CWD deer kills hunters?
Whitetail Deer
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midwest's Link
"The authors of the April 9 study are quick to point out that causation for the recent CJD cases in hunters remains unproven. But their findings underscore the grave threats of consuming CWD-infected meat, and the importance of having deer meat tested for CWD by your state fish and game agency whenever possible."
Basically the article say we think cwd gave two guys CJD even though we have no proof. They don't mention that there's roughly 350 cases a year in the US. Completely within the realm of probability for two people from the same region to show symptoms in the same year. The cwd panic mongers are getting real old.
Agree, Push. How many people just read the title and assume it must be accurate? F&S is a joke.
Yeah, and people who died of CJD jave also died after consuming apples, ice cream and corn flakes in their life times.
There is no causal effect whatsover in the artical to indicate the jump.
All wantful supposition.
I’m calling BS as well. What is scary though…seems like everything going wrong with the world is somebody’s plan.
My county is the epicenter of CWD, and thousands of people have presumably eaten infected deer and elk here. Over the past 60 years our percentage of CJDv is lower than the national average.
Somebody is trying to make something out of nothing.
Ground zero for CWD was a government research facility in northern Colorado in 1967. Since they had mule deer and elk in close proximity to each other in the enclosures and some escaped into the wild the disease has been slowly spreading eastward for more than 50 years. Since it can take more than a year for an animal to even show symptoms of the disease, is anyone naive enough to think that during that time no human was unfortunate enough to have unknowingly consumed contaminated meat from a deer or elk before it showed signs? Puhhhllllease!
Lou I have a cousin that lives out your way who rolled her eyes when MN started freaking out. She said we are about 35 years behind.
More fear mongering by "The sky is falling, The sky is falling" freak club. I bet there is some 'anti' involvement behind most the BS.
Fear is what controls. Anti hunters love this stuff. Been eatin elk from cwd area for 40 yrs. Ain't crazy yet? Maybe chickens have it too. Egg eaters will starve.
Olddogrib, I live very close to the CSU deer pens and used to fish with the former manager of the facility when CWD was "discovered". He maintains that deer inside the pens were infected by deer outside the pens, nuzzling through the fence during the rut. Now they know that saliva is one of the transmission vectors. No one will ever know the true origin.
I helped interview longtime ranchers in the area for a Wall Street Journal article, and they believe it has always been present. They saw deer with the same symptoms decades before it was "discovered". With an infection rate close to 10%, that means thousands have been eaten. I don't know anyone who tests anymore. Its not even something people talk about around here.
I agree with the ranchers. I figure it's been around forever.
They do test for it quite heavily in certain areas. I know people in MT that test 5-6 deer a year.
Before you decide to get tested for CWD, don’t forget to get another COVID booster, and wear your N95 mask. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Democrats weaponized it and used as the next pre election political scare. Oh, and an even better reason to implement sweeping incremental hunting bans.
If you already have a deer head hanging in your living room, it’s because you don’t care about the children or the elderly. You shall now be considered a danger to others, and a social outcast.
I heard yesterday that they’re starting to find evidence that Trump is solely responsible for the rise and spread of CWD. I hate that orange bastard!!!!!! Lol!
Clickbait. Nothing in the article (it is not a study, only an observation) gives any indication how they know the hunters ate positive meat; only that CWD was in the surrounding deer herd. Any outlier data from Larimer County, Colo or Albany County, Wyoming?
They expect most people to only read (and believe) the headline.
It’s present where it is. And, it didn’t come from experimental pens in Colorado is my guess as well.
It amuses me that people will flat out defy physics with ideas if it makes them feel better. How has it scattered and spread so helter skelter if it came from penned animals in one place? The spread wouldn’t have happened so radically if that were true.
It’s just people trying to appease human nature when something that makes so little sense is the adopted theory behind any phenomenon.
The outbreaks in Norway and S. Korea sure didn't originate from C.S.U....
My assumption is it was delivered to areas through game farming and animals getting out. Most new CWD finds in county's in WI are at game farms. They tried to blame a CJD case in WI on CWD years ago also. A guy died of CJD that was part of a group that had big wild game feeds. They ate all different types of game, and parts of the game like the brains. But in the end, it was only speculation because no one else had issues and they could not find evidence of transmission.
They could find no link to the U.S. in that remote reindeer herd in Norway. Some scientists who studied it believe it originated through " spontaneous folding" of the prions (proteins). Otherwise there is no explanation.
Lost Arra's Link
Mountaineer: if your comments are to me, I have no clue where or how it "started" but given it's distribution over time I would think northern Colorado and southern Wyo would have some outlier CJD numbers if there was a significant transmission risk (They do not have outlier numbers.)
No sir. I read the OP’s post and posted mine. I still haven’t read a post above my first one except the OP’s :^)
It’s just how I feel because those are the “facts” we’ve been fed.
I will say this though. When the east catches up on total test numbers, Ive got a pretty good hunch that map isn’t going to look the same. It’s still not a big deal here enough to have testing available anywhere I know of. Once it is, it’s going to connect that grey is my bet.
Jaquomo, I should have been clearer. By "ground zero" I did not mean to imply that it originated there, merely that the facility was as far back as they supposedly could trace it. I've read the debates you mention regarding whether it was brought in with infected animals or they were infected at the facility in the name of research. At any rate, some later escaped or infected the outside population by ways you mentioned, probably both. One thing I'm absolutely certain of. If there had been any "low hanging political fruit" to be had by liberals or conservatives, somebody inside that facility would've blown the whistle and it would've been picked to extinction a long time ago. My theory it was probably nature doing its thing, exacerbated by human error and stupidity....the deadliest combination of all! In the 60's we were raised to believe that if you screwed up big time it was best to remain silent and appear to be an idiot rather than open your mouth and prove it. Today the idiots just blame somebody else and run for higher office!
The article was about a 2022 occurance. I am not sure what is meant by the ate venison from the same deer herd. The scariest story from decades ago was of 2 men that both died from the disease and the only thing they had in common was they ate venison together. Maybe they were into to glands or brains, nobody knows but that always bothered me.
Glunker, that may be the ones in WI. If so, they did not eat just venison together, they ate wild game from all over the world. Lots of goat and sheep brains and such when they had the big game feeds up in Brule, WI.
There is zero proof humans can contract it. Since CWD was discovered in Colorado in the 1960's, millions of people have probably eaten wild game with the disease. Figure in that it has been widely known in Colorado and Wyoming since then. If you're looking for an excuse not to eat what you shoot, then you aren't a hunter and should stay home and watch golf or some other worthless sport.
Thornton how did your last coyote taste?
"My county is the epicenter of CWD, and thousands of people have presumably eaten infected deer and elk here. Over the past 60 years our percentage of CJDv is lower than the national average."
Given this, Lou, maybe I'll write an article suggesting that eating animals with CWD actually LOWERS your likelihood of CJD. You wanna co-author with me?
Ha, Scoot! The way crooked "science" has evolved toward correlation as proof vs. proof of causation, we could have it "peer reviewed" by the Bowsite and it would become accepted as fact.
Typical smart ass comment. Nobody eats coyotes, and if they do, they only do it once. Coyotes are killed because they prey on what we hunt, and what we raise to eat domestically.
I get folks being uncomfortable eating a critter that tests positive but if you don't do an extensive bleaching on metal surfaces (knives, saw, truck bed, processing table and either toss or heat (prolonged over 1000 deg) your knife handle, Kuiu outfit, backpack, tarps, coolers, boots, game bags etc, any prions are still active. They arent "alive" like a virus or bacteria and it takes a lot to destroy them.
If you have critters processed, the processor's equipment surely has prions hanging around whether your deer had them or not.
Like Jaquomo, I have lived a few miles from CSU for decades and certainly eaten some. I'll report back when the brain holes start. My wife may argue they may have already.
CWD does not transfer to humans. Humans are the filthiest animals on the planet. You are 99% more likely to die from another human giving you a disease than an animal giving you a disease.
So glad you are here to keep us on track Jason.
I unknowingly ate a cwd positive deer due to a mix up at the testing lab CO uses. I got a message saying test was negative, then 10 days later a call saying they screwed up and deer was in fact positive. Me and family had already eaten 3 meals, so at that point what was the point of not eating the rest. That was 20 years ago. We're all still here.
Zbone's Link
"Viral Articles Claim Two ‘Hunters Died After Consuming CWD-Infected Venison.’ Here’s What Really Happened"
sitO's Link
This is another long read on CWD, and I doubt many will take the time, but you could...and should.
With all the money spent on cwd we know very little. What is the difference in eating loin from a cwd deer than kidneys? What if you get spinal fluid on meat? Way too much money has been spent on sharp shooters for so few answers. Game farms seem to cash in on some outbreaks of cwd. Typical gov responses.
I read it Kyle. Very informative and depressing. The old timers say CWD has always been here. I see humans in the ER with these symptoms every damn week, caused by everything from cancer, alzheimer's,
Myasthenia Gravis, liver failure from alcoholism, to Parkinson's. At least with animals, we can just poke the rifle out the feed truck window, end their misery, and go on.
Very misleading article on Yahoo news today. Zombie deer !
Glunker, prions are in the muscle tissue, and on any knife, saw, etc.. used to process the animal.