Value of a Mathews Z-9
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I have two people interested in my Mathews Z-9. It's in excellent condition, probably less than 2000 shots thru it. 60# @31". Included are a detachable Mathews 5 arrow quiver. Tru-glo 1 pin slider. All have the "Lost" camo pattern. And a SKB hard case. I'm looking to get a ballpark figure as to what this is all worth. Thanks in advance.
What people will pay..... 2011 to 2015 on that bow. I have seen those year models, nib, go for 300.00 at gun shows.
However I am sure alot higher on E Bay.
Good luck
Figure you’ll use or lose 20% a year on a bow until it gets down to salvage value of about 200
Selling used bow accessories has always been a market I’ve never understood. People ask way more than I think they are worth. It doesn’t bother me. I’m just trying to figure out what I’m missing.
I said all of that to say this. Your bow is 9 years old. That means the accessories likely are too. At least the quiver. And, people selling their used gear rarely put themselves in the buying seat.
To me, I’d give you $350 for the whole setup. I’m probably not on the radar with that but, you can buy 10 year old, used compound for a little bit of nothing.
You might find selling the bow, accessories, and case separate will yield more money.
Here is another point, in real world of sales. Your selling the bow, that's it. Either take extras off, or take a loss.
When we bought boats, I told people, we are buying the boat, motor and trailer. The next person may no want all your extras and electronics, so keep them, or prepare to take loss on extras.
Again, you should get at least 300.00.....lot of Matthew fans.
I just sold a Hoyt Carbon Spyder 34, with Hoyt soft case, 6 fmj arrows, tehred site, qad drop away, and G5 Stryker heads, for 600.00.....It was a 2014 model......
Appreciate the input. I was thinking between 3 and 400. I'd be satisfied with splitting the difference.
Check completed listings on eBay and old classifies on archerytalk.