Sitka Gear
Wolves To Be Delisted
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Zbone 01-May-24
wyobullshooter 01-May-24
LUNG$HOT 01-May-24
KSflatlander 01-May-24
Aspen Ghost 01-May-24
KSflatlander 01-May-24
Groundhunter 01-May-24
KSflatlander 01-May-24
drycreek 01-May-24
Groundhunter 01-May-24
Mule Power 01-May-24
KSflatlander 01-May-24
IdyllwildArcher 01-May-24
HDE 01-May-24
Aspen Ghost 01-May-24
Finnman 01-May-24
From: Zbone

Zbone's Link
I put this in the Small Game forum since they will soon be fair game...8^)

"US House passes bill to remove gray wolves from endangered list in 48 states The White House opposes the bill, claiming that Congress should not dictate species recovery decisions

The U.S. House has voted to remove federal protection for gray wolves, aiming to delist them from the endangered species list across 48 states. A bipartisan group supported the bill, sending it to the Senate. The White House opposes the bill, claiming that Congress should not dictate species recovery decisions"

How ironic. The White House doesn’t like the idea of Congress dictating species recovery decisions, but the libs certainly haven’t had a problem with activist judges doing just that for decades.

“The White House opposes the bill, claiming that Congress should not dictate species recovery decisions"

You gotta be $h!ttin me! Lmfao. Oh the hypocrisy. We live in the matrix, I’m convinced.

From: KSflatlander
This is just as bad as popular vote biology in Colorado or activist judges.

Politicians, activists judges, and the general public don't get to decide what is on or off the Endangered Species Act. It's the law that it is determined through a set scientific processes (species status assessments) that should determine ESA listing of species.

This is unconstitutional as it violates the Endangered Species Act. It's a political ploy to gain votes in an election year. Same as every election year. Ugggggh.

From: Aspen Ghost
Ksflatlander, Congress enacted the ESA as a law and can and should modify the legislation that it created. ESA is not something Congress needs to blindly accept as unchangeable, congress is who created it and can change it provided it is signed by the President or his veto is overidden. Do you not understand how legislation works?

From: KSflatlander
Aspen- they aren't modifying the ESA. They are only proposing delisting of Canis lupus. There's a difference. Delisting a species other than what is prescribed in the ESA is a violation of the law. The USFWS can't just list or delist species as they please. Nor can congress.It must meet the criteria in the ESA. Listing and delisting determinations are defined in the existing law. Congress acting on a law that was previously found constitutional. Do you not see an issue with new legislation that violates an existing law. Let alone that the ESA with +50 years of vetting by the courts and SCOTUS. I would think they must repeal at least one of the laws if they are passing other legislation and they are contradictory. If the law passes they will be sued. It will go to SCOTUS and they will say it's an unconstitutional until they repeal the law that says SCIENCE determines list and delisting on the ESA.

Do you really think it's a good idea for congress to determine what should or shouldn't be ESA listed? Wouldn't you want science to make that determination? I mean what could go wrong? A senator has a business investment on a project but there's an endangered species (near extinction) present. The senator puts a rider on a bill to delist the species. Problem solved except for the extinction of species. Or just the reverse if you want try to stop a project.

Full steam ahead boys. I think someone brought up unintended consequences on a different thread. Well, this legislation to delist is chock full of them. I hate election years.

This has to be a dumb#%^ Boebert thing. She probably sponsored it. She's as bad as they get. She doesn't even understand the constitution.

From: Groundhunter
Good grief Charlie Brown,,, actually the biggest sponsor is Tammy Baldwin out of Wis, a Democrat, ....

From: KSflatlander
I could give two s#%ts if a D sponsored it. It's a bad idea. Tammy is an idiot.

I don't belong to a party.

From: drycreek
Anything to delist I’m for, don’t give a damn who sponsored it or what the dingbats running this country think. They are deranged !

From: Groundhunter
You just can't have a conversation with some people.

From: Mule Power
Here come the lawsuits and legal fees..

From: KSflatlander

"Congress established the ESA in 1973 and if they get enough votes they can amend it, loosen it up, tighten it up, or even abolish it. I doubt if it happens but they can."

Completely agree.

It would be a constitutional issue because there is a regulation now that says they are listed endangered. If they pass a law that says they aren't listed then you have two contradictory. IMO they would have to change the ESA to fix it. I agree...ain't going to happen.

Doesn't this have to get through the Senate and get signed by the POTUS to get enacted? That will never happen in 2024.

From: HDE
Delist them. Permanently.

From: Aspen Ghost
You are incorrect in your interpretation Flatlander.

From: Finnman

Finnman's embedded Photo
Finnman's embedded Photo
Any wolves in Kansas? I didn't think so. We have to deal with them here. Need to be delisted and open a season.

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