Sitka Gear
Double Bull Surroundview
Contributors to this thread:
Bowfreak 16-Apr-24
WI Shedhead 16-Apr-24
Bowfreak 16-Apr-24
Paul@thefort 16-Apr-24
JTreeman 16-Apr-24
Bowfreak 16-Apr-24
JTreeman 16-Apr-24
Bowfreak 16-Apr-24
Paul@thefort 16-Apr-24
JTreeman 16-Apr-24
Dale06 16-Apr-24
Groundhunter 16-Apr-24
Cazador 16-Apr-24
Cazador 16-Apr-24
Bowfreak 16-Apr-24
TRnCO 16-Apr-24
JohnMC 16-Apr-24
stagetek 17-Apr-24
From: Bowfreak
My Matrix that is many years old and has been on many hunts failed this morning. One of the roof poles pushed through the corner. I’m scrambling to pick up another blind. What anre everyone’s thoughts on these two blinds? I like the idea of the 180 see through vs the 270 (I believe on the double wide). Also….any other blinds you recommend that I could pick up at a cabelas, BPS, Sportsman’s or similar? I prefer the quiet material like the double bull. Also…I’d consider a cheaper and lighter blind if the windows lowered or opened enough to shoot at 5-7 yards at a turkey.

From: WI Shedhead
Research xenex blinds. They might be under another name. Shooting windows are way more adjustable and the blind material holds up to the elements better than double bulls. Once the pole start poking through the corners, it’s a miserable game of add the bandaid until you have had enough and pitch it

From: Bowfreak
I appreciate the feedback but I’m not a fan of the Xenek. I had one and they suck to set up and the shiny material spooks turkeys.

From: Paul@thefort
I do not own or have never been in a Surround blind but I hear they can be breezy inside when windy out. Other that that......................................

From: JTreeman

JTreeman's embedded Photo
JTreeman's embedded Photo
Mark- I have a Double Bull surround view that I am a pretty big fan of. I think mine is a 270, but I keep one side completely covered, so I think 180 would certainly be plenty. I like the corner shooting windows which are the biggest complaint for me with most blinds.

It isn’t exactly light weight, but not too bad either. It’s a bit stiff to set up, but I actually like that, keeps it all tight and not really collapsed by wind etc. Mine is 4-5 years old, so not exactly sure how it compares to current models though.


From: Bowfreak

Does it come with. Curtain to black it out?

From: JTreeman
Like Paul said, they can be a bit breezy, which can be detrimental in cold weather or a nice bonus when it’s super hot.


From: Bowfreak
The wind would be a benefit for me as I will mostly turkey hunt in it.

From: Paul@thefort
I have both the original T2 and now the Dark Horse blinds for many years. I have fix both of these blind numerous time from changing out poles, hubs, repainting, patching holes, fixed zippers, and they still serves a great purpose for the few times I actually use them for turkey and the t2 also for waterfowl hunting. Both are hard to give up on and I get some pleasure fixing them.

From: JTreeman
Yes, I think it comes with “curtains” for one side. But I’d have to look the be sure. I have several blinds, so I could be mistaking the curtains in another. I think if you get the 180 curtains would not be necessary IMO.


From: Dale06
Someone mentioned Xenek blinds. Mine had several sewing flaws. I returned it to Scheels and got a refund. I’m one and done with them.

From: Groundhunter
Tidewe is a cheaper one, that gets good reviews. They are not for me, too much wind and cold in winter

From: Cazador

Cazador's Link
I had one of the original DBs, then one of the early models when Primos bought them out. Both were easy to set up and take down. I could crawl very close to a roost tree and set it up in a snap very quickly and in a quiet manner.

I think I have the 270 and absolutely hate setting it up and taking it down. It is a flipping rubix cube and absolutely sucks setting up., and it’s worse taking down. I don’t think mine came with curtains, but there is no way id use it without. Way too much light comes in, it will not contain scent for animals like bears and antelope. I put my own curtains in it.

I ended up getting that blind for a steal of a price, but I absolutely hate it. See video link. Watch how it comes down. He actually mentions “when it Binds do this” get used it binding. It’s a piece of garbage.


FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo
FORESTBOWS 's embedded Photo
This is a primos blind. I love it but its not built like a double bull.

From: Cazador

Cazador's embedded Photo
You can see the blackout curtains I use on the right.
Cazador's embedded Photo
You can see the blackout curtains I use on the right.

From: Bowfreak
For better or worse I picked up a Surroundview Max.

From: TRnCO
My old original Doublebull broke on me this past weekend, rod end broke, and I ended up borrowing a cheap Rhino from my buddy, and it was a piece of junk. I couldn't wait to get mine fixed and back in action after a couple of days with that cheapo.

From: JohnMC
A buddy bought the tidewe blind this year and used for turkey. A lot lighter than the double bull and we had a Matrix, dark horse, and double wide with us. You can't see through from the outside through the see through part. However when looking through the shooting hole from outside the person in the blind is much more visible than in the double bull - even in black. He brought a black sheet and covered the back it helped and I'd say necessary.

From: stagetek
I really like my Xeneks blind, but agree, it is a real pain to set up and take down. Biggest complaint I've heard about the see-thru's is that when it rains, all the netting fills up with water.

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