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2024 Food Plot Review - Discussion
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Pat Lefemine 02-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 02-Jun-24
Julius Koenig 05-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 05-Jun-24
wisconsinteacher 05-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 05-Jun-24
wisconsinteacher 05-Jun-24
WI Shedhead 05-Jun-24
APauls 05-Jun-24
Julius Koenig 05-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 05-Jun-24
Zbone 05-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 05-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 05-Jun-24
Shiloh 05-Jun-24
duckhunterbrad 06-Jun-24
goyt 06-Jun-24
Pat Lefemine 06-Jun-24
Starfire 22-Jun-24
From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's DeerBuilder embedded Photo
Pat Lefemine's DeerBuilder embedded Photo

Our 2023-2024 Food plot review can be found here. Another good year with some great bucks on our Ohio farm!

From: Pat Lefemine

Pat Lefemine's Link


Thanks for sharing this. I might have to try your blend of ww/wr peas, etc..

What was your planting date for that and your other kill plot?

Best, Julius

From: Pat Lefemine
I’ve been planting my kill plots a little earlier now. Last week of July generally.

What is the seed rate per acre of the Plot 7 mix? Big-O Thanks

From: Pat Lefemine
Peas- 50lbs per acre Awnless winter Wheat- 30lbs per acre Crimson clover- 10 lbs per acre

You can also mix in a trace amount of brassicas but no more than .25 lbs.

You can substitute winter rye but the awnless winter wheat is better.

Fertilize with 19-19-19 in the absence of a soil test and incorporate during drilling.

Thanks. I used annual crimson clover last fall and had it come back this spring in my plot. Right now, it is flowering and looks really nice with the winter rye that came back.

From: WI Shedhead
Is thier a reason you don’t use forage soy beans?

From: APauls
Very cool. Thanks for sharing Pat I always enjoy reading about the fruits of your labour. How do you feel about the layout of your property when it comes to killing a target buck if he is on the property? Do you feel you get a good crack at him when you need to? I'm also impressed you got 45 days in. Way to go!

Pat what do you prefer about the ww vs wr?

From: Pat Lefemine
WI, I have tried forage soybeans but dropped them. I planted them in one of four bins of my 7000 row planter and guaged utilization and it was half the draw of my ag beans and twice the price.

So they added nothing and there’s no winter benefit for me which is my top reason for planting beans in the first place.

If they are working well for you that’s great. They are no longer in my rotation.

From: Zbone
Cool Pat, thanks for sharing...

BTW, is that that a shooting house I see in the photo, must keep it locked to keep out the amish...8^)))

From: Pat Lefemine
APauls. I’m five seasons in so I have a good handle on the good and the bad.

It hunts good, not great. Access to and from the stands is very difficult because there are deer everywhere. I can’t get into or out of my stands or blinds without bumping deer and the chain reaction. I also would prefer it if my house wasn’t smack in the middle of the property.

I have killed two really nice bucks over the last four seasons. I also regularly see at least 3-5 shooters on cam, which is outstanding. Last year I counted 60 rack bucks 2.5 or older. That’s outstanding!

Like any property, none of them are going to be perfect. But I am thrilled with my Ohio farm and definitely found a gem.

From: Pat Lefemine
Julius, I like Awnless winter wheat. If they make a variety in rye that’s awnless it would likely be a toss up. They like both until they seed out and the wheat wins.

From: Shiloh
I planted awnless and crimson this past fall at a rate of 40# and 15#/ac. I like that mixture for deer and turkey utilization. When the wheat was in the dough stage a few weeks ago the deer were working on it. Hopefully now the turkey hens and poults are working on it.

Have you tried planting any high oil corn? I'm working on a few test plots to see the preference difference of modern genetic corn vs NON GMO vs High oil. Should be interesting to see the results!

From: goyt
Thanks for the report. I always appreciate hearing what is working and what is not working for you.

From: Pat Lefemine
Brad, I have not tried that

From: Starfire
I was hoping for more information on brassica. 5 of 7 fields are clover. Only 1 brassica

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