Bow for 26 year old daughter
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My left handed daughter is interested in getting into bow hunting. I was considering getting her a new bow but we also discussed maybe beginning with a used bow and see how she likes it. She would be deer hunting on our farm with shots of 25 and in and maybe hunt 7-10 days a year.
For anyone that has women hunters in the home, what bow do you recommend? Are their sites other than ebay where people are selling or trading their bows?
Thanks in advance
Mission archery makes a good Midrange level women’s bow that can be found used and easily adjusted
I’d recommend going to a pro shop, get her measured for draw length, then have her shoot some used or new bows and decide. What we think will work for her is a shot in the dark.
ArcheryTalk has an excellent classifieds section, but to access it, you have to join and post something like 20 posts, or something like that.
Check Ebay. Lots of brand-new older models at pretty good prices.
Mission craze. I have a friend whose son out grew his. PM me if interested. That's the bow my son used for quite a few years and it was great. Very adjustable and easy.
A “Women’s Model” sounds like pure Pink-Washing to me. A bow is a bow. If the grip works for you and the poundage is suitable…?
And FWIW, don’t rule out a good, entry-level recurve. You can fit one out with sights to shorten the learning curve considerably, and I have never seen anyone who could shoot a conventional bow who couldn’t switch to Compound seamlessly. If she could shoot #25 without let-off, a #50 compound would be a walk in the park.
So it depends whether she wants to get into Archery or just wants to shoot some deer. Either way is all good.
Thanks to everyone. She ended up ordering a new Mission off of eBay. If she doesn’t like it at least it didn’t cost $1400.
I think she will and it will do what we want it to.
Thanks again
I realize the bow has already been ordered but,... are you sure about the left handed model? For archery you need to use your dominant eye. A lot of women are cross-dominant.
This is why a pro shop should be the first step. JMO
Correct on the dominant eye and hand. She has shot recurves since she was 4 and shoots a gun with left eye.
She lives in TN and us in MO and we all live essentially in the middle of nowhere. No convenient pro shop experiences in our future. That’s why we took the route we did. Thanks for all of the advice.