Mathews Inc.
Montana Elk Draw Strategy Nixed
Contributors to this thread:
pav 31-Mar-24
elkocd 31-Mar-24
pav 31-Mar-24
elkocd 31-Mar-24
808bowhunter 31-Mar-24
nmwapiti 31-Mar-24
Grunt-N-Gobble 31-Mar-24
BrentC 31-Mar-24
Tilzbow 31-Mar-24
pav 31-Mar-24
BrentC 31-Mar-24
Danbow 31-Mar-24
pav 01-Apr-24
WI Shedhead 01-Apr-24
BrentC 01-Apr-24
Pop-r 02-Apr-24
pav 03-Apr-24
From: pav
Many of you may already know this...but I was thought I would share my recent findings about the Montana non-resident elk draw in case others are unaware.

I applied for Arizona elk and Wyoming elk earlier this year. Was fortunate to draw a tag in Arizona. Reached out to Wyoming F&G and learned that I could cancel my WY elk application and still be allowed to purchase a preference point this summer.

That got me thinking about Montana elk...and how to potentially keep my one preference point. The plan was to apply for Montana elk with that one point (i.e. not purchase a second point prior to the draw...which would be used in the draw). Odds of drawing Montana Elk Combo with one point being very slim.

Reached out the Montana F&G and confirmed that I would not be "awarded" a second preference point if I failed to draw a tag...which is what I expected. BUT...I was also told if I applied (without purchasing a pre-draw point) and failed to draw a tag this spring...I would not be eligible to purchase a point this summer. That's NOT the answer I was hoping to get!

So, my strategy of going into this year's draw with only one preference point, likely failing to draw a tag and keeping my one preference point...then adding a second preference point over the summer and buying a third point prior to the 2025 draw...virtually guaranteeing a tag in the 2025 draw... is not a strategy at all. By not applying this year, I'll lose my point and have to start from scratch this summer.

Before anyone suggests...I will answer that having a second elk tag this year is really not a viable option for me...even though the Montana archery elk season lasts well into October.

From: elkocd
Do you know the answer to this: My son and I have 1 point. I did not put us in for the draw last year. We have tags elsewhere this year and will not be putting in. So if I were to go in during the summer points period and buy pref. points for each of us(total $200) will that just be a complete waste because we will go to 0 from not applying in consecutive years? I guess my confusion is when the points get zeroed out from not applying. Post draw period or post points period.

From: pav
Points are deleted based on failure to apply for the draw. If you don't apply in any given year with existing points, those points will be removed after the draw. If you don't apply and lose your points, you can start over in the summer at $100/point.

From: elkocd
Pav, so based on what you're saying we would lose our 1 point after the draw by not applying, but in the summer we could buy a point and be back at 1 point going into next years draw?

From: 808bowhunter
you could buy a point giving you 2 then apply as a party with someone with 1 or zero and not draw. stupid system but gotta work with it if we want tags

From: nmwapiti
Didn't you used to be able to skip one year? This thread got me checking and it looks like you have to apply if you have a point and don't want to lose it.

I'm no expert here, but the way I understand it and what happened to me, I bought a point a year or 2 ago with the thinking I'd build pts but then they changed the system. And because I didn't buy another point and apply the next year, I now lost that point & made a donation to the state.

Ya have to plan in advance now that you are gonna apply for a tag the next year after buying that 1st point.

From: BrentC
I hope to be in a similar situation. Can you keep your points if you draw then return the tag?

From: Tilzbow
A system that reduces point creep seems like a good idea to me.

From: pav
"Pav, so based on what you're saying we would lose our 1 point after the draw by not applying, but in the summer we could buy a point and be back at 1 point going into next years draw?"

Yes, that's the answer I got.

"I hope to be in a similar situation. Can you keep your points if you draw then return the tag?"

I don't believe that's ever been the case in Montana? I've drawn general combo tags in the past, but failed to draw a LE permit...and turned down the general combo tag...and my preference points were gone.

From: BrentC
Thanks Pav.

From: Danbow
Put in for a really hard unit to draw with one point so you have almost zero chance to draw.

From: pav
"Put in for a really hard unit to draw with one point so you have almost zero chance to draw."

It would be nice if the draw worked that way...but it does not. You must draw the general combo tag prior to drawing a LE permit. Two different draws. You can request to turn the general combo tag back in if you fail to draw the LE permit...but the preference points are gone. That's happened to me more than once when applying for the Breaks.

From: WI Shedhead
To think as much money that gets slung around they would make a system a little easier and thier is no question what you’re applying for. What a circus- but I’m as bad as anyone else I’m under the big top playing the game in montana this year hoping for a breaks tag

From: BrentC
Thanks Pav.

From: Pop-r
So much, without a better way to say it ignorance toward the Montana system. Educate yourself. Yes it is a circus and you cannot count on what anyone at the FWP tells you on the phone to be the facts.

From: pav

pav's Link
I've also heard negative reports regarding phone call answers from Montana FWP. That said, Montana FWP does have a very descriptive video regarding both bonus and preference points. See link provided...and scroll to the bottom of the page for the video.

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