Sitka Gear
Elk broadhead 2024
Contributors to this thread:
Beachtree 03-May-24
DEMO-Bowhunter 03-May-24
butcherboy 03-May-24
BOHNTR 03-May-24
WYelkhunter 03-May-24
Brotsky 03-May-24
Keepitreal 03-May-24
wyobullshooter 03-May-24
Chuckster 03-May-24
Bowfreak 03-May-24
ILbowhntr 03-May-24
Blood 03-May-24
midwest 03-May-24
Keepitreal 03-May-24
Jethro 03-May-24
Coondog 03-May-24
bad karma 03-May-24
HDE 03-May-24
Bou'bound 03-May-24
carcus 03-May-24
Charlie Rehor 03-May-24
Hondolane 03-May-24
Z Barebow 03-May-24
ILbowhntr 03-May-24
Corax_latrans 04-May-24
Jaquomo 04-May-24
IdyllwildArcher 04-May-24
wyobullshooter 04-May-24
t-roy 04-May-24
elk assasin 05-May-24
welka 05-May-24
Dale06 05-May-24
Dino 06-May-24
LUNG$HOT 06-May-24
KY EyeBow 06-May-24
ElkNut1 07-May-24
WapitiBob 08-May-24
Treeline 08-May-24
hunterjoe 08-May-24
Dino 08-May-24
RJ Hunt 09-May-24
bohunr 11-May-24
From: Beachtree
What you running this year and why.

Giving the Evolution Jekyll glue-ins a try this year! Hopefully, I have some good results in a few weeks! Not on an elk of course...

From: butcherboy
I’m not running any broadhead. I am using QAD exodus swept 100 grains.

I’m running ASICS gel. :)

From: WYelkhunter
will be using sevr 1.75 again this year. Have had great results with them. may purchase a couple of the new sevr 1.7

From: Brotsky
From my problems mostly.

From: Keepitreal
Compound, I use the Annihilator. Made in Idaho. Impressive results on elk.

Traditional I use RMS gear Cutthroat 200-250 single bevel.

I’m no longer able to run, but I shoot Iron Will vented 125’s. ;-)

From: Chuckster
Gonna try VPA broadheads this year. Brother has had good luck with them. A 3 pack was an eye watering $67.50.

From: Bowfreak
Grim Reaper Mini-Mag 100 gr.

From: ILbowhntr
Probably a 125 Black Hornet Ser Razor. See how it does on bear in a couple weeks.

From: Blood
Kayuga Pilot Cut 140gr with the bigger bleeders. They are cost effective. Easy to sharpen and will go completely through an elk. Why play around?

From: midwest
Plan to try G5's new 2-blade mech.

From: Keepitreal
Those Kayuga pilots are some filthy mcnasty buggers. Gotta love a single bevel for blowing a hole thru a scapula rather than mech blades breaking off right there.

From: Jethro
You should never run with broadheads. Using Exodus 125 swept.

I use Vortex SS 125 2"

From: Coondog
I’ll have 125 grain Iron Will single bevels, 150 grain Iron Will wides, and 100 grain Sevr 2.0 in my quiver in the fall.

From: bad karma
Most likely Ramcats or Ramcat Hemoshocks. Haven't decided, but the hemoshock did a fine job on a pig a month ago.

From: HDE
Thinking about 150 gr Vortx BT.

From: Bou'bound
Running a Rage hypodermic

From: carcus
Likely Exodus, I will also have a couple grim reaper pro series in the quiver, the grim reaper worked well last year

Good ole Broadhead thread. Thank you Beachtree. Everybody loves their Broadhead.

From: Hondolane
Rage trypans

From: Z Barebow
I run but no longer race. Why? Stay in shape to elk hunt.

I will test Magnus Black Hornet SER 150g. I like the 1 1/4” cut.

From: ILbowhntr
Probably a 125 Black Hornet Ser Razor. See how it does on bear in a couple weeks.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
I like the penetration I’ve been getting from the old Ace Standard…


But you’ve gotta admit… 90 years is a pretty good test drive….

From: Jaquomo
No running for me either. Slow and steady wins the race. But I shoot Iron Will 125 solids and vented toward elk.

VPA 125 grain for everything. Vented in the mountains, unvented outside of the mountains.

And don't believe Jacuomo or wyobullshooter for a second; an AARP 10% discount at Hooters would see them rediscovering their legs/lungs and putting on their best Usain Bolt impression.

Ike, apparently you haven’t heard the story about the old bull and the young bull standing on the hillside, overlooking a meadow full of sweet, young heifers. lol!

From: t-roy
No elk for me this year, but I hope to fast walk a Wasp Boss through a mtn. goat this fall.

From: elk assasin
Not hunting elk this fall didn't draw anywhere. If i had a tag I would use the head that I have used for the last 20 hunts, a 100 grain thunderhead. I have been asked many times why I shoot them, simple they haven't given me any reason not to shoot them. Fourteen hunts they have performed well with my good shots and bad,

From: welka

welka's embedded Photo
welka's embedded Photo
Hypodermic Trypan. Big hole!

From: Dale06
I like two holes. Iron Will 125 vented.

From: Dino

Dino's embedded Photo
Mainly a meat hunter! :)
Dino's embedded Photo
Mainly a meat hunter! :)
I keep using the old faithful Wasp Jak Hammer. 1 3/4” cut

“I like two holes.“

Ditto. Iron Will 125 solids here. Hunted with them last year and missed high on the one bull I got a shot on but had unmatched penetration on the aspen I hit.

From: KY EyeBow
NAP Hellrazor 125 grain

From: ElkNut1
I've used so many broadheads over the years it's tough to single out a favorite. So many great heads out there.

However, I know what I won't be using & that's any 2 bladed head. Their blood trails are weak & add a lot of concern when tracking is necessary.


From: WapitiBob

WapitiBob's embedded Photo
WapitiBob's embedded Photo
Gonna use this one, 100% USA made.

From: Treeline
Most likely VPA 200 grain 1 1/4" and 200 grain Snuffers will be in the quiver again. The last couple of 2-blade kills with really good single bevel broadheads left less than favorable blood trails. Not sure I want to risk losing an elk with no blood on the ground.

From: hunterjoe
I will keep using good old Wasp Jak-Hammers. Select-A-Cut collar 1.5 inch cut option for elk.

From: Dino
Preach it hunterjoe!

From: RJ Hunt
I have been now for quite a few years shooting the 100 grain viper tick. Is nothing fancy nor the latest and greatest but man I have killed some good elk and many other critters with those.

From: bohunr
Going back to basics this year with 2 blade Zwickey deltas. I have taken many animals in the past with them,with both compound and traditional bows. Staying with traditional from now on.

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