Moultrie Mobile
Hearing Aids
Contributors to this thread:
Hunter's Granddad 16-Apr-24
Scrappy 16-Apr-24
Murph 16-Apr-24
greenmountain 16-Apr-24
Jaquomo 16-Apr-24
midwest 16-Apr-24
midwest 16-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 16-Apr-24
Dale06 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
PSUhoss 18-Jul-24
Trying hard 18-Jul-24
midwest 18-Jul-24
Jaquomo 18-Jul-24
Sliverthrower 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
midwest 18-Jul-24
Jaquomo 18-Jul-24
PSUhoss 18-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
Jaquomo 18-Jul-24
wyobullshooter 18-Jul-24
Corax_latrans 19-Jul-24
I have programmable hearing aids and was wondering if anyone on the site has had their hearing aids programed so they can hear a gobble better. I know Terra sales hearing aids that people say works well, but I thought it would be nice to have my daily hearing aids programed. Thank you.

From: Scrappy
Mine has a program for my elk hunting. Definitely can hear a distant bugle but still struggle with what direction the bugle came from. Have decided I have the best that technology has to offer at this point. Hearing loss sucks, PROTECT YOUR HEARING FOLKS

From: Murph
My dad wears them and evidently he don’t have the programmable ones or don’t use the technology, however when his head perks up from hearing a gobble you better get ready to draw your bow..

I am still adapting . The guy who sold me mine says that there is a lot we can do to make my hearing experience better. I have several programs to go through. I am thinking of an outdoors setting that will give me a little more power than normal. I like the bluetooth settings. In a plane trip last week I was able to set the volume way down and relax. Tell your kids to wear hearing protection when mowing the lawn.

From: Jaquomo
Yes. Mine have a "hunting setting" that amps up the higher range frequencies where my loss is most profound. The only downside is that when the wind blows, its pretty loud, but I can hear elk bugles, gobbles, putts and purrs, etc like never before. I had that same setting programmed into my previous pair and it really helped, but these new Oticon's are next-level as far as clarity. They were spendy, but worth every penny.

From: midwest
I have the same setting on mine, Lou. The audiologist made me promise to never, ever shoot a gun with it in that mode. lol

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo

“The audiologist made me promise to never, ever shoot a gun with it in that mode.”

Don’t your aids have the limiter to cut out when things get loud? That should be pretty standard. I know a few things from having bought 3 or 4 pair for my son before we got him the bionic implant….

I’m several years overdue for a set…

From: Dale06
I’m on my third set in 12 years. Mine have lots of programmable capability. But I’ve not had them programmed to pick up gobbles or bugles. They do help me hear, a lot.

“Don’t your aids have the limiter to cut out when things get loud? That should be pretty standard”.

It is not “standard” for hearing aids to have electronic noise suppression, so no, do not wear them when shooting.

Hunter’s granddad, if you have programmable hearing aids, your audiologist should already have them set up. Like Lou and Nick, I also have Oticon’s, although mine don't have an “outdoor” setting per se, However, I can adjust the frequency range that is enhanced, which accomplishes the same thing. I just move mine from normal to high frequency. Amazing how I can hear far off bugles, gobbles, and all other sounds as well.

From: PSUhoss
Midwest - My son has used hearing aids since being diagnosed with moderate/severe hearing impairment at the age of 2 and I was also concerned about shooting guns, fireworks, etc. The audiologist said that his ears were more protected than most everyone's as his aid would "cut out" instantaneously while using professionally fitted ear molds. She said not to worry at all and since he is now 15, he confirms that they do in fact work well. Seems odd that yours would not be the same.

Jaq - Do you have any issues siting the direction of grunts, gobbles, bugles, etc? My sons has no idea where the noises are coming from, but he typically hears those distant sounds before me.

His were crazy expensive ($30k) but fortunately we have great insurance and gets them replaced every couple years.

From: Trying hard

From: midwest
PSUhoss, my hearing aids, and I assume Jaq's and Wyobull's, are not the ear molded type so would not protect your ears from loud noises even if they "cut out". If we shut ours off, we can still hear, it's just not enhanced.

From: Jaquomo
My previous ones had a directional setting, but I didn't use that much. The newest ones I have now are pretty good at defining direction of sounds, especially on the "bugle-gobble" setting.

Getting time to get some help. Found a rattler the other day and couldn't hear him rattling. Correct in assuming aids would solve that problem?

Silverthrower, you cannot imagine how incredible they are! To say they’re life changing isn’t overstating it.

PSUhoss, are you referring to a cochlear implant?

From: midwest
100% Silverthrower! First thing I notice when I put mine in is all the birds singing. Makes me smile every time. You'll be shocked by how much you've been missing once you get them set up by a good audiologist.

From: Jaquomo
Depending upon how profound your hearing loss is, aids will help but don't perform miracles. I have the most sophisticated aids made (as of a year ago), but my high frequency loss is so total that I can't hear some things others can. Also, depending upon the pitch and frequency of the speaker, sometimes I "hear" conversations but don't understand certain words.

But overall, they have changed my life.

From: PSUhoss
Thanks Jaq and Midwest - yes, he utilizes the "behind the ear" hearing aids with in the ear molds as his hearing loss is so significant that the "in the ear" aids do not have enough enhancement for his impairment.

Wyo - he does not have a cochlear implant and will not be a candidate to get one due to his specific diagnosis - it simply would not help him. The audiologist has told us that the next / best hope would be a breakthrough in stem cell research for his issue.

He is a remarkable kid with great grades, great friends and a very bright future.

Bullshooter — do me the favor of understanding what I posted before you disagree… I said they should cut out, NOT that they offer any protection against noise that doesn’t even go through them. And yes, 100%, I wear plugs anytime I’m around noise and ADD muffs when shooting.

But that still wasn’t enough to prevent substantial damage from the flash suppressor on a military-style carbine 1 bench over at the local range….



Corax, you stated it should be pretty standard for hearing aids to have a limiter to cut out when things get loud. Since that was in direct response to midwest’s comment concerning gunfire. I understood exactly what you posted.

From: Jaquomo
My Oticons have a sudden loud noise limiter.

Yes, most quality hearing aids have that feature. It does make a sudden, loud sound more comfortable. Sounds such as a door slam or a dog bark, but it is not hearing protection. It cannot reduce the output of a hearing damaging sound to a safe level.

No, and apparently you still don’t, but Carry On….

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