Mathews Inc.
Best soybean varieties
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Lewis 20-Apr-24
t-roy 20-Apr-24
Lewis 20-Apr-24
Merriam 20-Apr-24
From: Lewis
I have done well with the Real World beans but curious any other varieties that y’all like or recommend Lewis

From: t-roy
I’ve planted regular E3 Elist ag beans the past few years, and have had good success with them. Couldn’t tell you what variety they were, but the deer hit them as hard as pretty much any of the other varieties I’ve used in the past, including RW beans. The ability to use Enlist herbicide on them is a big plus, due to roundup resistant weed issues in my area.

From: Lewis
Thank you for the info

From: Merriam
I think a lot of it depends on how you plan to hunt them. Do you plan to hunt them green or standing later in the season? If you want max pod production for a late season draw, you’ll want a variety that matures properly in your region. Like Troy said, weed control options are an important factor.

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