Mathews Inc.
Another semi live bear hunt
Contributors to this thread:
Wv hillbilly 11-May-24
Bou'bound 11-May-24
DConcrete 11-May-24
VAMtns 11-May-24
Wv hillbilly 11-May-24
Buffalo1 11-May-24
drycreek 11-May-24
buckeye 11-May-24
t-roy 11-May-24
mooseslayer 11-May-24
Shug 11-May-24
Bowboy 11-May-24
rattling_junkie 11-May-24
rattling_junkie 11-May-24
Mike Ukrainetz 11-May-24
molsonarcher 12-May-24
Tater 12-May-24
Wv hillbilly 12-May-24
midwest 12-May-24
Speedgoat 12-May-24
fastflight 12-May-24
Wv hillbilly 12-May-24
Insheart 12-May-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 12-May-24
Wv hillbilly 12-May-24
rattling_junkie 12-May-24
grape 12-May-24
Bowboy 12-May-24
wisconsinteacher 12-May-24
TMac 12-May-24
mooseslayer 12-May-24
Wv hillbilly 12-May-24
t-roy 12-May-24
Wv hillbilly 12-May-24
DConcrete 12-May-24
ND String Puller 13-May-24
molsonarcher 13-May-24
mooseslayer 13-May-24
Dino 13-May-24
Zebrakiller 13-May-24
njbuck 13-May-24
molsonarcher 13-May-24
Wv hillbilly 13-May-24
bghunter 13-May-24
drycreek 13-May-24
Paul@thefort 13-May-24
Wv hillbilly 13-May-24
Wv hillbilly 13-May-24
molsonarcher 13-May-24
DConcrete 13-May-24
Bou'bound 13-May-24
molsonarcher 13-May-24
rattling_junkie 13-May-24
grape 13-May-24
molsonarcher 13-May-24
t-roy 14-May-24
Wv hillbilly 14-May-24
APauls 14-May-24
molsonarcher 14-May-24
Paul@thefort 14-May-24
Chuckster 14-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
Wv hillbilly 15-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
Zebrakiller 15-May-24
Alexis Desjardins 15-May-24
grape 15-May-24
Tater 15-May-24
Chuckster 15-May-24
VAMtns 15-May-24
mooseslayer 15-May-24
DConcrete 15-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
mooseslayer 15-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
Insheart 15-May-24
Scoot 15-May-24
Wv hillbilly 15-May-24
molsonarcher 15-May-24
bghunter 15-May-24
Wv hillbilly 15-May-24
Chuckster 15-May-24
molsonarcher 16-May-24
Wv hillbilly 16-May-24
Wv hillbilly 16-May-24
molsonarcher 16-May-24
rattling_junkie 16-May-24
Rgiesey 16-May-24
Medicinemann 17-May-24
Wv hillbilly 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
molsonarcher 17-May-24
Wv hillbilly 17-May-24
TMac 17-May-24
Scoot 17-May-24
t-roy 17-May-24
Shug 17-May-24
buckeye 17-May-24
fastflight 17-May-24
Paul@thefort 17-May-24
molsonarcher 18-May-24
Chuckster 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
Wv hillbilly 18-May-24
rattling_junkie 18-May-24
DConcrete 18-May-24
Tater 18-May-24
grape 18-May-24
spike buck 18-May-24
VAMtns 18-May-24
molsonarcher 18-May-24
t-roy 18-May-24
carcus 18-May-24
longsprings 18-May-24
TMac 18-May-24
Chuckster 18-May-24
g5smoke21 18-May-24
Supernaut 18-May-24
hdaman 18-May-24
Bowboy 18-May-24
Scoot 18-May-24
RJ Hunt 19-May-24
Wv hillbilly 19-May-24
JB 19-May-24
Insheart 19-May-24
BOWNUT 19-May-24
wisconsinteacher 20-May-24
SteveB 20-May-24
You boys ready for another semi live bear hunt? Molsonarcher myself and a fella named Ben left Ohio this morning at 6:30. We’re heading to sleave lake outfitters in Manitoba. Should be there tomorrow by noon and hopefully hunting by 3 or so. We’ll try to update as service allows. We hunted with Evan last year and had a great time and killed some dandy’s. Hopefully we’ll have a repeat this trip. Trying to make it to grand forks today and cross the border in the morning.

From: Bou'bound
Travel safe and good luck. Post when you can.

From: DConcrete
I’m certainly ready! Good luck, Shoot straight and have fun!

From: VAMtns
Yes , Ready

Thanks fellas! Enjoyed following your hunt dconcrete. Looks like decent weather for us tomorrow.

From: Buffalo1
Waiting for the action to begin ! Safe travels.

From: drycreek
Just in time !

From: buckeye
Oh yeah!

From: t-roy
Heck, yeah! Bring it on!

From: mooseslayer
I'll be paying attention, close to the area we'll be hunting the week after. Aim small, miss small.

From: Shug
Safe travels good luck

From: Bowboy
Have fun!

Good luck!

Good luck!

Can’t wait to follow along!

From: molsonarcher
We are about 14 hours closer to getting to hopefully send a sharp stick through a couple big Manitoba bears right now than we were this morning. WV and myself hunted here last year, and have a new, first time bear hunter tagging along this year. No matter what happens, its going to be a good trip, and with a little luck a great trip. Will update as we can.

From: Tater
I will be hunting Manitoba for the 6th time this year. Headed up June 8th with a couple friends. Hopefully we can share a few pics and a great story. Good luck to all hunters


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
On the road again. No bears yet but we got our limit on bugs.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
On the road again. No bears yet but we got our limit on bugs.

Get em Matt.

This will be fun.

From: midwest
Good luck boys! Looking forward to the updates!

From: Speedgoat
Enjoy your trip!

From: fastflight
Good luck to each of you. Can't wait to read about your trip.

Get em Matt.

This will be fun.

Getting ready to roll out of camp now. Will give updates if we have service at the stands. They have a lot of big bear on cameras this year.

From: Insheart
Good luck - hopefully the wild fires won't hinder your hunt.

Good luck fellas!! There can never be enough “semi live spring bear hunts”.

Take away from all those damn politics!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
We’re all in the stands now. Winds a little strong and can smell some smoke from the fires but it ain’t bad. Evan just dropped me off. Sitting in an old wood framed stand. Pretty comfortable!
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
We’re all in the stands now. Winds a little strong and can smell some smoke from the fires but it ain’t bad. Evan just dropped me off. Sitting in an old wood framed stand. Pretty comfortable!

Good luck!

From: grape
Good luck.

From: Bowboy
Have a good sit!

Shoot straight guys!!

From: TMac
Good luck look forward to your updates!

From: mooseslayer
Stick a big one. How far to the barrels?

Nothing yet. Matt and Ben must not have service. Evan checked the camera and we ran a sow and three cubs off when we drove in. Been a beautiful evening so far! Thanks fellas!

From: t-roy
Fingers crossed!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just got back to camp. Everyone was in bears tonight. Nothing we wanted to shoot. I saw 3 pic is of the biggest one. Matt seen 2 Ben seen4. Fun night!!
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Just got back to camp. Everyone was in bears tonight. Nothing we wanted to shoot. I saw 3 pic is of the biggest one. Matt seen 2 Ben seen4. Fun night!!

From: DConcrete
Looking good! Thanks for the updates

Good Luck fellas!

From: molsonarcher
We all saw bears tonight. No shooters, but with the wind I was happy to even see one. We are in good hands and the bears seem to be picking up by the day on cams, so its going to happen!

From: mooseslayer
Be patient,it'll happen. Probably no need for liquid smoke!!

From: Dino
Good luck! Please keep the pics and adventures coming.

From: Zebrakiller
good luck

From: njbuck
Good luck guys!

From: molsonarcher
The smoke was bad driving in, but really wasnt noticeable during the hunt last night.

9 bears were seen between the 3 of us, and ghe baits are getting hammered. The eind has died down this am and hopefully stays that way for the evening. It was COLD last night in the stand.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Couple more bears from last night. Barrels were 18&23 yards away. Got me a good feeling they’ll be some blood tonight.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Couple more bears from last night. Barrels were 18&23 yards away. Got me a good feeling they’ll be some blood tonight.

From: bghunter
Good luck guys and thanks for taking us along

From: drycreek
Good luck, wish I was there !

From: Paul@thefort
Can't dance and too wet to plow. Bring it on. Good entertainment, Gee, an actual a hunting post!

Leaving camp now. Smells like blood in the air!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
New stand for tonight. Good bear been daylighting past few days. Evan decided to move me here. Awesome location way back in the bush. Got a good feeling about this evening!
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
New stand for tonight. Good bear been daylighting past few days. Evan decided to move me here. Awesome location way back in the bush. Got a good feeling about this evening!

From: molsonarcher
I have a new spot also for this evening. Weather is much nicer tonight and this spot has has been hammered.

From: DConcrete
Goodluck guys!

From: Bou'bound
Going to be a special night

Any night on a bear stand is special

From: molsonarcher
First bear of the night was just in. Stayed maybe 10 min and left. Young bear. Needs a few more years.

It's raining here in Winnipeg. Good luck!

From: grape
Good luck. Thanks for doing this.

From: molsonarcher
It was a gorgeous evening here. I saw 2 smaller bears tonight. Still waiting to hear how the others did.

From: t-roy
Keep the updates coming, guys!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Getting bigger. Seen two this evening bout the same size. Just not what I came here to shoot. Both good bears. Very enjoyable evening.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Getting bigger. Seen two this evening bout the same size. Just not what I came here to shoot. Both good bears. Very enjoyable evening.

Good luck guys! Thanks for doing the daily updates for us!!

From: APauls
Heck yeah, good luck! Pretty awesome the mosquitos aren't even out yet, though ticks are in full force.

From: molsonarcher
Back in the stands for the evening. Rainy and heavy overcast conditions. Looks like its going to be this way for the rest of the week. Still huntable so far.

My bait was hit hard overnight and this am again. The other 2 got new stands for this evening.

We had an adventure baiting this am and were a tad behind schedule getting in, but its still plenty early.

From: Paul@thefort
any hunters doing a honey burn to attract bears?

From: Chuckster
Good luck fellas, following.

From: molsonarcher
Paul, no honey burn. Tonight was an interesting one. One bear down!

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
My young friend Ben scored on his first ever bear tonight. He made a perfect shot and the bear went maybe 40 yds.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
What a day! Left the lodge at 8 this morning to go bait and check the area we were supposed to be hunting this week. Beavers had damned the culvert by the access trail and the crew had to clear it out. Finally drained enough for us to get in to today. Evan and I made it almost to the last bait a hour wheeler ride from the truck. Going through the last flooded spot we swamped the wheeler. Luckily Cole and Matt weren’t to far away and were able to tow us out. Made it back to the lodge grabbed some lunch after fixing the wheeler and headed back to the bush. Evan put me on the last bait we made it to today. Large bear been on camera past few days. He didn’t show up today until half hour after I walked out. Going back to the same spot tomorrow. Matt seen a couple. Ben had some action he’s not on bowsite. Matt’s gonna post some pics for him. I’ll leave it at he flung an arrow this evening.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
One heck of a first bear! More measurements tomorrow after skinning.

From: Zebrakiller
thats a great bear

You guys are getting into them now good deal.

Good bear congrats to the hunter, good job nephew keep it up.

From: grape
Congrats on a “ first”. You won’t forget it!! Here’s some advice from an old guy Ben. If you haven’t, start a journal. In the next day or so write down everything you remember about this hunt. It will make good reading for years.

From: Tater
Congrats to a fellow buckeye!

From: Chuckster
Congrats Ben, nice bear.

From: VAMtns
WTG Ben Nice Bear

From: mooseslayer
Great shot on a great bear Ben!! The Ohio clan is on the board. Shoot straight fellas.

From: DConcrete

From: molsonarcher
Thanks gents. Ben is absolutely stoked. Now he is stressing about what mount to do! We will be skinning shortly.

From: mooseslayer
Just curious. Would you say most bears you've seen on cams or out hunting, have nice hides and not rubbed up yet?

From: molsonarcher
A few are rubbed, but its mainly the smaller bears. The big ones still have good hides. Temps are pretty cool yet so the next few weeks should still have good coats

From: Insheart
Nice bear!

From: Scoot
Nice work! GL to all those with tags still!

Leaving earlier today to get back to my stand. It’s just over a hour wheeler ride to it. The big one showed up last night half hour after I walked out. Hopefully he daylights tonight. So glad Ben killed a great one for his first bear. Gonna be a hard one for him to top. He’s been all smiles all day.

From: molsonarcher
Same stand for me tonight. Hopefully the big one comes back!

Ben is spoiled at this point and thinks bear hunting is easy. Needless to say he is hooked.

From: bghunter
Good luck


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
It’s a beautiful evening here In Manitoba. Hopefully the big one daylights this evening.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
It’s a beautiful evening here In Manitoba. Hopefully the big one daylights this evening.

From: Chuckster
It's 8:57pm your time as I post this. Hopefully you had some action as its about dark thirty for you.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
I had 1 youngster in for a few visits tonight. The big one is close but didnt show.

Nothing showed up tonight at my stand. Was a beautiful evening in the stand. Perfect weather.

Leaving camp now. Hopefully have a good story for ya coming up.

From: molsonarcher
A new night and another chance. Its the warmest it has been today on this trip so far. Hopefully they were lazy all day and get hungry tonight.

Good luck, it's pouring here in Winnipeg.

From: Rgiesey

From: Medicinemann
Grape X 2. I have a kept a few journals over the years, but I have actually used Bowsite to document many of my hunts......


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Nothing big enough showed up last night. Was fun watching this guy at the bait. Tonight is the last night. Matt had some action but I’ll let him explain.
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Nothing big enough showed up last night. Was fun watching this guy at the bait. Tonight is the last night. Matt had some action but I’ll let him explain.

From: molsonarcher
What a rodeo the last few days have been! Updates have been slow from my end, mainly since the emotions were high.

3 nights ago I had an encounter with a good bear, but it didnt pan out. There was no reason to leave the stand, and upon going back in the next evening found out that the bear was back feeding all that morning.

So we thought. Bears are tricky, and many look the same.

From: molsonarcher
Sitting all that evening, I only had a 3 year old bear show, but he was nervous as all get out, and visited 5 times briefly.

Again, no reason to leave the stand knowing a good one was around, and had been seen in daylight.

I was being tested, in more ways than one.

From: molsonarcher
Last night was the roller coaster of emotions that everyone talks about, but some, fortunately, never experience.

Early in the sit, it just felt different. Temps were the warmest they had been, wind was perfect, chance of rain slim. It was setting up nicely for an 8th inning game winner.

From: molsonarcher
Around 6:00, that feeling you get just kinda started happening. Glancing around, I noticed a spot that shouldnt be there, and wasnt there before. Staring for 5 minutes, it never moved. I looked away, then back again, and it was gone. Get the bow ready, he is coming!

From: molsonarcher
For the next hour, this bear wears me, my sanity, and my resolve, completely out. I would see him to my left, lose him, bam here he is on my right. Wait, no, now he is behind me, but he left in front of me? He did this for the entire hour since I had first seen him.

From: molsonarcher
Before I knew what happened, he was standing 4 yds to my right, staring up at me. Im thinking its go time, but he walked away directly behind me, to about 25 yds, sat down facing directly away from me, as if to say #%^* you!

He stayed there in that position for maybe a minute, turned around and walked right in.

This is where the train derails.

From: molsonarcher
He feeds for awhile directly facing me. In reality, I have no idea whether it was 30 seconds or 5 minutes. Im frozen. I know he has accepted me, but will this be a repeat of 2 nights ago?

No, it wont. He works his way into position, albeit slowly. This is where I make the mistake.

He is up on the barrel, front legs completely stretched out, looking like a Mack truck. Man he is long, and a good darn bear.

I ease my bow to full draw, settle the pin, and off it goes. I hear my arrow hit the tree behind him, and fall to the ground, before his feet are off the barrel.

My mind instantly says dead bear. He runs out of there pretty much straight away. I see him for maybe 50 yds, then nothing. I can see an arrow soaked in blood from the stand, and then this.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
A very large spot of blood on the tree, right on the trail he exited on, 4 yds from the shot.

From: molsonarcher
I let my guide know we had a bear to desl with, and then started the wait.

He gets there about 30 min later and we start the search. Trailing is easy, spotting blood from 10-15 yds away at a decent pace. For the first 100 yds its like this. Then slows to searching for a tiny speck, then nothing after 300 yds. EFF ME! What the heck is going on?

We decide to come back in the morning, with Ben, and just do some grid searching. With the forecasted rain, we knew we were searching for a body, not a blood trail anymore.

From: molsonarcher
We didnt get but a few drops of rain overnight, and got back on the trail in the general direction he was heading. Fan out, check this thick patch, go both ways around this swamp, look under that spruce. We made it to 1200-1300 yds from the shot. We decided to call off the search thinking it wasnt a fatal hit.

From: molsonarcher
We make it about 200 yds back toward the bait and the ride out. Still fanned out, not really ready to admit defeat, and my guide yells DEAD BEAR RIGHT HERE!

Hell yea its on! We got extremely lucky, as he was laying in a low spot. I was only 30 yds from where he was laying, but would have never seen him in that dip. My guide was slightly higher up the ridge and was able to spot him.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
We take a few pics, and get to work skinning. We are 900 yds from the bait.

From: molsonarcher
One happy and extremely thankful hunter! We knew chances were about zero on finding this bear, but it wasnt zero and we did. Always trust your guide. He is the only reason we found this bear.

From: molsonarcher

molsonarcher's embedded Photo
molsonarcher's embedded Photo
All loaded up and headed for the rig!

From: molsonarcher
Stats on my bear are 7’5” nose to tail, 19-4/16” green skull. We obviously couldnt weigh him, but guess him around 330 pounds.

The entrance hit was high and back a bit. We think liver. Exit was just below mid body at about a perfect broadside angle. G5 deadmeat broadhead.

From: molsonarcher
Its early yet, but it sounds like Dave had some action already.

Shots fired! I’ll follow up later. Story involves a bluff charge. Was a real fun night!!!

From: TMac
Wow what a find Matt! Congrats! Looking forward to Dave’s update.

From: Scoot
Wow some interesting happenings! Nice bear, Matt!

From: t-roy
Good stuff, guys! Sounds like there’s even more to come!

From: Shug

From: buckeye
Congratulations on finding your bear,, that's a miserable feeling in-between letting go of the arrow and putting hands on your critter. Well done! Thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to the rest of it!

From: fastflight
Congrats Matt. Great story telling. Felt like I was there with ya.

From: Paul@thefort
Nicely done. Interesting how a dead bear can disappear when they die in a depression. They just seem to flatten out and hard to see. So glad your bear was found. My best, Paul

From: molsonarcher
Thanks guys. It is amazing how well they disappear. On the way in looking for him, we had walked within 50 yds of where he lay, but didnt see him. I was within 30 yds on the way out, and my guide spotted him between us. I had to get a few yards up the ridge to see him from where I was.

I am super thankful we found him. If it was a week or two later, when it would be more green and thick, I doubt this would have been the outcome.

From: Chuckster
Congrats molson on a great bear. We're pulling for ya Wv.

Wheels are heading south. Was a great evening and trip! Evan and I walked into the bait I sat last night. A bear was there waiting when we got into view of the barrels. The wind was in our face so it didn’t know what we were and didn’t spook. It looked giant on the ground pacing back and forth. I knocked an arrow and got to full draw as it hit an opening. Two small twigs were covering the vitals and I needed it to take a step. It walked back to the barrels and didn’t present a shot. As soon as I let down it bluff charged us and stopped 10 yards away. We backed up ten yards and waited.


The bear stood on its hind legs and scraped the bark on a pine tree for a bit then dropped back down and walked to the left. It was heading towards an opening and I got ready to draw again. Instead of hitting the opening it veered to the right and I had no shot. It stopped and sat about 50 yards from the bait watching us. We quickly went in to the stand. Evan dumped the bag of meat scraps and I climbed into the stand.

The bear stood on its hind legs and scraped the bark on a pine tree for a bit then dropped back down and walked to the left. It was heading towards an opening and I got ready to draw again. Instead of hitting the opening it veered to the right and I had no shot. It stopped and sat about 50 yards from the bait watching us. We quickly went in to the stand. Evan dumped the bag of meat scraps and I climbed into the stand.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
My view from the stand. 18 yards to the barrels
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
My view from the stand. 18 yards to the barrels

I was full of adrenaline and shaking a bit when I got set in the stand. I was hoping the bear would be back a few minutes later. About 45 minutes passed and I noticed a black leg in the bush out in front of me. It was slowly heading my way. Didn’t take long to cover the distance and it was broadside at the meat pile. It wasn’t the giant I’d been holding out for all week. But after the excitement of getting to the stand and it being the last evening. I drew, settled the pin in the middle of the middle and let the arrow fly. It surprised me once the bear was hit he jumped back and stood up and grabbed a small pine tree looking back at the arrow. He stood there long enough for me to load another arrow. About that time he dropped to all fours and slowly walked out of sight.

I sent Evan a couple messages and let Matt and Ben know shots had been fired. Few minutes later Evan showed up with the quad and trailer. Short 40 yard blood trail and we found him. Didn’t take long for some pics and to get him loaded and on the way back to camp. I can’t say enough good things about Evan’s operation. Great people great food and they really have some great bears around. It’s been a fun trip and can’t wait to go back.


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
We had some fun with the pictures!
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
We had some fun with the pictures!


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo


Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Big white blaze on his chest
Wv hillbilly 's embedded Photo
Big white blaze on his chest

Thanks for following along. Hope ya enjoyed. There’s a pack of ten of us heading to pine acres in august. Should be a great time and have several more bear stories.


From: DConcrete
Great hunt you guys! Congratulations on all accounts!

From: Tater
Now I can say congrats to a fellow buckeye

From: grape

From: spike buck
Congrats on your Bear Dave...

From: VAMtns

Congrats on a great hunting experience all around.

From: molsonarcher
It was a fantastic week all around. Is it next year yet?!

From: t-roy
Awesome! Congrats on your bear, WV!

From: carcus
Congrats and thanks for sharing!

From: longsprings
Great story gents thanks for sharing

What a hoot

From: TMac

From: Chuckster
That is friggin awesome dude!!

From: g5smoke21
Congrats on the bears guys!

From: Supernaut
Way to go!

Congrats on a great hunt and great bears!

Thanks for sharing with us.

From: hdaman
A great wrap to your hunt! Thanks for sharing the week with us!

From: Bowboy

From: Scoot
Outstanding! Many congrats.

From: RJ Hunt
Pretty cool hunt guys!!! Thanks for sharing

Thanks fellas! Glad ya enjoyed it.

From: JB
Way to go guys! Thanks for taking us along!!

From: Insheart
Oh yeah, talk about "ups and downs".

Glad you found him. Nice looking bear.

Great Bears guys. Thanks for sharing ??.

Great hunt and great stories!!!

From: SteveB
Way to go! Congrats all the way around!

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