I have partial dentures and it becomes a real pain using diaphragm calls. I don't bugle a lot but still need the option when the situation warrants. I'm not a fan of the Primos type tubes, but this one seems very easy to use.
I found that I bagged the latex out pretty quick on the Primos tube and probably my own fault for trying to hard to get more out of it.
I have a Power Bugle and it's good but I can't seem to be consistent enough with it. But with all the positive comments, maybe I just have to be more patient, persistent and practice more. I definitely get better results from diaphragms, just the nuisance of dentures. I really like the Primos reed call "I maka-da-bull crazy" for cow calls as well as the AMP pink diaphragm.
I don't, or rarely use aggressive bugles, so I don't need a lot of volume. Basically just casual elk talk. But I've only been purposely hunting elk for a couple of years, so not like a have a bunch of experience.
I just got back from a scouting trip looking for rubs and sheds and checking a few cams that wintered over.