Will deer move to feed earlier today?
Whitetail Deer
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I'm tired of the eclipse hype but I just saw someone is watching feeding habits of animals in zoos, so I immediately wondered whether deer will move to feed due to the eclipse? Interesting question. My guess is no, but I'll be able to tell looking at all my trail camera pics!
Pat I just got deer on cam in MA in two different spots around 9:00am
Was shocked to see a pile feeding in the neighbors field at 11am today I'm SE Oklahoma. Heading to get gas for the mower in a minute see if I can get a pic.
I don't think the eclipse is the major factor, the moon being overhead is the more likely explanation.
I'd like to tell you what I think but I'm blind from looking at the sun. I hope Siri puts this in the right spot. Siri close bowsite.
Only if they believe the rapture is imminent ;-)
They may look skyward at this phenomenon and as a result we will have the advantage of hunting blind deer this fall.
Will give new meaning to the term deer blind. Lol
Sorry...I have been busy affixing eclipse glasses to all the neighborhood dogs. I haven't had time to take notice of the deer activity.
I saw where Drury’s DeerCast app just blew up…
I was driving here in southwestern PA at 3 pm around the time of the eclipse
Just about every field I passed had deer out feeding like I'd expect to see just before a normal sunset. It was pretty neat.
Don't know about the deer but all the birds and chickens went quiet when it was in full effect. Kinda weird.
Supernaut I noticed the exact same thing. Deer piling into fields at noon they normally don't make it to till well into the evening. Our totality was around 1:40 pm.
But, but, but, but, the masses says the moon has no affect on deer movement.
FWIW, I just added this thread to my list of favorites. I’m going to bust this bad boy out every single time one of the full moon threads comes up.
One hour after the eclipse they were out and feeding here. A bluebird day and 72 degrees. 4:30 PM
This time of year (green-up) deer come to my small patch of winter rye behind the house at all times of the day right now as lust new growth seems they can't resist during daylight hours now... I see them out there almost daily the past couple weeks during all times of midday so eclipse probably had little to do with their daylight feeding patterns here although I wasn't home during eclipse to know... They really seem to like the rye at this stage of development with new growth...
We drove about 30 minutes or so to Nimisila Reservoir in Summit County to watch the full eclipse in the totality zone and some of the birds there seemed to freak though and spring peeper frogs started chirping... We got there early and for and hour or so watched a pair of Osprey break off tree branches for their nests and about 15 minutes before totality they never came back into our view... The total eclipse of the Sun was great though, was a wow moment when the Corona burst out, but I missed a photo shot of a flock of Cormorants flew over our heads during totality with the Corona glowing, would have made a great photo...8^(...