Best frying pan for venison
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What is your preferred cookware for wild game?
Cast iron here as well. We have frying pans and all sorts of other cast iron pans so the particular one depends.
Square for me. Cast iron..
Prolly going to hear a lot of cast iron! It’s what I do.
The cast iron causes Altzheimers disease.
Darn, I was hoping this was an FDP thread with another YouTube video.
Me too. Bou post pics of your favorite cook ware
Maybe fdp can add on with his favorite spoon for stirring archery killed venison stew
"Maybe fdp can add on with his favorite spoon for stirring archery killed venison stew" short or long handled ?
“The cast iron causes Altzheimers disease.”
I had forgotten that but it’s true
Guess there will be alot of Alzheimer's patients here. Including myself. I prefer a lump wood charcoal grill for steaks tho. Maybe with some hickory or apple wood .
I like my backstrap on the smoker at 160 degrees for 1-2 hours then a quick reverse sear on the Blackstone.
All-Clad multi-layer stainless for any kind of meat.
Smoker then cast iron.
Sous Vide then cast iron.
Fuzzy nailed it. A well-seasoned cast iron can't be beat for frying wild game, fish, or just about everything.
What does fuzzy know? ;0)
Smitty cast iron. The cooking surface is polished. Nothing sticks to it. Not even eggs. Better than any non stick cookware. And it lasts forever. Made in the USA!
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Causes AD"",,,,,,,,,,, that's funny.
I'm sure Smitty makes a good frying pan but at $210... above my raising
I know of no link between cast iron cookware and Alzheimers. There used to be some theory that suggested one between aluminum cookware and Alzheimers based solely on high levels of Aluminum found in the brains of Alzheimers patients. I don't think that panned out. (Bad Pun)
Never fried venison in a pan, it's always been the grill for me...
There's definitely a link. I'm amazed more people don't know it or continue to just go against the science.
Cast iron to sear after I sous vide it..
"While there is some evidence that iron might be involved in Alzheimer's disease, there is no evidence to prove that it causes the disease. It may be that Alzheimer's disease itself causes an increase in iron levels in the brain"
Popr that's from
Cast iron does not cause AD. That is a myth. While there are a number of things that increase risk of AD, cast iron is not one of them. There is iron in each of your blood cells and each of your muscle cells to the tune of about 60 grains of iron per person - you can't live without it.
I used a Lodge cast iron for the longest time and now use a Smitty, which is better.
Assume you guys are speaking of Smithey cast iron?
I really only pan cook back straps or heart and I prefer to use cast iron.
I did this heart in a non-stick pan and it came out great. High heat, short time.
First off , when cooking with cast iron the food shouldn't touch the iron, it touches the built up carbon that coats the cast iron with a well seasoned pan. Too much of any mineral is bad for you even vitamin D. Cooking in cast iron is not going to raise your iron levels. I sear in cast iron if it's a thick cut then transfer to the air fryer until 115 degrees.
I audibly chuckled at Bou’s post, lol
Some old cast iron has trace amounts of lead in it, so there very well might be some truth to it. I don’t think any Cast Iron you’d get in this century would be a danger. I sure hope not, as I cook 99% of my meals on cast iron, I’ll find out when I’m 80 and update y’all
Traeger first then cast Iron sear.
So let me get this right, nonstick cookware causes cancer and cast iron causes Alzheimer’s? Got it.
I can honestly say that I have never put venison in a frying pan. Good old fire and smoke for this guy.
I like my venison fried as well as grilled. Some cuts come out better in a fry pan. You can’t beat heart cooked hot and fast in a cast iron skillet. No grilling is going to compare.
But, you can make back strap, venison poppers, and roasts just as good on a grill if you get the right cuts.
My Mama's cast iron skillet- many years of cooking experience of all types of foods.
We've replaced some our our cast iron cookware with Iron Clad cookware. It's worked great on venison as well as turkey and goose.
Anything that gets fried is in cast iron here. But then again, I am super forgetful…
Fry everything in cast iron unless I deep fry fish in the big aluminum pot.
Anything that gets fried is in cast iron here. But then again, I am super forgetful…
Cast iron Dutch oven for fish,turkey nuggets, breaded venison.Big cast iron skillet for our country fried venison steak with gravy Yummy All our cast iron is hand me downs from our family Now I’m hungry ?? Good luck Lewis