Lion vs Rottweiler
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From: Huntcell
Huntcell 's Link
In a suburb on the outskirts of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, a family is processing the news that their pet was taken by a lioness during the night.
Link has video
From: Zbone
That looked like a young lioness too, but the Rot didn't look that big either...
From: elkmtngear
A worker at the San Diego Zoo told me that Lions can't jump. The only thing keeping them in the enclosure, was about a 4 foot ditch, with a wall much smaller than that one.
Guess she needs to see this :^)
From: t-roy
Elkmtngear…….I wonder if that worker was related to the bus driver we had at the Grand Canyon in March. He told us that the elk in the Grand Canyon rutted in April!
From: elkmtngear
Troy, both those elk, and that bus driver sound "special"...
From: t-roy
The bulls there usually die from old age…..Probably due to the antler point restrictions during the rut hunts ;-)
From: APauls
Says it was a 75kg Rottweiler. Doesn’t look like it was 75lb never mind 150+…
From: Zbone
elkmtngear - Now that you bring up that moat and fence wasn't it the San Diego Zoo years ago a tiger jumped out of public display with moat and wall and killed at least one teenager that were teasing the animal... I think there were like 3 of them teasing it when it jumped out, killed one then started hunting down the others or something like that?
From: Zbone
Zbone's Link
It was the San Fran Zoo, here is linky:
From: drycreek
Jim Corbett said a tiger could jump a 12’ thorn boma with a 300 lb. calf in its mouth. I always wondered if that was factual. For what it’s worth, my 14 lb. cat can easily jump up on a table that 3’ tall. I imagine lions can jump accordingly, that stone fence was child’s play.
From: 4nolz@work
That's not a Rottweiler that's a rockwilder.
From: Lee
Female lioness are anywhere from 270 - 400 lbs. Huge animals. I had a mammology class years ago and we went to the zoo and had the zookeeper show the class around. I’d seen lions from afar but never up close. I was a few feet from a couple big males - it boggled my mind how big they were. I’m 5’8” and they could look me in the eye. Paws looked like pie plates. Pretty intimidating critter
From: badbull
I'm with Drycreek on this one. I've seen a 10 lb. female cat with a fairly large kitten in her mouth jump up on a high couch with no problem.
From: StickFlicker
T-roy, if you're saying there are antler point restrictions at the Grand Canyon, obviously there's no hunting in a national park. There are also no point restrictions anywhere for in Arizona (other than maybe a very limited Indian rez hunt or two, and they are normally targeting spikes and rag horns not protecting them).
From: t-roy
Totally just a tongue-in-cheek comment, Marvin. I was poking fun at the bus driver’s ignorance about the elk in GCNP rutting in April. Obviously, the bulls would be just beginning to grow their antlers and would most likely not even be beginning to branch.
From: Errorhead
They better be glad it was just a dog and not a kid.
From: Mint
The was a leopard living in Nairobi stadium for years before he was noticed. It's amazing how wildlife can adapt.
From: Buskill
4’ won’t stop my fat a$$ much less a lion.
From: Buskill
4’ won’t stop my fat a$$ much less a lion.