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DL's Link
They either do this or get in front of you and won’t stop. I was working a herd of elk and finally got ahead of them. A bunch of cattle started bellowing and then charged towards the elk and ending the mornings hunt.
Bwahahaha. Dude was legit scared of the cow herd. Funny stuff.
Years ago hunting spring turkeys at a farm in Vermont, I decided to cross a small pasture on the way back to camp. Didn't know the farmer had leased the property and they had pastured a dozen black Angus there. Set a personal sprint record when them big black boogers came after me. Put a couple new dings in the 12 gauge when I cleared the fence but landed in the ditch ;-)
I'd be much more worried about those blasts of bear spray getting in my eyes than those cows. As long as I did not have a bag of range cubes in my pack!
I am not surprised that Dana is the one scared of moo cows.
Guy was lucky. All those cattle were ear tagged. I think its like problem bears where they tag them before relocating. To run into a whole herd of problem cattle must have been terrifying.
John,when 5000 pounds of cow comes running at me, bet your ass I'm retreating. Two loads of number fours in a 12 gauge just doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy. You want to stick around and pet 'em, be my guest ;-)
I have serious doubts about cows wearing ear tags being "wild cows"....but I guess it's possible.
Bears get ear-tagged around here for research purposes as well as identifying 'problem' bears. If they're wearing radio collars they're sows. We do have some good ones around here...
My son in law has 60 or so head & they all have ear tags.. We all should know that an occasional Bull has a temper & I definitely keep an eye on them when hunting. Most cows just stand & look. My son in law has some stories with Cows & a few life threatening (usually a calf involved). Now, horses are a different thing. I was chased by about 20 when on a dirt bike in Colorado. At home, walking back to my Jeep, the 8 resident horses of a farm I hunt came running up to me when I had my back open. 1 stuck his head in & took a bite out of my seat, anther knocked my side mirror loose & two others blocked me when I was trying to close my back. I actually think they were just curious as I was in camo & were normally not in the area I hunt.
I zig zag thru black angus every morning on the farm I hunt. I have never had a cow charge me. I go out of my way when a calf is born tho. Just two weeks ago in the dark I walked right into the bull. I guess he knows my scent because he didn't pay me a bit of attention. It would hate to get ahead of the elk and a cow runs them off.
The more you watch that clip the more entertaining it gets.
Should have read '5000 pounds of cowS' ;-)
(and yes there were calves amongst 'em)
Having spent a fair amount of time around cattle, that clip was very funny !! Wild cows with ear tags! Could be a horror movie title.
I prefer attack cows to rabid porcupines or dive bombing kamakazi owls........
Are all people from Massachusetts scared or cows or just some of them?
You know John, I realize something about me kind'a sticks in your craw. I promise next time I'll pull out sooner. Really, honey.
I doubt anyone would know if you had it in
Thought so mister beta man
Most likely smelled your perfume Dana. They just wanted a lick to see if you tasted and pretty as you smelled.
After 3 days in camp I pretty much smelled like beer, bacon, and chili ;-)
“You know John, I realize something about me kind'a sticks in your craw. I promise next time I'll pull out sooner. Really, honey.”
Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that John is about to reveal himself as “Timex”, but with a fake name?
Udderly ridiculous.
Did they yell “Cow-a-bunga” when they charged?
Sorry but somebody has to start :)
Wild herd of forest cows- hilarious.
I've hunted a ranch in Central CA that bordered a ranch with those Mexican longhorns they raised for Rodeos.
There are not too many critters meaner than those things. My buddy told me he was chased by one that broke through the fence onto the hunting ranch with him on his fat tire motorcycle and he was barely able to stay just ahead of him- those suckers can cover some ground.
That video is hysterical. Anyone who gets scared in that scenario should definitely stay out of the woods.
lol what a tool. Whenever I try and skirt around them, the bastards always seem to run right to where I want to hunt.
DL's Link
I ain’t scared of cows, but being raised on a dairy, there is always the odd cow, or bull, that you’d better respect. We had a registered Jersey bull that was an absolute outlaw, and I was scared to death of him as a little kid. I saw him hit Daddy once from behind and threw him 3/4 feet up in the air. Daddy had a full bucket of horse and mule feed in his hand and hit the bull with it about the same time he landed. The barn gate was about five feet away and the hit upside the bull’s head gave Daddy time to scramble over the the gate. Those little sharp horns went on each side of Daddy’s butt, otherwise it would have been bad !
I also had a cow with her first calf put my ass under the fence. I fell down and rolled under that fence and heard the bottom wire “twang” right behind my head. I don’t know how old I was but I hadn’t started school yet.
I can’t remember if it was Finn Agaard or Ross Seyfried who was asked “What is the most dangerous animal that you have ever faced”, or words to that effect. His answer was “A domestic bull”. Cows can be crazy, and it makes no difference if you’ve raised them from a calf or bought them at the sale. They ain’t deep thinkers !
I raised sheep and had a Ram that I couldn’t turn my back on. If the ewes were in heat there was no way I was getting in there where they were. For entertainment he would get back and ram into a tree. I broke a 2x4 over his head to stop him once. I knew of one man that a ram broke his femur.
“I ain’t scared of cows, but being raised on a dairy, there is always the odd cow, or bull, that you’d better respect.”
Pretty much what my dad taught me; and of course the thing with Range Cattle is that you never know WHICH one is The Odd One….
I guess that’s why he also taught me to pay attention to the body language….. Not as if they’re ambush predators.
I was once chased by a herd of range cows that had been alone all summer in the mountains, in a year when bears were a problem in that valley. A big red "leader" bellowed and started running at me from a hundred yards away, and the rest followed.
I made it to a tight barbed wire fence and dove over just as they crashed into it, but luckily it held. Then they crowded the fence while the red one bellowed and roared and pushed against the fence.
The next day I took a buddy up there and we watched that same herd run down a porcupine and smash it into a pulp.
Later, the rancher told me that red "leader" was crazy, charged them on their horses when they were trying to round them up, and they had to shoot it to get away and finish moving the rest of the herd.
I worked cattle for 25 years, rounding up, sorting, branding, had a couple of rogue bull calves hammer the side of my 4 wheeler, but nothing like that red cow. Since then I've always been a little wary when I come on some in the timber when hunting. I truly believe that fence saved my life that day.
And yes, they had ear tags.
What? A rancher shot his own cow for misbehaving?
My 70 yr old W.V. friend was killed by a bull he went to teach a lesson to with a shock bang stick. Bull threw him all over the mountain. Those cows in the vid look like they are just curious or looking for cake handouts. I see no danger in their body language but if your not used to cows it could be a scary feeling
Right or wrong, if I have to walk past cows, I "moo" at them.
I had six range cattle grazing towards a couple elk I was slipping up on..I had to sneak past the cattle to get close for a recurve shot..Needless to say the cattle hung close and the elk moved out..I was talking to a local in Cortez later that week..He advised I get a rattle off a rattlesnake..shake it and the cattle won't spook but just start feeding away from you..kept one in an Altoid tin..No cattle in the area I hunt the last few years..
I had a herd of cattle lick all of the mag-chloride off my truck once. The county had put it down on the roads for dust suppression - and it was stuck all over the the sides of my truck.
When I returned from hunting, my truck was clean
Twice while on a camping/fishing trips in Colorado we had cattle get into our camp and destroy a few hundred dollars worth of gear. We have found that they are addicted to the ashes in a fire ring and do not to camp right near a fire ring. One year we had a smart old cow that would sneak into camp during the night and get into things. We would run her off and she always wanted to come back. She came in the daylight one day and I decided to get after her pretty good. I hit her with a couple of rocks and ran at her. She turned to face me and showed some aggression. I slipped back and got a shotgun and went after her again. Again she refused to leave and faced me. I fired a shot into the ground near her and she decided to leave. I fired another shot over back and she left us alone after that.