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Good Forbes article elephants
Contributors to this thread:
DonVathome 10-May-24
DonVathome 10-May-24
DonVathome 10-May-24
DanaC 10-May-24
Starfire 10-May-24
DonVathome 10-May-24
Corax_latrans 10-May-24
jons 10-May-24
DonVathome 10-May-24
Corax_latrans 10-May-24
DonVathome 11-May-24
Mike B 11-May-24
Corax_latrans 12-May-24
From: DonVathome

From: DonVathome
Instead, it is the countries with regulated hunting that not occasionally, but nearly always, produce the largest numbers of wildlife.

From: DonVathome
For the most part I cringe when I see news or hear conversation about hunting and wildlife management. It is amazing how misinformed most people are.

It is rare that I read something like this. TBH it got me choked up knowing that some still know the truth. Africa is such an amazing example of the benefits of hunting. Sadly it is also the one I here many people say is so terrible for being hunted. Elephants in particular. Most people I talk to think it is very evil to hunt elephants. It is frustrating so it was good to read this article!

From: DanaC
"Instead, it is the countries with regulated hunting that not occasionally, but nearly always, produce the largest numbers of wildlife. "

That's because hunters understand the importance of CONservation, which includes intelligent population management. As opposed to simple PREservation, which takes a simple "lock it up and throw away the key" approach.

Human populations are expanding, and will continue to do so. This will only increase conflicts with large animals. Bear problems, anyone? Only by properly managing populations can we avoid an all out 'war' with other species. Nobody wants that. The hardest part is convincing the anti-hunters of this...

From: Starfire
People that are against wolf hunting need to read this article.

From: DonVathome
It is so sad how very very few people in the US understand this.

I think a large part of the problem is that the more polarized the politics get, the more Absolutist people tend to become. But if you’re not willing to compromise on anything, you can’t very well expect anyone else to compromise with YOU.

And if you won’t be reasonable about anything, you can’t blame anyone else for not treating you like a reasonable person.

From: jons
Good to read this about a positive but in the meantime a genocide is going on in Sudan, seems common with animals and humans in Africa.

From: DonVathome
Yes but the average American is so uneducated. I asked several nonhunting friends. Any friend of mine is NOT antihunting. All of them think poorly about hunting elephants for a variety of reason. Often the same for lions, and trophy hunting in Africa.

Just like the article says, everyone with no "on the ground" experience in Africa is telling Africa what to do - and based on emotions and little information. Most have a vastly different idea what Africa, big game in Africa, and the culture etc are like. They have no idea about pretty much everything mentioned in this article. They are completely misinformed and do not know it.

Most frustrating is what they think needs to be done is, for the most part, the complete opposite of what should be done.

Amazing to see that the WWF is on board, though — they have serious mainstream credibility, so they can make an impact that explicitly pro-hunting organizations cannot.

Yes, there are plenty of anti-hunters who will ignore the science and the economic arguments, just as there are people ignoring the science on climate, etc…. They’re all equally wrong, just wrong about different things…..

From: DonVathome
Agreed. I do not hope to change anti-hunters (I would like to) but mainstream America has no clue. They are doing the wrong things. What most Americans think is almost completely wrong. I worry much more about them then anti's.

Last I saw 10% of us hunt, 10% are anti's and 80% are "neutral". If 80% are misinformed and doing the wrong thing wildlife is in trouble and we, as hunters, are in trouble.

From: Mike B
Hunters bring in the dollars, and the dollars are used to protect their investment in elephants. Another bit of glaring proof that capitalism works.

“What most Americans think is almost completely wrong. I worry much more about them then anti's.”

The good news is that most people really do want to do the right thing(s); we just have an alarming tendency to trust our own feelings and cling to what we want to believe when the facts challenge our assumptions.

That’s not Politics, it’s just Human Behavior 101.

JMO, if you think that everything you don’t like or aren’t comfortable with should be illegal, you don’t deserve the protections that our constitution affords….

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