Mathews Inc.
Real World Corn/Planter Plate
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
chasin wtails 01-May-24
t-roy 01-May-24
WI Shedhead 01-May-24
chasin wtails 01-May-24
chasin wtails 01-May-24
Pat Lefemine 01-May-24
duckhunterbrad 02-May-24
I know this may be a long shot in getting an answer but I am trying the RW Nutri-Crave corn this year. I have an Allis Chalmers planter and I use the adapter for JD plates. Has anyone planted it and happened to use JD plates and if so which one worked best for you? I have not received my corn yet so I can't play around with the plates I have. Just trying to get ahead a bit if someone had the knowledge already.


From: t-roy
I’ve planted the Nutri-Crave corn the past three years with a JD 7000 planter, so no suggestions for you on planter plates, but (if I’m remembering correctly) the kernels would most likely take a rounds plate vs a flats one. Been a LONG time since I can remember seeing the seed corn companies printing the info for which plates to use for the various planters and different seed varieties. Do you have a decent selection of plates to choose from for your planter? I had an old international planter and a couple of 5 gallon buckets full of plates for rounds and flats. I would just compare the kernel size to various plates until I found the one that was the most similar. Depending on how many you have to choose from, it usually didn’t take more than a few minutes. Hopefully that helps a little bit.

From: WI Shedhead
Bet if you emailed real world they’d have a suggestion for you

WI Shedhead

Already ahead of you. I know Don and inquired if he knew but he does not as he uses a Genesis drill I believe. He knew someone if he thought about it would ask but I know he is busy.


Yes I have a few different plates for my planter. I can always send some seed to Lincoln Ag products and have them recommend a plate. Now I think about it I could check with them if anyone has sent them a sample to measure.

WI Shedhead

Already ahead of you. I know Don and inquired if he knew but he does not as he uses a Genesis drill I believe. He knew someone if he thought about it would ask but I know he is busy.


Yes I have a few different plates for my planter. I can always send some seed to Lincoln Ag products and have them recommend a plate. Now I think about it I could check with them if anyone has sent them a sample to measure.

From: Pat Lefemine
Your planting food plot corn so it doesn’t have to be precise like it does for someone who farms for income.

Follow T-Roy’s advice. Place kernels in to the corn plates you have. Choose the best fitting plate then put a fistful of kernels in one row and spin it or drive over hard ground. If it’s dropping kernels with any consistency it’s likely good enough. If it’s skipping or double dropping with a high frequency then you may need to contact Lincoln Ag.

Good luck.

If your looking for a high oil corn(what nutra crave is) check out partners brand seed in Michigan. Same corn for 33% the cost of RW. No disrespect to Don but $400 a bag is a bit pricy for what it is.

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