Mathews Inc.
Whirly birds??
Contributors to this thread:
Corax_latrans 02-Jun-24
70lbDraw 02-Jun-24
scentman 02-Jun-24
longsprings 02-Jun-24
4nolz@work 02-Jun-24
Mike B 02-Jun-24
Corax_latrans 02-Jun-24
Keefers 02-Jun-24
olddogrib 03-Jun-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jun-24
wytex 03-Jun-24
70lbDraw 03-Jun-24
Corax_latrans 03-Jun-24
Catscratch 03-Jun-24
Curious about a Turkey behavior I saw yesterday…

I was riding laps in the park here and saw a bird in a mowed, lawn-like area, just 5-7 yards off of the road. Next lap, same place, and I noticed that it was turning in circles, counterclockwise, seemingly around a specific spot on the ground, marked by a small clump of clover. Next lap, still there, still turning. One more lap, no change, so I thought I would see if it was capable of anything but spinning around in circles, and it walked straight off when pushed, but looking back more at that one spot than anything else.

Close-up visual on the clump of clover revealed a good number of very small ant burrows, but I never did notice any feeding behaviors, just turning around and around….

I thought for a moment I had discovered Avian whirling disease…..

Anybody know what this bird was up to? I studied turkeys for a while, but not their behaviors…

From: 70lbDraw
This might be a dumb question, but was there a hen around…maybe up in a roost?

From: scentman
Probably trying to spell out MAGA in the soft soil ;0] scentman

From: longsprings
Bet it was waiting to snatch up a few cicadas as they left their burrows

From: 4nolz@work
I watched a strutting gobbler one morning spinning in place like a pirouette ice skater for an hour without stopping.It was amazing he barely moved his feet.A hen finally approached and got bred and he stopped afterwards.Only time I've seen the spinning in 45 years.

From: Mike B
4nolz: "I watched a strutting gobbler one morning spinning in place like a pirouette ice skater for an hour without stopping.It was amazing he barely moved his feet.A hen finally approached and got bred and he stopped afterwards."

Somewhere in a public location in America, right now, a short fat-guy is spinning in very tight circles, barely moving his feet.


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
I think it WAS a hen, actually. No beard, anyway, and not strutting at all, just looking at that spot on the ground, or maybe just chasing its tail?

No cicada activity up here yet…

From: Keefers
Native Indians always made me wonder why they did those ceremony dances looking like a Turkey or some sort of bird and spinning in circles . Maybe they understood things we may never know.

From: olddogrib
On the lookout for Kristi!

So nobody has a theory??

No conspiracy required…. LOL

Breath of fresh air to see no political crap in the first 10 threads for a change, though I don’t much expect that’ll last…

From: wytex
About to start laying her eggs, give the lady some privacy.

From: 70lbDraw
Hey Corax, the pic you posted looks like Hunter Biden after learning he’s going to be living with Trump for a few years!

Ya know?…if you hadn’t posted that last sentence… nobody would have gotten hurt…

What does it say about you that you couldn’t pass up the chance??

From: Catscratch
Obviously doing a rendition of Hunter looking for the bag of cocaine he lost in the White House that was conveniently never really investigated. It's appropriate that it's in a park as that's probably where Hunter thinks he lost it.

Or maybe it is a Tom who cut his beard off, put make-up on, and is parading around the most populated area he can find?

On second thought it might be a juror trying to figure out the Judge's interpretation of the law as it pertains to the Trump case? Circling as it understands his verdict will be rip'd apart in appeals.

Or even a NR elk hunter trying to get a tag in a state that has reduced that opportunity?

Or maybe it's Jen Psaki?

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