DanaC's Link
Will's Link
You can find the answer on Youtube if you don't want to wait.
pneumonia conspired with mrsa and together they took him out. they also called in their buddy that goes by cva (cerebral vascular accident) but by the time he arrived it was all over.
Yep, and that's why Jack Ruby was brought in to terminate Oswald before he had a chance to say anything. Oswald was certainly guilty of *something*, but I have serious doubts that he could have made that shot, with that rifle.
spike78's Link
PS posting Facebook reels as 'evidence'? Really? REALLY???
Chemtrails, no. Contrails, yes.
spike78's Link
spike78's Link
70lbDraw's Link
I got your 6 spike! They’ve been doing that in Idaho for about 10 years now.
spike78's Link
spike78's Link
Is there a word to describe quadrupling down on stupid?
Sounds like more proof is needed from the naysayers. I don’t cater to liberal logic, but I know for a fact it’s happening in Idaho. Someone, please prove me wrong…please…!
DanaC's Link
"Whether cloud seeding is effective in producing a statistically significant increase in precipitation is a matter of academic debate, with contrasting results depending on the study in question and contrasting opinion among experts.[11]"
They were doing it in 1970, what’s the technology like today?! But the federal government doesn’t keep secrets or ever use tools against its own people do they? No they are wonderful, just ask Matt from California, another over educated Marxist/Leftist.
I’m sure bigeasy, Matt, dana and probably Flatlander have a group text going on figuring out their academic, intellectual rebuttal, with grey ghost waiting in the wings to say some stupid, stir the pot, ride the fence, crap.
just curious if "google" says something is so...does that make it so?
so is obama really a reptilian shapeshifter?
And what's scary is that you guys are probably in denial that 200 years of industrial pollution makes no difference to the climate at all - but a few planeloads do???
As for whether industrial pollution also affects the climate and weather, sure, seems very likely it would. Does it make it warmer or colder? Is man produced carbon in the atmosphere a problem or does it just cause a helpful greening of the planet? Hence the name, greenhouse gases. What effect will it have in 5, 10, 20 years, who knows?
If you want to have a blind trust in your federal government, that they will only do good things for their citizens that’s up to you, I’m a little more skeptical.
And yes, I am well aware that cloud seeding is real.
Contrails are also chemical trails, that can affect the climate, as evidenced above. Which one it is when you see them flying overhead we all have no idea?
And weather manipulation, cloud seeding for rain and causing drought in other areas, with toxic chemicals sprayed from planes is also real, also shown above and proven over and over with a few simple google searches. Official government websites admit to it, what’s dumb about that, please enlighten us? Federal governments have never done anything nefarious to its people on a large scale? Really?
Wow, you think that you can look up and see the planes that are dropping chemicals down into clouds? That notion completely defies common sense.
Not sure how clouds work in Canada, but here in the states you can’t see planes that are flying above them - so de facto if you can see the planes and their contrails they are not seeding clouds.
i have it on very good authority that chick-fil-a is behind the "alpha gal" allergy.
this was just about to be made public but the whistleblower died after contracting bird flu before he could testify.
Watch a few videos of the aerospace technology we possess. We didn’t get to this point by faking it. And if yo say it to Buzz Alden he’ll punch you in the face.
i went to australia once and have a didgeridoo and kangaroo nutsack pouch to prove it. i had a boomerang too but my son took it to school and i never saw it again.
does the fact that ive never been back mean i was never actually there?
of course he was dead...or at least i assume he was. every gift shop in the country sells them.
wait...now that i think about it...it might just be a "jack" that identified as a "jill" and had "bottom surgery."
i hear thats a thing over there.
Mike U- eventual your crazy anger and hate will cost you dearly. How the hell did you get so gullible and easily manipulated to hate others.
No, but we figured out how to detonate an atomic bomb, we just haven’t had the need to do it again. If Blue Origin succeeds, they’ll be colonizing the moon within 20 years. We also didn’t learn how to do that by faking it.
...says the guy that thought a vote for biden was a vote "for the constitution."
...and that a man can become a woman and a woman can become man.
The biggest challenge with conspiracies is that some are real. Heck, there is research into how long a conspiracy could stay hidden based on the number of people involved. Here's a neat little paper using Grimes's "equation": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4728076/... But the rich irony is that 90% of the folks who click on this and read it will say it's bogus because some of the conspiracies used as examples are openly embraced by many here.
Occasionally, there are conspiracies. And occasionally a conspiracy theory may end up being partly true or true. The massive majority are not.
If you want a fun to read book - its informative but also entertaining - which really gets into this, The Skeptics Guide to the Universe by Stephen Novella is great, as is the podcast of the same name. Other great options that are easy to read would be things like Skeptic Magazine and Skeptical Enquirer magazine.
Look, most of you know historically I'd love to make a million points and debate stuff. I'm trying to not do that. But if you find yourself believing in conspiracy theories or have ever enjoyed things like the meme that suggests "They used to think I was a conspiracy theorist, but now they just think I'm always correct", then you should really read some stuff like those magazines or that book.
I double dog dare you.
id say you voting for biden...thinking is was a vote for the constitution...is substantially more ridiculous than me consistently voting for the party platform that more closely matches my views than the other.
keep telling yourself how wise your decision was...you might start believing it.
So, do you believe that if Trump wins, he’ll become a revenge thirsty dictator, and come after everyone that participated in the plot to defame him? That’s the latest word on the streets in the liberal media these days. Someone must be saying it’s true, since it scares them badly.
Why do you guys keep referring to it as, “my vote for the constitution”? I thought you guys were always “voting to save democracy”? Which, by the way, is a word that doesn’t even exist within the Constitution.
thats what ksflatlander said was the reason he voted for biden..."for the constitution." after all weve witnessed over the last three years...i just like reminding him of that every time he gets on his high horse about how gullible other people are. :)
spike78's Link
Hmmm, again, if they went after common criminals like they go after China joes enemies, we might have a safer nation.
by comparison...the nutcase that attacked rand paul got 30 days in jail and 100 hours of community service.
The sentence was later extended by 8 months, but let’s not interject facts into the discussion.
The “nutcase” was Paul’s next door neighbor (retired doctor and inventor) and the altercation was over yard waste and not politics.
Only on the Bowsite is that comparable to someone plotting a politically-motivated kidnapping and beating the victim with a hammer.
In the Pelosi case: “While on the stand, DePape referred to multiple right-wing conspiracy theories and said he spent six hours a day looking at political commentary on YouTube leading up to the attack.”
Sounds like we have a couple of Bowsite members who are on the DePape program.
The “nutcase” was Paul’s next door neighbor (retired doctor and inventor) and the altercation was over yard waste and not politics."
are you really suggesting it makes a difference as to why they were attacked? who cares? and yes...i dont care if you are a doctor...an inventor...or a priest. if you physically attack someone for the way they keep their lawn...you are a nutcase.
the point is pelosis attacker got 30 years...and pauls attacker got less than a year.
Yes. Context always matters in these cases, as it does in any case.
“the point is pelosis attacker got 30 years...and pauls attacker got less than a year.”
Rand Paul’s attacker plotted a kidnapping, broke into his house, and assaulted him with a deadly weapon? I missed that…
Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
not all the elements are there...but not too far off.
attack of a prominent political figure...check
suspected political motivations...check
physical attack...check
serious bodily injury...check
the only thing different really is the "kidnapping" plot. even thought the person supposedly being kidnapped wasnt home. lol
Maybe you’re too busy “researching” down there in the basement???
Gotta love the Irony, though, when a Chemtrail theorist refers to a climate-change non-denier as a “chicken little” type!
Fauchi’s RH man David Morens was caught emailing Fauchi that he needs to delete incriminating emails. Conspiracy theory- nope. One of the worst viruses inflicted on the world. Dirty Fauchi and Danzak…oh but they did the investigation on themselves- nope we are clean. What a joke. The question is..not where it came from but did they release it on purpose?
Rand Paul has been all over exposing the Admins coverup of this.
You obviously have no idea the statues involved in the respective cases, because yes - it matters very much. Sometimes I wonder why I even indulge the Squad's ignorance.
please explain what "statues" were involved in each case. of course it matters...but at the end of the day...its the prosecutors decision what charges are going to be brought against a defendant...and what statutes those charges are based on.
had nancy pelosi been attacked...just like rand paul...under the same circumstances...i have no doubt the charges (and the statutes they are based on) would have been significantly different.
if the da or prosecutor wants you...they have the ability to stack all kinds of charges against you. if the da or prosecutor doesnt want you...the reverse is also true...ask alvin bragg.
There are a lot of people on this site who cannot grasp the distinction between being a 1-Percenter and being in the 1st Percentile….
Beendare's Link
Why would the Biden family have over 20 LLC’s, when all they offer is access to Joe?
Why would Hunter and James Biden be getting $100k and $65k a month and multiple million dollar checks from the Chinese gov? In fact, it was the “CCP Spy Chief” in Hunters own communications and known to the US Gov? ( senator Grassley lays it out at link)
Why would the DOJ and FBI suppress this incriminating evidence in the laptop- and even run interference for the Biden crime family?
There is dirty money floating around all of our politicians- though with the Biden fam its egregious. We will never have a legit system of Gov until we limit campaign contributions, insider trading and generally take the money and influence out of politics.
Until then…we are doomed.
Paint us the picture of politics without influence and money, if you can.
Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: "I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication."
"The rectangle of light in the acres of a farm was the window of the library of Judge Narragansett. He sat at a table, and the light of his lamp fell on the copy of an ancient document. He had marked and crossed out the contradictions in its statements that had once been the cause of its destruction. He was now adding a new clause to its pages: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade . . ."
It will take;
1) A voter base that understands the current corruption and boots the incumbents out until we get Politicians that also understand the corruption
2) Laws with some teeth in it that restrict these dark money and super pacs like Zuckerberg throwing $400m at Wisconsin, Netflix's Hastings donating $3m to Newsoms recall campaign, or the million to pay for Newsom's to visit Italy, the various Soros entities, etc. Why is it we can only donate something like $3500 but they can donate millions.
3) Strict Lobbying rules- is anyone surprised legislation benefits these drug companies when they spend hundreds of millions influencing our politico's?
4) Term limits- one and done
Politicians are not going to initiate proposals that cut off their gravy train....that will have to be a concerted effort by the Voters.
I’d probably skip the extended warranty on your vehicle if you were still debating it, GG.
Its just like Russia, Hamas and all of the other bad actors in the world know; that Biden is on the payroll and a pushover- he won’t do anything, thus all of the problems that we didn’t have during Trump.
So if Xi is going to do something he might be thinking the time is right.
Considering Taiwan accounts for 90% of the high end semi mnfr, tech might take a big hit if they get invaded.
You liberal Dem Biden fan TDS’ers sure caused a lot of grief for millions around the world voting this clown in, pat yourselves on the back for that.
Judge Netburn said the danger the serial rapist posed to female prisoners is "overblown."
—— 1) Earlier this week, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that he has new emails that show Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry blocked MULTIPLE FBI attempts to arrest two dangerous Iranian individuals during Obama’s nuclear negotiations with the Iranian regime.
The documents show that Kerry’s State Department stopped eight arrests in order to protect the Iran nuclear deal, including arrests of terrorists.
2) In April 2021, John Kerry was caught on audio sharing information on Israel’s covert operations in Syria with Iran’s foreign minister. This was treasonous behavior. The information was NOT in the public domain as Joe Biden’s administration suggested.
3) In March 2024 House Republicans demanded John Kerry disclose details about his “shadow diplomacy” with the Iranian regime during the Trump administration — warning that Kerry’s actions may have violated the federal Logan Act. ( Kerry met Iranians to submarine the US/ Trump Admin)
This is the guy whose one private plane flight pumps out more Carbon than the average American generates in a lifetime- telling us “no gas stoves”
Man the Democrat party has it all going on- starting wars, inflation, illegal immigrants, judges wrecking our system of justice and Treasonous cabinet members- wow, thats the whole package.
You remember, like when they said 6 months was too close to an election to confirm a SCOTUS nomination, but holding up the process 6 WEEKS before the election was going to be a disaster for the country??
Chuck Schumer just stated in his speech; he wants to give all of the illegals citizenship.
No more denials- The Dems admit it was their plan all along to wreck the country
Schumer, the same guy that killed any talk of an insider trading bill in committee.
Same guy thats law firm wrote the $1.7 Trillion Infrastructure bill
Same guy pushing the vote buying strategy to use taxpayer money to bail out student loans
Same guy talking smack about Israel defending themselves
Now saying, give them all citizenship- the Cartel members, the crooks and rapists- all so he can stay in power.
I’m no fan of many Republicans….but to say “ they are all the same” is to be ignorant of the country wrecking policy from the current Dem party.
Two Chechens with no personal identification - and who were in no US national databases, otherwise illegal aliens that likely invaded the nation through the southern border, were 'taking photos' - or possibly surveilling - outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.
Fox News reports the colonel confronted the men, one of which was using a "telephoto lens" and taking "photos of his children" outside his home on the evening of May 3, and that's the moment when an altercation broke out, with the special forces operator shooting and killing one of the Chechens.
The FBI told Fox News, "Our law enforcement partners at the Moore County Sheriff's Office contacted the FBI after a shooting death in Carthage. A special agent met with investigators and provided a linguist to assist with a language barrier for interviews."
Baltimore- Democrat run for decades….is now coined the overdose capital of the world; —— Walking through the streets of Baltimore City, especially on the west side, feels like navigating a warzone. Drug gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods, and the police are nowhere to be found. We've all become numb to the violence, with shootings and drug overdoses around the clock. The fentanyl flooding the streets is killing people left and right, and all that's left out of all this chaos are used Narcan kits littering city streets," said Baltimore resident Theresa Davis.
Davis continued with a few questions: "Where are the politicians who promised the end of the drug crisis? You know, the White House is just right down the street—where is Biden?"
"This is insane - our leaders have failed us," she added.
More than 11 million children were estimated to be living in poverty in 2021, according to U.S. Census Bureau data published by the Children’s Defense Fund.
That equates to around one in seven children in the U.S., or 15.3 percent. It’s a high toll, and one even higher than the adult population, which was 10.5 percent for 19-64 year olds that year and 10.3 percent for adults aged 65+.
According to an analysis by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, this difference is due to factors such as the “cost of caregiving and its responsibilities, transitions to a single parenthood household, unemployment of parents, and disabilities of family members.”
More than 11 million children were estimated to be living in poverty in 2021, according to U.S. Census Bureau data published by the Children’s Defense Fund.
That equates to around one in seven children in the U.S., or 15.3 percent. It’s a high toll, and one even higher than the adult population, which was 10.5 percent for 19-64 year olds that year and 10.3 percent for adults aged 65+.
According to an analysis by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, this difference is due to factors such as the “cost of caregiving and its responsibilities, transitions to a single parenthood household, unemployment of parents, and disabilities of family members.”
Sssshhhhhh spike…we don’t blaspheme NY with conspiracy theories like that! Trump bussed all those people in from Florida to make it look like he has support. It’s all smoke and mirrors…never happened!!!
Good read.
Beendare's Link
At the link, proof that 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" scientific papers were total hogwash. [from the article] Trust The "Science"...That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers It's yet another reminder of why blindly 'trusting the science' may not always be the best go-to move in the future.
217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.
"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?" The publisher Wiley has confessed that fraudulent activities have rendered 19 of its journals so compromised that they must be shuttered. In response, the industry is developing AI tools to detect these fakes, a necessary yet disheartening development. Nova writes:
The rot at Wiley started decades ago, but it got caught when it spent US $298 million on an Egyptian publishing house called Hindawi. We could say we hope no babies were hurt by fake papers but we know bad science already kills people. What we need are not “peer reviewed” papers but actual live face to face debate. Only when the best of both sides have to answer questions, with the data will we get real science:
In March, it revealed to the NYSE a $US9 million ($13.5 million) plunge in research revenue after being forced to “pause” the publication of so-called “special issue” journals by its Hindawi imprint, which it had acquired in 2021 for US$298 million ($450 million).
Its statement noted the Hindawi program, which comprised some 250 journals, had been “suspended temporarily due to the presence in certain special issues of compromised articles”.
Many of these suspect papers purported to be serious medical studies, including examinations of drug resistance in newborns with pneumonia and the value of MRI scans in the diagnosis of early liver disease. The journals involved included Disease Markers, BioMed Research International and Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
In Australia, ABC has reported on this issue, reflecting concerns over diminishing public trust in universities, which are increasingly seen as businesses rather than educational institutions. This perception is fueled by incidents where universities, driven by financial incentives, overlook academic fraud.
The core of the scientific community is corroded, exacerbated by entities like the ABC Science Unit, which rather than scrutinizing dubious research, often shields it.
This ongoing degradation calls for a shift from traditional peer review to rigorous live debates, ensuring accountability by having people argue their cases in real time.
In December 2023, Nature posted that more than 10,000 papers were retracted in 2023 -- a new record.
Beendare's Link
Oh man, one of the whistleblowers against Joe is blasting him. She literally had to resign her job at VA in charge of whistleblower complaints. My god the Democrat party is so dirty prostituting the federal gov to go after anyone that doesn't toe the line- Democrats are the new Nazis.
Video at link Partial transcript; Joe Biden, Hunter Biden Whistleblower Makes New Statement
“This is the reason why I'm still going through this situation. I'm gonna be quite clear and quick. Hunter Biden has been money laundering in my accounts along with Joe Biden ever since I was a congressional intern at age 15.
In addition to that, in 1980, he was convicted of sexually assaulting me, Diplo, and Adam Ord, my ex boyfriend. I didn't realize that it happened to him too.
I don't know how he got through FBI adjudication and investigations for security clearance other than paying bribes. He's the longest running Joe Biden, the longest running politician in the United States, in the federal government. Strom Thurmond had that title, and since he's been president, he has surpassed him. I worked at DOJ for many years, was a DOJ official as well as a federal prosecutor in addition to being an executive at VA.
I don't understand how he could have gone through the adjudication process given that in 1980, he was convicted of those crimes against me and 2 other people that I know very well, who I care about a lot.
In addition, while I was at the VA as an executive and a chief compliance officer, I ended up filing a workplace retaliation lawsuit after after I left. I resigned. I was tired of dealing with it. I wasn't asked to resign.
I resigned because I was dealing with a Biden appointee who was, I guess, concerned along with Hunter and Joe Biden that their dirty secrets in connection with me would come out.
And so she wanted me gone. She's a member of the Biden Institute. Her name is Mary Anne Donahue. She's in charge of the whistleblower office at VA, which is super important. It was stood up under Trump, and I was appointed under the Trump administration and so I guess they thought I was a problem.
spike78's Link
Beendare's Link
Whistleblowers at UCLA med school have come out with the stats- over 50% now cannot pass competency tests.
At Twitter link showing the charts, also posted by Musk;
Remember when Don Lemon claimed that there’s no evidence that medical schools are lowering standards?
UCLA Medical School literally just admitted to lowering admissions standards for minority applicants and now many are failing basic tests.
The Feds shows up at the door to arrest you….just like they did to this guy Bernegger;
Mr. Bernegger just tweeted a bombshell public accusation against U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI):
Exclusive: I accuse United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of criminally laundering $27,850,750 into her campaigns since 2017, including the current one. She is committing illegal Smurfing, i.e. structured money laundering. We have documented this in extreme detail using state and federal government data. Baldwin has numerous campaign committees, PACS, and other sources funding her campaigns.
This is pure election fraud by Baldwin and all those participating with her. She is stealing from the elderly their identities to use in laundering money into her campaign. Baldwin is committing identity theft and elderly financial abuse.
One specific example is Baldwin using the name of a real person called Sonia (so are many other liberals using this same person), where Sonia has been making 69,433 contributions since 2017. This means Sonia – who is in assisted living, as confirmed by her daughter – has made 7.5 contributions per day on average, every day of the year, for 7.5 years. But, Sonia did not make these contributions.
It was ActBlue and its former corrupt founders Ben Rahn, Matt DeBergalis and Jonathan Zucker. Zucker is now running the very corrupt Democracy Engine – a PAC also committing Smurfing on a massive scale to fund liberal campaigns. Joe Biden is protecting this entire racket, and yes his campaign is into smurfing big time.
Late last year Biden put Dara Lindenbaum on as a Commissioner of the FEC (federal election commission overseas campaign finance). Not long after we broke the whole smurfing scheme with James O’Keefe.
Dara was an attorney on Stacy Abrams campaign, the Abrams campaign was into Smurfing big time. This is all election fraud, on a massive scale. This is why campaigns have skyrocketed in spending to unreal heights. The money is coming in from China, from the US Treasury and other unlawful places. Yet no attorney or law enforcement will step up to bring justice. Exclusive: I accuse United States Senator Tammy Baldwin of criminally laundering $27,850,750 into her campaigns since 2017, including the current one. She is committing illegal Smurfing, i.e. structured money laundering. We have documented this in extreme detail using state and… pic.twitter.com/STN7r4kpsK
— Peter Bernegger (@PeterBernegger) May 28, 2024
Beendare's Link
This one is great, believe it or not- the media used to fact check
“biden now admits he lied, he did not graduate in the top 1/2 of his class, he does not have 3 degrees…and he was not voted the outstanding student”
How did anyone vote for this pathological liar?
Beendare's Link
I bet many don’t know ……The Democrat party is blocking that…..
In response to the Chino school district standing up to Liberal Dem policy in Ca that the school must notify the parent before initiating and gender transitioning drugs or treatments....
Nope, the Democrats in their infinite wisdom are pushing legislation- AB 1955- They want to make it state law to withhold information from parents, while they indoctrinate your children.
It's literally unbelievable what the Dem party has become.
I just did the Google search that took less time than for you to type the question - so not sure you really want to know….
For medical doctors, the vaccination % in 2021 was 96% (with some of the 4% who had not been vaccinated indicating they intended to). Presuming the high % is because they are educated and understood it was a scientific decision rather than a political one.
Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
im not sure what you mean by this? if by politicians you mean congress (house and senate) the vaccine mandate never applied to them in the first place.
That just opened the door to more ridonckulousness.
You should "do your own research" and look at the papers showing how R-dominated states had solidly higher death rates after vaccines were released... Because you know, all the conspiracists were telling (still are) people that gulp a specific brand of "media" that the vax was a bioweapon/magnetized/nano computer chip inserting death potion... So people didn't get it.
Result - MORE democratic voters survived.
Coincidence? I think NOT!
Soros clearly hired people like RFK jr to articulate the dangers of vaccines to kill off Republicans, thus helping elect Biden. Damn, psychos!
It has to be true because Alex Jones was talking about it, and I read an article in Epoch Times about it, too. Amazing!
Beendare's Link
The massive shut downs. The masks that studies are now coming out say they are ineffective and actually harm some kids, then there was the scamming;
CNBC has a profile on it. Tens of billions scammed, one Chinese entity responsible for $5.9 billion- at link. A quick search of CNBC turns up multiple hundred million dollar Covid frauds. Good job Brandon.
not at all...considering congress didnt mandate anyone.
youre like a pinball machine of conspiracy theories
spike78's Link
I think it's a 2 part component;
They think because they have a lot of $$ they are smarter than everyone else ( Admittedly true in many cases)
They feel guilty for having more money than they can possibly spend- so they go off on tangents to make themselves feel better about it.
In some cases its a good thing...like the Musk purchase of Twitter which is now a big arbiter of truth [try putting some whacky statement on there now- you get shot down in a hurry]
In some it's bad- like the Socialist Democrat Soros pushing Marxist and liberal progressive policy on us. It's crazy to think that our system facilitated Soro's success...and he wants to tear it down.
Beendare's Link
Link is to Ca Congressman Kevin Kileys video commentary...an eye opener The secret Chinese bio lab discovered in California is alarming. What is even more alarming is the CDC's indifference to the illegal lab, which was run by an international fugitive with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
For months the CDC refused to investigate, and even hung-up on local officials who asked for help. Eventually, political pressure forced the CDC to do an inspection, which revealed "at least 20 potentially infectious agents, including HIV, Tuberculosis, and the deadliest known form of Malaria."
Yet the CDC did not bother to test any samples, even those with labels written in a secret code, making it "impossible to fully assess the potential risks that this specific facility posed to the community." Later, local officials discovered a refrigerator in the lab labeled "Ebola," which somehow escaped the CDC's notice.
I have demanded answers of CDC Director Mandy Cohen and am sponsoring legislation to detect any other such labs that may be secretly operating in the United States.
youre kind of avoiding this spike78.
it was biden that mandated the vaccine...not congress. congress had no part in any vaccine mandate.
biden (who is the executive branch) issued a mandate that had no power over the congress (which is the legislative branch) so what are you even talking about?
Who is the “they” that you’re referring to?
Do you really not understand who issued the mandate and who it applied to?
“In some cases its a good thing...like the Musk purchase of Twitter which is now a big arbiter of truth…”
I don’t know which is more ludicrous….
Corn pile hunters,are real hunters..
Girly men shoot expandables..
actually...both of those statements are accurate...to a certain extent.
1. masks were proven to be mostly ineffective in stopping the spread of covid...and there have been numerous studies that have shown they may have been harmful to children in terms of speech development...learning...socialization...increased rebreathing...accumulation of carbon dioxide etc.
2. as far as twitter goes...im not sure its an "arbiter of truth" since musk purchased it but it is certainly more equal in terms of various opinions being allowed without censorship.
Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
Beendare's Link
“That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land, and creating the droughts, and melting the ice, and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees,” he stated. ——- Good link breaking it down. Has anyone read this book below? —— Having studied the production of climate data for decades, physicist Steven Koonin said he has “watched a growing chasm between what the politicians, the media, and the NGOs were saying, and what the science actually said.”
“Nobody has an incentive to portray scientific truth and facts,” he told The Epoch Times.
Mr. Koonin was the undersecretary for science in the U.S. Department of Energy, under President Barack Obama. He is a former physics professor at Caltech and is currently on faculty at New York University.
He also has expertise in the development of analytical models.
In 2021, Mr. Koonin published a best-selling book titled “Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t and Why It Matters.” The book analyzes where climate data comes from and how it makes its way from dense, thousand-page scientific reports into headline news for public consumption.
“Ricky all I said was they mandated the vaccine but somehow that mandate didn’t apply to them not sure wtf your getting at?”
Who is the “they” that you’re referring to?
Do you really not understand who issued the mandate and who it applied to?
both houses of congress did not "exempt themselves" like you originally stated. the mandate never applied to them in the first place. there was nothing to exempt themselves from.
Interestingly enough, the person who issued the mandate was also mandated to get the vaccine.
so the “rules for thee but not for me” doesnt apply either.
And yet almost all of the got vaccinated anyway. What are you complaining about exactly?
thats what ive been trying to get to the bottom of.
the vast majority of the people who supposedly "exempted" themselves...voluntarily got the vaccine anyway...along with the majority of all americans.
thats the thing with most of these "conspiracy theories." they completely fall apart with a minimal amount of scrutiny and common sense.
Beendare's Link
Oxford University: Myocarditis and Pericarditis Only Appear After COVID Vaccination, Not After COVID Infection
Recent Study in the UK finds cases of heart problems from the vax…and not from getting covid- info at link
Researchers at Oxford University evaluated over one million English children aged 5 to 11 and adolescents aged 12 to 15 for incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in relation to the COVID-19 infection and the COVID-19 vaccine.
According to the preprint, myocarditis and pericarditis only occur after vaccination and not after COVID-19 infection.
“Whilst rare, all myocarditis and pericarditis events during the study period occurred in vaccinated individuals,” the authors wrote.
The Epoch Times reports:
The study analyzed data from the National Health Service (NHS) England’s OpenSAFELY-TPP database, which covers 40 percent of English primary care practices.
Vaccinated adolescents and children were matched to unvaccinated cohorts and followed for 20 weeks to compare positive COVID-19 tests, hospitalizations, COVID-19 critical care, adverse events, and non-COVID hospitalizations.
England’s data showed that myocarditis and pericarditis were only documented in the vaccinated. These results contradict data from other studies that showed a higher incidence of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection.
The question is, were the side effects worse than the cure when young kids have the side effects…but the old and weak were the ones dying from covid.
Beendare's Link
At link is the vid of a congressional hearing where its proven multiple states are allowing- even mailing illegals ballots to vote. Penn is being sued and is stonewalling. DC sends ballots to everyone. Virginia, Az, Ohio, and many more.
We are literally a 3rd world country under the Biden admin….
Video of Congressional hearing at link
Carry on. I'm going to go wash my brain out.
no offense...but most thinking people can usually stop right there.
Congressional testimony under oath- oh, no big deal, just ignore it
Epoch Times reports an Oxford university study of one million kids…..oh but its Epoch times….
Beendare's Link
At link is the vid of a congressional hearing where its proven multiple states are allowing- even mailing illegals ballots to vote. Penn is being sued and is stonewalling. DC sends ballots to everyone. Virginia, Az, Ohio, and many more.
We are literally a 3rd world country under the Biden admin….
Video of Congressional hearing at link
The answer seems to be a resounding no. 18 cases of pericarditis (15) and myocarditis (3) out of 893,000 children and adolescents who got the vaccine. Generally, pericarditis and myocarditis have a low risk of complications, especially in the young and especially when caught early. Again, the results of this study are at odds with the Italian study that looked at 20 million patients and saw a higher risk of myocarditis across the unvaccinated. Should also be noted in the Oxford study that the only child/adolescent patients requiring critical care came from the unvaccinated group.
What is abundantly clear from both studies is that the risk of pericarditis and myocarditis is extremely rare in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. What is also clear is that the vaccinated avoided the most severe outcomes, which was also extremely rare.
That said, in the realm of conspiracies, how about how the guy who made 2000 mules ended up admitting it was all made up and did not happen. Given he's a conspiracy grifter, he's just going to move on and "sell" some other fun idea to make himself $$$.
You clearly don't understand how statistics work, spike. It's not even worth trying to explain it to you.
But hey, maybe you should go ahead and publish your research. Sample size of one indicates vaccine is unnecessary.
fwiw...im the farthest thing from a lib that you will find...but dissecting what people say is how ridiculous conspiracy theories like the ones you seem to love to spread are disproven.
for example...
studies show that myocarditis from the covid vaccine is between 1 and 4.6 per 100000.
whereas myocarditis from covid itself is between 10-105 per 100000.
wow...you just cant stop can you?
how do we know that the chemtrails...the illuminati...the new world order...the great reset...or any one of your other wacky conspiracy theories isnt behind those athletes falling down dead?
You going to stick to this code if you get heart disease, cancer, intestinal blockage, compound fractures, cataracts,etc., etc. ? Or are you going to take the modern medicine route?
make no mistake...i know they are "all out there the read about." the internet is a vast cesspool of garbage like that...making money off guys like you clicking on every bs headline you can find.
anyone with half a brain can debunk them in a matter of seconds...just like the one about the vaccine causing more myocarditis than covid itself.
the sad thing is...you believe it all.
"One day you will say geez Spike was right and ain’t crazy and I will say geez Ricky it’s about time you get it!"
i doubt it...but if that happens...ill be the first to admit it.
Will's Link
What you can't find is a bull* filter or a healthy dose of skepticism.
"I think we can agree on all that."
true that!
in all seriousness...think about what you just said.
"if these Conspiracy theory’s are not true the last thing I want is a bunch of elites deciding how everything should go on us citizens."
in other words...you dont mind that they are all bs...as long as the elites arent telling how things should go.
but youll let a bunch of other liars get you all worked all worked up instead... and profit off you in the process.
Beendare's Link
So why the push by the gov to get them vaxxed?
Could it have something to do with the $690million in royalty payments big pharma made to fauchi’s NIH? Check the Open the Books website where they are still suing through the FOIA to find out where all that money went- but the Fauchi NIH has been stonewalling.
Why haven’t we heard about any of this in the MSM?
It sure seems fishy….but with this politicized FBI and DOJ…we will probably never know.
Because they are concerned with public health and ending a pandemic. Vaccines curb the reduce the viral load and reduce the risk of transmission. Just because children may not be at risk from the worst outcomes of the virus (just like the flu), doesn't mean there aren't public health benefits related to them getting vaccinated.
Ricky The Cabel Guy's Link
Because there's no such thing as a "free anything."
"How about an actual push to cure cancer?"
Astounding that you don't think there is an actual push to cure cancer.
"Follow the money man that’s all it’s about."
Often, but not always. I'd say it's also astounding that you think there is "more money" to be made by perpetuating a pandemic and shutting down the economy than vice versa - but it's really not astounding that your mind works this way.
so is the earth really flat....and is obama really a reptilian humanoid?
From the NYT: Alina Chan, the Op-Ed author tweeted this out before yesterday's hearing.
Ahead of today's hearing in Congress: my opinion piece with the @nytimes on why Covid-19 was likely caused by a lab accident.
My hope since 2020 has been for leaders, especially scientists, to lead the charge in investigating a plausible lab #OriginOfCovid - as opposed to shutting it down as a conspiracy theory or standing by while conflicted parties do so. That hope has been revived repeatedly in the past 4 years by courageous scientists, journalists and individuals who took on considerable risks to do the right thing and push for a fair investigation. —- Overwhelming evidence if a coverup that had huge negative consequences for the US. ——- Who will investigate when the AG refuses to answer Congressional questions and stonewalls running interference for the dirty Biden admin. My god…. how can some of you guys not see that??
WSJ currently has an in depth analysis.
Thats what the weak ineffective Biden admin does- propagate war. My god, if Dem voters only knew.
Yes they finally just put sanctions in place- BUT the WSJ outlines how those sanctions are worthless.
Beendare's Link
A video of him asking questions of Biden nominees to be judges - This is who Democrats want to decide cases in the US- terrible.
We have made major advances with respect to cancer, and many forms are more or less curable these days.
And I can assure you there is much more money to be made from a major medical breakthrough that proves commercial and gives you a massive competitive advantage over your peers than there is burning funds on R&D.
I’m glad the world you think we live in doesn’t exist, spike. And I feel sorry for you that you think it does.
...as there should be.
rofl (revere our friend lucifer)
Petition was initiated following an incident involving a female USSS agent from Vice President Kamala Harris' security team who allegedly experienced a breakdown and engaged in a physical altercation with her commanding officer at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. The detailed reports really indicate she lost it, potential danger to herself and others. No surprise as that radical behavior was already in her file from a job in Texas.
But then again, she was on Kamla Harris detail... Personally, I wouldn't be able to do that without going a little nuts.
thats how sneaky and secretive these conspiracies are. youre all wrapped up in them before you even know they exist. then its too late.
Oh my...what does this one mean???
Ruining others to further Liberal, Marxist agenda only???
In other news, I saw Trump is coming out advocating for early and mail-in voting from his supporters. Is this so he can more easily steal the election now if needed? Two can play at that game sort of thing?? Two wrongs make a right?? Did Republicans decide they should add election fraud to their bag of tricks?
Or maybe just an acknowledgement that mail-in voting is secure and that widespread election fraud involving absentee ballots was a made up conspiracy.
Beendare's Link
This guy hilarious even after being attacked mercilessly by libs and women claiming rape............he hits a Grand Slam with this one.
"It's like letting a fart go in an elevator...." OMG what analogies, hilarious.
And if any of the Libs here are going to try to push the rape thing...they need to grow some brain cells.
I have a couple famous and good looking buddies...and the women that literally throw themselves at these guys is shocking even after their "Prime" ....but of course 10 years later then these bimbo's claim, " it's rape". Yeah right.
ON SECOND THOUGHT....BEG and a few of you other TDS'ers SHOULD NOT WATCH THAT VID- SERIOUSLY, your heads will explode. Yeah it's funny...but there is too much truth there for you guys to handle and I don't want to be held responsible for brain matter splattered all over your keyboard.
you do realize that trumps "warp speed" was instrumental in the development of the covid vaccines...and he openly takes credit for it...right?
you do realize that trump is an advocate of the vaccine...right?
you do realize that trump recommended getting the vaccine...and got it himself even after having a serious case of covid...right?
Please show me where Trump mandated pregnant women and babies should get the vax?
Do you really think Trump would have turned Covid into a political control mechanism?
Do youthink Trump would have done the Trillion dollar corrupt and botched giveaway that was the Dems policy decision?
Trump was about to dump Fauchi but didn’t because he was so popular. Given time I think Trump would have sussed out what Fauchi was doing….but who knows, maybe not.
Some of the northern European countries figured it out and didn’t shut down their schools and entire economies.
Brands message since it clearly went way over your head is that A common sense gov would not have turned this political.
Beendare, every time you post all I can think about is the above image. Same with spike.
who said anything about a mandate? i certainly didn’t. i was against the mandate from day one. much of it was an unconstitutional overreach on Biden’s part…and the rest was just an overreach.
that wasn’t the point.
spike78's Link
spike78's Link
bigeasygator's Link
you won’t need to line up…you will be getting your dosage via chemtrail.
Yeah, "high fructose corn syrup".
Regardless, overall cancer incidence still remains pretty low (I believe it was ~400/100,000 in the US across all age groups and cancer types - for children it is less than 20/100,000). In the last 20 years, incident rates and mortality rates have both been falling.
And yes, cancer has always been a part of the human condition, spike.
I was not happy with Trump spending practices during his presidency and have stated that here many times.
What does Trump have to do with the massive corruption, Lying and cheating of the Democrats? You guys probably still believe the “ Hunters laptop is Russian propaganda” that was spouted by many of the serial liar Democrats.
You think its OK to send Bannon to prison for ignoring a Congressional subpoena but its OK for Hunter to do it…or Garland to do it. Oh, and its OK for Biden to ignore the Supreme court and use taxpayer dollars to buy votes from student loan holders.
It speaks to the arrogance and hypocrisy of liberal Democrats that you guys can shrug off stuff like the above and deflect to something else.
Fauchi is dirty. He funded Wuhan, lied about it…..tried to cover it up by deleting emails, doing the investigation himself, paying off potential whistleblowers with taxpayer funded grants, saying he didn’t start the mask thing when they have him speaking multiple times saying he wears “ two masks” etc…..but lets deflect to something else.
I realize some of you guys are so politicized you will never see it….my hope is the average American sees how the horrible Dem policy is weakening our country.
In Dem controlled CA, Newsom just announced more cuts to police and the justice system ( he already has released over 40,000 criminals back into society on his watch)
Meanwhile, in the liberal Dem run cities, they cannot fix the potholes due to repair crews getting robbed at gun point. ( CA is one of the most restrictive gun states) Let alone multiple news crews reporting on this crime have been held up at gunpoint and had their equipment stolen….
From the local news report; Oakland community left with gaping potholes after crime crisis drives away construction crew
An East Oakland community’s roads remain mottled with gaping potholes after safety concerns led a construction crew to abandon their repaving project, according to a local report.
“He essentially said that the work was suspended and he couldn’t tell me the time frame when they would return because the contractor halted all the work because they felt unsafe,” Shari Angarano, a resident of the Sobrante Park area, told the Daily Mail of her recent call with the project manager.
“They were not going to restart the project until the City of Oakland could guarantee a safe work environment for them,” she added…
Angarano spoke on camera with KRON 4 San Francisco where she said the existing pavement was ripped up last month to prepare for the repaving, but the day the crew was slated to repave the roads, they never showed up due to safety concerns. ———-
And some of you still cry that the MAGA crowd is the bad guys….
Beendare's Link
This is the Democrat party policy clear and simple.
The UK came out with a scientific study Stating this is bad policy. The American College of Pediatricians has recently called out this Liberal Dem policy in a recent statement at link (Doctors Protecting Children.org link)
Hopefully, people realize what that Liberal Democrat policy has done to destroy our country- this being just one issue. Part of the press release;
The Declaration’s co-signers affirm that the best evidence and research suggests that children are put in serious harm by surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones and that these interventions do not improve the physical or mental well-being of adolescents with gender dysphoria.
The Declaration calls on “the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to adhere to evidence-based research and utilize comprehensive evaluations and therapies for youth with gender dysphoria.”
Dr. Jill Simons, pediatrician and Executive Director of ACPeds urged:
“It is time that these American medical institutions follow the science and the lead of our European professional colleagues and cease to promote protocols that harm children, including the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.”
He said back in 2020 he did not fund Wuhan...now it comes out in Congressional inquiry- he lied. BTW, The inquiry we never would have had if you bought and paid for Dems had their way. Russel Brand nailed it- He channels the anger of folks with critical thinking skills that now see Covid became this big Political game manipulated by Democrats.
Fauchi lying to the Public, funneling money to Chinese labs so they could use that research against us- what could go wrong there GG?
Fauchi deleting incriminating evidence against him, Hiding from FOIA requests, funneling grant money to potential whistleblowers....Oh, and his just plain claiming that masks and Distancing had nothing to do with him...when he was on TV every other day blabbering about it.
I only point out the facts....and we won't have a legit government until we all get over our predisposed political leanings and dump the liars and corruption. At this point, we need a complete overhaul of our entire Federal Gov it's so corrupted.