Sitka Gear
Early Spring SE Alaska?
Contributors to this thread:
mountainman 23-Mar-24
Scar Finga 23-Mar-24
mountainman 23-Mar-24
Cazador 23-Mar-24
llamapacker 23-Mar-24
Dale06 23-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 23-Mar-24
mountainman 23-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 23-Mar-24
BlacktailBob 23-Mar-24
Cazador 23-Mar-24
mountainman 23-Mar-24
Bou'bound 24-Mar-24
Buskill 24-Mar-24
wildwilderness 24-Mar-24
mountainman 24-Mar-24
From: mountainman
I have a black bear hunt booked this year during the first week of June in SE Alaska.

Outfitter contacted me to let me know that from what he is seeing spring warmth is earlier than typical and he is already seeing bear movement around town(Today is March 23).

He said we could move the hunt earlier if it worked for us. But the only dates available are during the second half of April.

For you guys that have hunted SE Alaska a decent amount, given what looks like an early spring, would you move back to the second half of April or keep the hunt the first week of June?


From: Scar Finga
I haven't hunted bear there, but I would listen to the guide/ outfitter if you trust him!

If you don' trust him, I wouldn't have booked with him!! Always listen to the guide!!!

Why would you question him? it's my understanding that the male/ bigger bears are always the first out of hibernation... Please correct me if I am wrong on this as I am not a bear hunter! If my guide called me and said come early, I probably would.

Just my worthless two cents... I hope you go and have an amazing hunt!! Good luck and God Bless!

From: mountainman
No one is questioning what he said. He gave us an OPTION.

His other available dates are pretty early and I wanted to know what others had experienced between those two times.

Switching everything may be possible but will take some shuffling because the earlier dates are less than a month away and all involved have flights, vac time, hotels, rental car etc, already booked.

From: Cazador
No way I’d trade April for June. So many positives in June vs April. Hold fast!

From: llamapacker
I hunt SE Alaska every year and typically book the first or second week of May. My preference is about May 5-15. I would consider the last week of April if I knew it was an early spring. I can't imagine the bears being out much earlier, but your outfitter should know best. Bill

From: Dale06
The bears “will” be out and feeding and coming to baits in June. The bears “may” be out in April. Seems to me that June is a sure bet on seeing lots of bears, but the hides may be not as good as earlier bears. I’ve brown bear hunted in SW Ak twice in very late May. There was plenty of black bears available. Good luck on your hunt.

From: BlacktailBob
What type of hunt is it? Spot and stalk or baited?

For the first ten years or so I hunted Southeast all I did was spot and stalk beaches. Back then it was easy to get up to a half dozen stalks every night between two of us. We had pretty good success in early May. I never did hunt the last week of April.

Since I switched to bait hunting, I start baiting around the first week of May and my baits are usually hit within three days. I think the best bear activity is the third week of May until the end of May.

Two things happen the end of May, boars start looking for sows and fawns start dropping. I think older boars have learned to seek fawns and will leave a bait for those choice nuggets laying around on the two-track log roads.

I’ve had good boars on cameras at a bait and they disappear around June 1st. Whether they leave for fawns or sows I don’t know. If I have a bait that’s being pounded by sows, I start hunting there the first week of June. More than one old board has been killed at one of those baits the first time he’s showed up there.

Cazador is correct, way more big boar movement in June than in April. In April I’d look where grass greens up earliest because that’s where boars will be.

From: mountainman
Thanks for the responses so far.

I should mention this is a boat based, spot and stalk hunt.

From: BlacktailBob
You'll see more bears in June than April, but most of the bears you'll see in April will be boars. Early can be good for that type of hunt. Where we used to beach hunt there are way fewer bears around, so it just isn’t practical anymore. If your outfitter has a remote location where there are plenty of bears, April could be fine.

From: BlacktailBob
Based upon photos neighbors have sent us of our cabin and what they say about the winter, I concur it’s an early spring this year. That early in April might be pushing it though. All my experience is from the north end of Prince of Wales Island so other areas could very well be different.

From: Cazador
Another possible plus depending on where you’re at, no meat salvage in June. I’d rather a take a fish box home of fish than SE Alaska bear meat.

From: mountainman
Yeah we won’t have to salvage meat after June 1. But outfitter said he prefers that clients salvage at least the basic stuff.

Thanks for all the info guys. I am leaning towards keeping it in June. I haven’t really heard anything that makes it seem worth it to change the flights, vacation time( if work is even ok with it) etc. for that early in April.

I will follow up on here after the hunt to let you guys Know how we did.

From: Bou'bound

From: Buskill
I have hunted Prince of Wales multiple times. My preferred dates are around 2nd or 3rd week of May. A few bears are rubbed but a decent # of bears are out. I’d think by June on a normal year the rubbing would be bad. I think I’d go April if spring seems early. Once again, I can only comment from my POW perspective.

Is it an option to go both if needed?

From: mountainman
I haven’t asked that. Interesting thought though.

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