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Eye Floaters
Contributors to this thread:
Ogoki 06-Apr-24
bowhunt 06-Apr-24
TK 06-Apr-24
drycreek 06-Apr-24
smarba 06-Apr-24
Sam 06-Apr-24
jjs 06-Apr-24
Nyati 06-Apr-24
Saphead 06-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 06-Apr-24
badbull 06-Apr-24
Bob H in NH 06-Apr-24
DL 06-Apr-24
Jeff Durnell 06-Apr-24
2Wild Bill 06-Apr-24
keepemsharp 06-Apr-24
carcus 06-Apr-24
Grunt-N-Gobble 06-Apr-24
Cheesehead Mike 07-Apr-24
Mule Power 07-Apr-24
MF 07-Apr-24
fastflight 07-Apr-24
Cheesehead Mike 07-Apr-24
t-roy 07-Apr-24
MQQSE 07-Apr-24
Mule Power 07-Apr-24
Bowfreak 07-Apr-24
Mule Power 07-Apr-24
Ungie01201 08-Apr-24
yellow eye 08-Apr-24
Iowa Rut Nut 09-Apr-24
Ursman 09-Apr-24
btnbuck 09-Apr-24
From: Ogoki
I did a search and the last time this topic was brought up was in 2017. I hope it is ok to post a bow hunting problem related question here ? Wink wink !!

I just got my first dose of floaters . Had eyes examined by ophthalmologist and everything else is ok. You guys that had already had them , did they get less noticeable or go away ? Any input appreciated . I guess even your wise crack remarks . LOL

From: bowhunt
I have a ton of them. It’s really annoying.

Being dehydrated or really tired seems to make it worse.

It’s really strange snorkeling or scuba diving, I’m always seeing shadows moving out of the corner of my eye!

From: TK
Unfortunately I am an expert on floaters. I got mine after cataract surgery. Had a vitreous detachment in both eyes a year or so after surgery. Ended up having a vitrectomy in both eyes. The vitrectomy was worse than cataract surgery but well worth it because it got rid of all floaters.

From: drycreek
Yeah, they come and go. It’s hard to slap a gnat that keeps moving !

From: smarba
I've had them since I was young, they sometimes change location, but I have had one for several that shows up right in the center of my dominant eye view that won't get out of the way. Eye doc says nothing out of the ordinary or concerning, also not much they can do. I have a neighbor that had eye surgery they had to suck out the fluid and pressurize with gas until his body replaced the fluid. Not sure what his surgery was related to. I wondered if they could suck out the fluid with floaters and body would replace with clear fluid, but anything related to eye seems risky so I've never pursued.

I'm interested in this thread.

From: Sam
Wife had them terribly, they eventually got so bad she drove herself to the optometrist in tears saying it looked like snakes shooting across her eyes. It took about a year but they finally went away.

From: jjs
Have them for ages, they are a substance that are floating in the fluid of the eye, maybe a sign of a torn retina along with flashes, get it check out. I had a torn retina that had these symptoms, it was reattached with a laser, it was my shooting eye.

From: Nyati
I’m 66, they come and go. Only once did they really bother me and it went away after a couple weeks

From: Saphead
Got em. Hate em... Left eye only tho. Wondered if there was an opperation that could get rid of them.

Got. Had them since I was a kid. Got done now. I keep a check on them every year starting in about a month. Napping while waiting for mid morning gobbles I get reacquainted with them. I notice them when I look at the sky.

From: badbull
I started having them years ago but now I am an old guy and they have gone away or my brain has adjusted to them so I don't notice them. Good luck to you as I hope yours will go away soon.

From: Bob H in NH
I got them, one big one. Mostly don't notice them u less I want to. Blue sky days are the worst. Can't tell how often I "see" a bug periphery, even made me look for geese last winter.

It can be fun to watch them move around and try to control them

From: DL
You know they are bad when you start swatting at things around your face that aren’t there.

From: Jeff Durnell
I've had them on occasion most of my adult life, but when I got Lyme they got really bad. I got rid of the Lyme and the floaters have regressed to their previous lesser level but are still here. I can see em right now. A small toll to pay to get out of that living hell, and they don't even bother me. It's the LOUD high pitched unrelenting tinnitus every waking moment for many years that works to whittle down a strong psyche. But I'm sure it'll be gone when I'm dead so I have that quiet time to look forward to :^)

From: 2Wild Bill
My floater I can tolerate, but I did go to the doctor when the bright white flashes in the peripheral began. They lasted for about a month and slowed to a stop, I hope for good, or so the doctor tells me.

From: keepemsharp
After I had cataract surgery they told me "about a year from now it will get cloudy" they were right. They said and come in and we will laser out a hole in your old lenses and get rid of that. They were right it took about 20 minutes for them to cut holes in my natural lenses. I asked, what happens to the pieces? They said "you will have some floaters", they were right. I was seeing mosquitos in Dec. but it did not last long.

From: carcus
I have them, they are a PITA, my tinnitus is a far bigger PITA! Getting old is great!

I've had them since being a kid when my vision required glasses. They would come and go but I didn't notice them too much. They became less frequent since switching to contacts during high-school. Still get them but very infrequently.

I had one appear in right eye last summer, it's at about 2 o'clock in my eye. Then a couple months ago one appeared in my left eye at 10 o'clock. At first they really bothered me but I guess I've gotten used to them. Eye doctor says everything else is normal. I just try to ignore them like the tinnitus.

From: Mule Power
Carcus I hear you! (Not really) Tinnitus is horrible! I mostly notice the floaters when hiking on snow.

From: MF
Mine aren't too bad until I'm ready to squeeze the trigger, release an arrow, sink the 8 ball, read a tape measure :)

From: fastflight
Had the for last 5 years. Started with a tear that was fixed by laser treatment. Definitely annoying. Some days way worse than others and I haven't really figured out what causes those bad days. Some people day bright sun but mine are worse on cloudy days. Hopefully an easy surgery will be figured out soon

I notice that some of you say your floaters come and go and that they move around in your eyes. My floaters have been in the same place unchanged since they first appeared. They are there everyday and they don't move around, they're in a fixed location in each eye. The eye doctor was able to point them out on my eye scans.

From: t-roy
Like others, I’ve been dealing with tinnitus for 20+ years. Don’t really notice it much 99% of the time.

I’ve had floaters for probably the same amount of time, and they weren’t much of an issue until a few years ago. I developed one in my left (shooting) eye, directly dead center in my field of vision. It was annoying has heck. I could look to the left or right, and it would move some temporarily, but it would end back up in the same spot within 10-15 seconds. Just added one more element to my potential target panic. Fortunately, it has dissipated considerably in the last 6 months. Also remember experiencing the peripheral flashing in my eyes the first time, while sitting in the tree stand at dusk a few years back. Freaked me out. Was totally unaware what it was, and then found out that it wasn’t all that uncommon.

I have one in the right eye and have for about 7 years. Unless I try to notice it, I don’t. The mind just seems to forget about it. I only have one though.

From: Mule Power
Instead of Leatherwall we need the AARP forum!

Last summer I was at a motorcycle run benefit for homeless vets. I went into the bathroom and was standing at the urinal beside some old timer. He turned his head my way a bit and said hey can you do me a favor and look over here and tell me if I’m still peeing. I can’t tell anymore of these days. We both laughed. Getting old is a bitch! I have to say collagen peptides has really helped my aches and pains. Anybody else use that?

From: Bowfreak
You bunch of old farts. Time to talk about our prostates next.

All joking aside, my optometrist says they don’t go away and they are always there but you just don’t notice them at times. I don’t know that to be true, just repeating what I’ve been told.

We have quite a few optometrists on Bowsite. Hopefully they chime in and set the record straight.

From: Mule Power
Instead of Leatherwall we need the AARP forum!

Last summer I was at a motorcycle run benefit for homeless vets. I went into the bathroom and was standing at the urinal beside some old timer. He turned his head my way a bit and said hey can you do me a favor and look over here and tell me if I’m still peeing. I can’t tell anymore of these days. We both laughed. Getting old is a bitch! I have to say collagen peptides has really helped my aches and pains. Anybody else use that?

From: Ungie01201
I have a bad one in my left eye that was caused by a bad mountain bike crash a few years ago... thankfully it's not my dominate eye. Eye Dr. said is should go away someday on it's own, but it hasn't happened yet...between that and blowing my right eardrum out a few years ago and only having 10% hearing left in my right ear, I'm a gimp out there these past few years! haha

From: yellow eye
Yep got them, I had a separation and flashes went to the doc. There in my dominant eye the left eye also have some floaters in my right eye. I shoot with both eyes open so its great when focusing intently on a target and they merge. Really messed with sight picture on the compound. Not so much with the recurve and no sights. They are really noticeable against snow or fog. Sometimes it seems there gone and then there back. I usually shoot quickly and if I try to slow it down now here they come.

From: Iowa Rut Nut

Iowa Rut Nut's Link
I had vitreous detachment in 2009 in both eyes with a large ring of cells called Weiss rings. I had them zapped by Jag laser. It really worked well even though it didn't completely get rid of all of the floaters. Attached is a video explaining the procedure.

From: Ursman
Floaters appeared after cataract surgery. For an added attraction l get occular migraines from time to time. It’s like the Fourth of July in my right eye! Doc says they’ll go away. 85 and still waiting for that to happen.

From: btnbuck
I've had floaters in both eyes for years. When shooting at times I have to "wait" for the floater to sink so that my sight picture clears up. Like said above, when looking at the sky they are easy to see, especially if I squint a little bit. If I close my eyes and move my eye then open my eyelids, the floaters will move a little bit. I have to do that sometimes to "move" them out of the way.

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