Mathews Inc.
See Thru Blinds
Contributors to this thread:
Groundhunter 02-Apr-24
StickFlicker 02-Apr-24
Ungie01201 05-Apr-24
JTreeman 05-Apr-24
sschultz 05-Apr-24
Tracker 05-Apr-24
wyobullshooter 05-Apr-24
Highlife 05-Apr-24
Aces11 05-Apr-24
Prairie Stalker 05-Apr-24
Prairie Stalker 05-Apr-24
Archer Ontario 06-Apr-24
Nomad 25-Apr-24
4nolz@work 25-Apr-24
Bowfreak 25-Apr-24
4nolz@work 25-Apr-24
Bowfreak 25-Apr-24
4nolz@work 25-Apr-24
woodguy65 17-Oct-24
Charlie Rehor 17-Oct-24
Scoot 17-Oct-24
KY EyeBow 17-Oct-24
OTC_Bowhunter 17-Oct-24
Taxidermy man 18-Oct-24
Ursman 20-Oct-24
WYOelker 22-Oct-24
Tilzbow 22-Oct-24
Nomad 23-Oct-24
StAvisy 25-Oct-24
From: Groundhunter
Looking at the Tidewe, see thru blind. Big sale. For pop ups, any pros or cons on the see thru styles?

From: StickFlicker
I have no experience with it, other than to note that the 50% off sale seems to be their everyday price.

From: Ungie01201
I just picked up one of the smaller ones from the Tidwe sale... couldn't not try it for the price. Hoping to give it a shot for spring turkey.

My buddy has a see through and used it this year during deer season and really liked it. He shot a couple from it and so did his young son.

From: JTreeman
No experience with that brand, but a big fan of the see through type blinds in general.


From: sschultz
I bought one sent it back you can see though both ways

From: Tracker
I have hunted out of my buddies a couple times ad they are O for there price. I just couldn’t get used to the open view. Always felt the deer could see me. Give me a 360 Double Bull style anyway.

Bought a Double Bull Surround View blind last year. Compared to my older Double Bull Dark Horse it’s a PITA to set up, but absolutely love the 180° see thru.

From: Highlife

From: Aces11
I just purchased one of the Tidwe ones. Anyone ever use a see through for antelope hunting? I feel like I always keep it as dark as possible in there so they dont see me. I like to keep a window open and not shoot through mesh. Wondering if they will have a better chance of seeing me.

I just purchased a Tidewe as well Watched some reviews on You tube and 1 review had a link with a discount code Was skeptical at first but went to Tidewe website and they had the 3-4 person blind for $144 and when I entered the code it dropped it to $118.90 and with tax it came to $126 and change so I pulled the trigger on one Got it in around 4 days and set it up and it seems to look great At the price point I figured what the heck Antelope hunted numerous times out of blinds and wanted to try a see thru so not constantly peeking thru side slits Time will tell on the goats this fall but it's first trial will be on turkeys in a week or 2

I forgot to mention I went with the bigger blind because of the larger footprint for extra room and specifically for the height as all my other blinds I could not stand up without being hunched over When sitting in a blind for hours on end waiting for antelope being able to move around some and stand will definitely be a plus

Don’t hunt late season deer you will freeze See threw blinds are good for bear , turkey and early deer Wind rips right threw them and you will freeze in late season Better choices in my opinion

From: Nomad
Has anyone painted the inside walls with black fabric spray paint? Supposed to make it easier to see out of plus gives you a darker back drop.

From: 4nolz@work
I have one it's great for turkeys you cannot "see through both ways" that's not true.I don't use blinds for big game so I don't know about antelope etc but it's awesome for turkeys

From: Bowfreak
Watch the first portion of this video to see what is bad about see through blinds. I have no idea how you kill anything being lit up like that in a blind. The Surroundview Max I have doesn't have anywhere near the amount of see through material that this blind has. Personally, wouldn't own a blind that lights you up this much.

From: 4nolz@work
Bowfreak you can't hunt humans maybe being lit up.I think it's a spatial visualization thing with turkeys they must not see anything but a big square.If the windows are down Im sure anything can see movement inside.

From: Bowfreak
Not really sure what you mean 4Nolz about hunting humans but I would never get my bow drawn in a blind that looks like someone is shining a spotlight on you where I hunt.

From: 4nolz@work
I meant a person can look at both levels and process it so the light inside is more of an issue than something like a turkey

From: woodguy65
I have 5 of the Tidewe see thru blinds. I would recommend getting the larger ones (3-4 person) they offer. The smaller blinds have too small of a footprint IMO for bowhunting. Your too close to the openings. You can faintly see in them from the outside in very bright sunlight. On the inside, you can see out of them, however, you need to move your head back and forth while looking through those small dots, otherwise your eyes get fixated on the small holes (if that makes any sense). I would also recommend getting the ones with magnetic door closure vs the zipper.

We have very smart turkeys in Massachusetts and last May I drew on a Gobbler in one of these blinds and he saw me and ran away. I’m now back to my traditional Turkey blind. Just my experience with street wise Massachusetts Gobblers

From: Scoot
No doubt there are conditions in which animals can pick up movement in them. Turkeys don't tend to stick around when they catch movement in a blind...

From: KY EyeBow
I sat in a few of these earlier this Fall. I agree that animals can see in them given the right conditions. I would not buy one but I don't like pop ups anyway really although I have killed several animals out of them when that is the best option.

I have the smaller one and just order the bigger one from Tidewe. No reason, just felt like getting the bigger one. No complaints yet.

They are junk.

From: Ursman
Great customer service. Had one of the hubs poke a hole and tear in the fabric when taking down the blind. Sent them a photo of the 12 inch tear and the next thing in know there was a free replacement blind at my door. Can’t beat that. Had similar problems with two Xenek blinds. Customer service told there was nothing they could do for me.

From: WYOelker
I have the tide we in the big version and love it as a blind. We have only used it a few times, but could see it being very useful in the future. There is no doubt I would buy another one if I need it. The price point is great. as for some of the comment. I found in my normal blind that sitting the blind windows were too tall for shooting my bow and being 6'2" they were just a little short for me to stand and shoot. It is a perfect set up for my wife to stand and shoot from. As for the window being too high I just got a different seat to shoot from.

I agree a vertical window would be better. but truth is a little planning ahead and the window can be over come with ease.

As for the see through.. It is great. We used the blind on a lope hunt and had animals come in no problem. I do not like the blind for antelope hunting in the early morning or evening. Simply put there is too much light inside the blind and to much shine. Face paint and camo really help. But again with the lopes we are setting up in the wide open and no matter how you set the blind the sun will eventually shine in sideways.

Now in the brush, in the trees, in the shade of a bulding, etc. It is absolutely a killer set up. Anyplace you will get shade or be in the shade it is pretty good deal. Is it as amazing as a fully enclosed double bull? No but the ability to see all around you, and the fact that will a little work it works really well.

The other bonus the full sized is tall enough to stretch your legs. It ia slo big enough to lay down and take a nap.

For the money it was a great purchase. It even managed to stay in one piece when the WY wind blew it into out fence at 50 mph...

I would think it is great blind for anything except being in the wide open on a lope hunt.

From: Tilzbow
I didn’t see it mentioned but black out curtains to cover the back 1/2 to 2/3 of a see through blind will do wonders to conceal movement and prevent silhouette. I know some Double Bull and Baronette blinds come with these built in and Double Bull sells the black out curtains as an accessory.

From: Nomad

Nomad's embedded Photo
Nomad's embedded Photo
Window too tall? I sit on something like this to solve my problem.

From: StAvisy
I recently picked up some outdoor blinds for my patio, and they've made a big difference in how we enjoy the space. The see-through styles are great because you still get that natural light and view while blocking some of the harsh sun. We had a little BBQ last weekend, and it was nice to sit outside without squinting or feeling overheated.

One thing to think about is how they hold up in windy conditions. We had a bit of a gusty day, and I noticed they flapped around a bit more than I expected. But overall, I love how they let you feel connected to the outdoors while keeping some comfort.

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