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I've heard rumor we may even see results in our portals later today.
NV will just about round out my season schedule. I don’t need any more tags so I went premium on about everything. Good luck to everyone. Hope to see some success results posted here tomorrow.
My portal Says "Entered" ....with a bunch of laughing emojis and "Sucker" after that...
The NDOW's website has got to be the worst designed website of all time, hunting or other. It used to be fine. I don't know why they changed it or what flunky idiots they hired to do it, but it's horrible.
Results are in your portal now. Mine show all red as usual.
Nuthin. Crazy to even think but I will probably bow out next year and just buy lotto Tix with the $$$.
That System is a Joke. My odds have steadily gone DOWN every now with 19 points my odds of drawing a good elk tag are less than one percent- ridiculous.
A guy is supposed to have increased odds for loyally applying every year....not in Nevada.
Wow that was a lot of red.....
Beendare...I hear ya. The state app fees continue to spiral up, esp for NR's. Between all the different state apps and various gov tag raffles, I'd hate to even quote you my total non-refundable costs for the year. And I'm afraid that's going to continue every year, probably with no joy, and little to be realistically expected. If I deleted all that, I'm considering that I could pay for a NWT Dall sheep or moose hunt in a few short years with those new-found savings.
I think I’m done with NV. Too low of odds for the money. Best of luck to those who are still in.
Even resident odds stink. I drew a decent deer tag with 11 points but nothing else and I’ve got a lot of points.
It ain’t the system, it’s simple supply and demand. Way fewer tags for all species, except maybe elk, and way more people applying.
Well the odds are bad but somebody is going to get drawn. This time it is me! Saw the blue box with “Awarded” in the deer section. Unit 051 Archery. My first (and maybe only) Nevada tag!!!
Lots of red here and no blue..
Maybe one day..
I got the email, NADA.
I thought for sure my and a buddy from Arkansas would have drawn our bow buck with 7 combined points, I shared my points with him, and we rounded at 7 points.
Pricey $160. Chukar hunting license now! haha
Good luck, Robb
Attaching a chart here. My odds have gone steadily down hill. I have to give credit to GO Hunt- they state clearly thar Nv is not a good state to apply in.
At this point, the only reason why I’m hanging on and not just buying lottery tickets is in the hopes that they change the system. Has anybody heard any rumblings to that effect?
Nyati, "30 years ago I thought the squaring of bonus point system would be a good thing, increase chances for loyalty while still giving newcomers a chance. 30 years later it hasn’t worked out that way. Your increased chances are canceled out by the thousands and thousands of lower point holders. But it’s Nevada , the house always wins Lol"
Ain't this the truth? I thought the same thing in 1997, but also bought into the states with a preference or part preference point system. Thank god for those. Often I got criticized on forums for hogging points and waiting too long to spend them. Well, today I'm very glad I rationed them to use little at a time. Because otherwise, I could not plan anything. Last few years I pick one to cash in on where I'm virtually assured of drawing. (This year UT Paunsagunt deer), then taylor all my remaining longshot bonus point apps around those hunt dates. Working well. But even with 25+ bonus for most these other states, I've not hit on any 1-2%ers. Even WY general elk is only a 6% odds these days. And that's really just an opportunity hunt. Got four left WY (2) & AZ (2) to add to my UT hunt, but very unlikely to draw. Never thought this would play out like this. Feel sorry for newbies. At least I'll have one OIL hunt/year until 2028 via the preference states. In the others like NV, I doubt I'll ever draw. After 2028, I guess I'll start trying to burn my remaining bonus points on low tier units. If my body is even able at 70.
I don’t see a chart in your post above. I’ve heard no rumors of a change in the system.
Here’s a chart showing tag number changes from 2017 to 2024. Elk and deer are archery quotas only. Causes of the reductions include; feral horses, a 5 year drought, a hard 2022-2023 winter and disease events wiping out a significant percentage of sheep populations.
That reduced odds is due to cut tag numbers. If tag quotas remained the same maybe points would help. A lot of guys on here bash the odds and point creep but continue applying. I wish my odds were better but I’m an happy to continue playing the system. In NV, if points aren’t helping you, you can apply with out purchasing license and just won’t receive a point right? We are headed to AZ this September and the tag was drawn with .8% chance. Someone has to get it!!
I'm with Scott on this. I live in the state and it's a muther trying to get a tag. My son drew an archery mule deer tag and his two boys both drew junior tags so I will be out scouting for them. Thats fine. I got to experience the golden age of Nevada, I just wish more could. To be fair though, the deer population has decreased drastically in the last few years. You can't make everyone happy.