Sitka Gear
Bear Ribs
Contributors to this thread:
APauls 01-Jun-24
carcus 01-Jun-24
Lewis 02-Jun-24
midwest 02-Jun-24
BOWNUT 02-Jun-24
Groundhunter 02-Jun-24
APauls 02-Jun-24
APauls 02-Jun-24
midwest 02-Jun-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 02-Jun-24
APauls 02-Jun-24
carcus 03-Jun-24
fuzzy 03-Jun-24
APauls 04-Jun-24
APauls 04-Jun-24
wooddamon1 04-Jun-24
Tyler 05-Jun-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 05-Jun-24
From: APauls
My good friend whacked a bear and had to head to Australia shortly thereafter. I had asked him if he shot one if I could get the ribs. Firstly, Tyler is a champ and not only did he give me the ribs, but they were as clean as from a butcher’s shop. But finally, I have to say, the bear ribs are the best ribs of any animal I’ve ever eaten - tame or wild. Never leave em behind!

From: carcus
Awesome, unfortunately l left mine behind! For the last time though!

From: Lewis
APauls how did you prepare them Lewis

From: midwest
Yes, we need a recipe and food porn pics, Adam.

Michigan bear ribs are fantastic. We do them Kansas City style.

From: Groundhunter
I shoot bears from 160 to 250, if I can. All great eats. Worse bear, was my big one, great rug, but you can have them.

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
I just googled a rub, changed it slightly. Was worried it was not quite thawed but threw on the smoker at 210 for 3 hours. 2.5 hours in foil, then an hour out of foil. Insanely good

From: APauls

APauls's embedded Photo
APauls's embedded Photo
I left it in foil a little extra to encourage tenderness. As you can tell by clean bone showing it worked. You could eat these toothless.

From: midwest
Do you sauce them at the end or eat them naked? They LOOK delicious!

Damn those look good…. How big of a bear did they come off of?

From: APauls
Wasn’t a big bear but I never even sauced em. Just ate em like that. Can’t wait to chew on leftovers, might even have some for breakfast lol

From: carcus
"I shoot bears from 160 to 250, if I can. All great eats. Worse bear, was my big one, great rug, but you can have them." Big bears taste great, old bears do not. 2 of the bears I killed were really old, they where missing a bunch of teeth and the teeth they had worn down, those bears were disgusting

From: fuzzy
I do them low and slow in covered cast iron Dutch oven

From: APauls

From: APauls
For some reason my old posts just got duplicated a week later lol.

From: wooddamon1
Those look killer!

From: Tyler

Tyler's embedded Photo
Tyler's embedded Photo
Ma-padeerslayer it was a 2.5 yr old boar about 5 feet I guess not sure of live weight but the 4 quarters ,backstraps,tenderloins, neck meat,and ribs weighed 86lbs lol.

Tastey enough for me Tyler lol! Was just curious looked like a good chuck of meat there

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