wish there was more kids like you!!!
Shot him last night, recovered this morning.
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD Steve 20 1/4 Greg 19 15/16 Frank 19 5/16 Mike 19 3/16 First night hunting!
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD Matt 19” P&Y
17 14/16 “
17 14/16 “
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD Jake with a beautiful blonde color phased bear! 17 14/16
21 8/16”
21 8/16”
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD Garret with the camps first green score B&C for the year! His first bear! 21 8/16”
19 10/16
19 10/16
Rick with his 19 10/16” P&Y Congratulations Rick!
They make them bigger but I can’t imagine someone being more excited after the shot than my buddy Nick after he torched this small brown bear last night. I thought he was going to fall out of the treestand after the shot shaking with excitement. That feeling is contagious and got me more excited than the last few I shot myself! Fun night in Alaska!
5/26 Interior AK
My first bear.
Congrats to all the hunters. Unfortunately I will not be adding to this thread, but love seeing the photos of others success, congrats and keep them coming.
Trevor there are no “small” brown bears.
Eric Phelps...
Eric Phelps...
Silvey and his Bear...
Silvey and his Bear...
Dark, devils club and alder swamp extraction
Dark, devils club and alder swamp extraction
Another nice bear for a young hunter
Another nice bear for a young hunter
One of the regulars.
One of the regulars.
Our spring bear camp was pretty slow this year. Schedules wouldn’t allow our regular mid/late May timing. so we figured with the lack of snow and early spring, early May would work. We only killed six bears but our newest member, at ten years old, cut both his tags. My bow never even left camp.
Lots of these buggers around to keep
You looking over your shoulder.
Lots of these buggers around to keep
You looking over your shoulder.
Good time to look for sheds with very few bugs out.
Good time to look for sheds with very few bugs out.
7 more Bears for the collection... Pine Acres
7 more Bears for the collection... Pine Acres
Holy smokes, Chris! You guys are stackin em up like cordwood! Congrats to your guys!
Just got back from BC, took my “nephew” on his first big adventure hunt. He killed 2 nice s&s bears.
Nobody bothered to tell me, but apparently when guiding you don’t get to shoot, so I never even drew my bow…
Chris has the record for most bears in a picture. May never be beat. My gosh!!!
Passed 98 bears the last three years looking for one with a great coat and big enough. #99 fit the bill. 7’4” nose to tail, head 19.5”. Good enough. Had many memories leading up to this bear
Fortis 30, axis arrow, snyper bh
Bump to the top for some more dead bears. After arrowing the brown bear last weekend on his own bait, good buddy joined us at my bear camp and was able to arrow a medium sized boar for his first black bear in several years. He was over the moon excited
I leave a week from Friday for Manitoba, can’t wait!!! It’s going to be late, hoping I can find a rutting boar that hasn’t rubbed off too bad
An incredible weekend up here in AK and couldn’t be more thrilled with this brownie. Sharing it all with good buddies was icing on the cake!
You Ak. guys are on a roll! Some awesome bears!
I got on the board with my prettiest black bear to date. A great 6.5’ boar we called Scarface. 3 for 3 in camp this weekend!
If we could get Mike to join the party and put his client kills on this thread it would skyrocket
Wow, Trevor and Zach did it again! As always. You guys are killing machines, and nothing you accomplish surprises me anymore.
Finally after 40 year of bear hunting I took a shot at my first color phase black bear…
Not the biggest bear in the world. But I’m ridiculously happy..
Lying dead un skun on the ground he was 70” nose to tail We didn’t weigh him but 300/325 a fair estimate… His skull went 19 4/16
Nice bear Shug. Great color. Congrats.
62 so far this year behind the 81 at this point last year.
Missing some outfitter postings this year compare to last.
Earl Chauvin with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta
Earl Chauvin with Mike’s Outfitting in Alberta
Earl’s bear was 330 lbs, 20 1/16 skull.
Earl with his 2nd bear
Earl with his 2nd bear
This one was a huge 440 lbs, 20 13/16 skull, and well over 7 ft square hide.
Jim Mc Dowell with Mike’s Outfitting
Jim Mc Dowell with Mike’s Outfitting
Jim’s bear was 380 lbs with a 20 6/16 skull, 7 ft 6 in square hide.
Blake Patton with Mike’s Outfitting
Blake Patton with Mike’s Outfitting
Blake’s bear had a 20 1/16 skull, 350 lbs.
Nate Boudin with Mike’s Outfitting, Alberta
Nate Boudin with Mike’s Outfitting, Alberta
Nate’s bear had a 20 0/16 skull and weighed 375 lbs.
Nate with Mike’s Outfitting
Nate with Mike’s Outfitting
Nate’s 2nd bear was 20 1/16 skull and 360 lbs.
Shaun Pierce with Mike’s
Shaun Pierce with Mike’s
Shaun’s bear was 395 lbs with a 20 13/16 skull.
Thank Mike. What an operation you have. Should say have built.
East to West Outfitting (formerly Eagle Eye) with Gerard
My buddy’s first Bear and it is a good one!
391 lbs, 7’2” square, 20-7/16” skull.
Very happy with this beautiful bear from Plum Lake Outfitters. Mikey Price did an amazing job trailing it though a swamp.
East to West Outfitters hunting with Gerard in the new camp.
Came in last night and decided to bring him back to Ohio.
330lbs on scale, 6’10” square, 18-6/16” skull.
He didn’t bleed so my guide Ryan saved the day tracking him.
Chucks bear
Chucks bear
Jacks bear
Jacks bear
Mikes bear
Mikes bear
We had four guys in camp in Quebec and went 4 for 4. My bear is above but here are the other 3.
Mt. man's Link
If you have been on Bowsite more than a few days you know Mt. Man in Idaho absolutely loves taking kids hunting. You might also know for 25 years I have introduced over 5,500 kids to the awesomeness of the outdoors and hunting with the non-profit kids camp I founded and direct. It's a ministry for my AWESOME GOD and has nothing to do with me. You might also know we have sub chapter called "Hunting Dreams" here in Idaho where we do a Bear hunt each spring and an Elk hunt each fall for a Idaho child who has suffered a life threatening illness like cancer. I absolutely LOVE doing these hunts. Companies like Ruger, Vortex, Olive Garden and Cabela's partner with us to make these hunts a reality dream for lucky kids. I am so proud of our 2024 Hunting Dreams Bear hunter LIAM, he is popping Chemo pills at night before bed while fighting Leukemia. THAT WARRIOR SMACKED A TANK IDAHO BEAR LAST NIGHT!
ENJOY! Congrats LIAM, We love you kid!
Plum Lake Outfitters in Manitoba. 354 lbs with a 20-1/16” skull.
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD
Well last week we had a group of ten hunters come to camp that included some young first time bear hunters. And amazingly they all were finished by day two!! Eight P&Y bears and three of those scoring over 20” P&Y Congratulations to all! So great to see young hunters in camp! They’re hooked now!
20 8/16”
20 8/16”
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD The tenth bear from last week. Brian with a 20 8/16” bear
Southern Alberta spot and stalk.
90 and counting vs 86 last year at this point.
4 of us will be starting Monday in Manitoba. Hopefully we can add to the list
Bobby Vlach
Bobby Vlach
Have quite a few Bears that I will post later...
Thanks Chris we know you have been cleaning up on them in Ontario and will get around to a big time dump of trophies on this thread when the dust settles.
Here's one more from Pine Acres, shot 5-20-24
My dream animal!! Alaska brown bear!!!
Congratulations beav, wow!!
Son's First Bear. Only made it 15 yards.
Son's First Bear. Only made it 15 yards.
Congrats on the great bear, Beav!! Can’t wait for the blow by blow when you get back home!
With Harlin on the board it was finally my turn to tag one about 15 hours later and finish out an amazing season in bear camp!
Amazing season indeed! Congrats again Trevor and thanks so much!
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD 2 weeks ago. 6 bears all over P&Y
Carswell Lake Outfitters Ltd This past week. 7 bears all over P&Y . So 13 bears in two weeks all over P&Y with 10 of the 13 being 19”-20+”!
Nice browns for Trevor and Harlan! And lots of excellent black bears! Congrats gents!
Jessie and his Bear... Pine Acres
Jessie and his Bear... Pine Acres
Chares and his Ontario Bear... Pine Acres
Chares and his Ontario Bear... Pine Acres
Rolen Edison and his first Bear... Pine Acres
Rolen Edison and his first Bear... Pine Acres
Greg Litzo... Pine Acres... *** Bear already counted in truck load of bears
Greg Litzo... Pine Acres... *** Bear already counted in truck load of bears
Razorback... Mark and his son.... Pine Acres
Razorback... Mark and his son.... Pine Acres
Dan and his 2024 Ontario Spring bear... Pine Acres
Dan and his 2024 Ontario Spring bear... Pine Acres
Was waiting for this Harlin. Congratulations! Nice Trevy!
Lots of nice bears taken this season!
Saskatchewan bear from a couple hours ago.
Kevin Brouwer... Pine Acres.
Kevin Brouwer... Pine Acres.
Looks like a good bear Bou, congratulations!
Dean... taken 20 minutes before end of the Spring season 2024. Pine Acres.
Dean... taken 20 minutes before end of the Spring season 2024. Pine Acres.
Grant... Who you hunt this year with
Dave Cole. 8 years running with 2 more years prohibited at Border. Love the 7 hour drive
Checkmate, congrats to your son on getting his first bear.
Thanks. That was my son’s ninth but all special. Let’s keep this count running!
Very nice bear, congratulations.
Son Weston’s first bear. Atikoken, Ontario
And they keep coming. WOw, what a bear year. All, nicely done. My best, Paul
When Chris’s adds we will be over 200
Last year at this time, we had a big batch also added from adrenaline Russ But I don’t think he’s around here anymore
Taylors bear
Taylors bear
20 year dream!
20 year dream!
2 days to hunt a new bait. One for the freezer
2 days to hunt a new bait. One for the freezer
Carswell Lake Outfitters LTD. Last two weeks had 6 hunters in total all took P&Y bears! 4 of those 19-21”
This Bear looks 20 yrs old
A/S he looks like he’s wearing a toupee
We will beat last years 181 but getting to 251 for the record high watermark will be a stretch without some outfittters chipping in.
My daughter’s Wyoming bear.
Nice picture Jason! Good shot Baylee!
Baylee was super patient and passed on quite a few before this one. Good stuff Jason!
Far north Saskatchewan. Rock Ridge Outfitters. Makin memories...
First brown bear! Got 20 yards from her and she died 15 yards away! My wife and some friends were safely watching at 100 yards away! I am on cloud 9!
We need pine acres to juice this thing up. Come on Chris!
Took the first trip of the fall this past weekend looking for bears. Spotted this guy feeding on some raspberries and was able to slip into 30 for a shot!
Zach strikes again! (no surprise) Congrats, Zach!
Larry... Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Larry... Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Gavin... Fall 24'.
Gavin... Fall 24'.
Tim... Fall 24'
Tim... Fall 24'
Shannon... Fall 24'
Shannon... Fall 24'
Hey Bou'bound, have you tallied up the numbers for 2024???
Chuck pine acres fall 24
Chuck pine acres fall 24
Nolan pine acres fall24
Nolan pine acres fall24
Pine acres fall 24
Pine acres fall 24
Pine acres fall 24
Pine acres fall 24
Pine acres fall 24
Pine acres fall 24
Fun bear hunt with Ron Niziolek.
Ron’s Wyoming Bear from the same trip.
Brandon... Fall 24'
Brandon... Fall 24'
Korbin... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Korbin... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Braydon... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Braydon... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Have topped last year. A big fall can get us to 251 which would be most ever
Paul... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Paul... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Gord, 85 Years Young. Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Gord, 85 Years Young. Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Gord Jr.... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Gord Jr.... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Jason... Spring 24'. Pine Acres
Jason... Spring 24'. Pine Acres
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres
June 24'... Pine Acres
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres
June 24'... Pine Acres
June 24... Pine Acres
June 24... Pine Acres
Tim E. June 24'... Pine Acres.
Tim E. June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
June 24'... Pine Acres.
Picture day tomorrow... more to come from this week.
What an operation Chris. Thanks.
Brandon... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Brandon... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Steve... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Steve... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Frank... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Frank... Fall 24'. Pine Acres.
Carl... Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Carl... Fall 24' Pine Acres.
Carl was here in 76' with his dad. He was 11 and I was 13. My Dad Rene got his dad a Bear. Came this year with his son and a Buddy. All 3 tagged their first sit.
Greg... Sept 3rd. Pine Acres
Greg... Sept 3rd. Pine Acres
Corey on left Brandon on Right... September 6th. 24' Pine Acres.
Corey on left Brandon on Right... September 6th. 24' Pine Acres.
How about some DIY hunt pics
BC bear with Babine Guides and Outfitters Sept 5th
2024 New Mexico - No guide, No dogs
Interior Griz hunt. Started as a bowhunt, ended with a rifle. Officially makes B&C at 25 1/16". Incredible experience.
2 more from New Brunswick, 9/11/24.
MI opening day. 280# Sow dressed out.
Dan... September 12 Pine Acres
Dan... September 12 Pine Acres
Sept 9th in our fall hunt. Curtis from Iowa made short work as he shot on his first night on stand. Congratulations
9/15 Colorado. #7 for co big 8, just lion left.
this is the 14th year of tracking and the third most reported. 238 and 250 in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Don't know that we will get the number needed over the balance of the year to move up the list. Possibly fall outfitters can help.
Bou, the number should be 215 now.
MN no quota zone, 9/24. Not a big one but will make some good snack sticks and sausage.
Congrads Nick, great looking Bear.
Congratulations pal… is that what they look like?
My Minnesota bear from Tuesday. Passed 16 shooter before I couldn’t resist.
My 14 year old son got it done Sunday in NW Wisconsin with dogs and a gun. Weighed 210 dressed so about 250 live. Perfect first bear couldn’t be more excited.
I got this guy on the 30th. We taped him at 21 10/16" and weighed him at 460 pounds.
Carswell Lake Outfitters in Saskatchewan
I managed to get my moose 2 days later.
Needless to say, I've got plenty of meat this year.
Wow Shooter. That bear, oh good lord.
I was face to face with him at 3 yards! He turned and I took the shot when he stopped at 13.
That may be the biggest black bear shot in NA this year! Close to the magical 22"!
I know it's really big. Gonna be hard holding my breathe for 60 days (53 now) while he drys.
Bou, see my post above my photos. Green was 21 10/16". I dropped the skull off with my beetle guy today.
Better late than never.
SK: 10/25
Nunavut Halloween bear 10/31/24
Nunavut Halloween bear 10/31/24
Don’t be in too big of a hurry to stop the count. PA bear 11/26 hope to add a jersey bear in December.
Fall Colorado bear Green score 21 1/16