First Bear Hunt with my Son
Contributors to this thread:Bears
From: Chekmate
My son and I are at "Sleeve Lake Outfitters " Manitoba, Canada bear hunting. Sunday June 2nd, 2024 was our first night on stand. We had thirteen different bears come in between 3:30 and 10:00. A couple of shooters for Thursday night. Though no monsters for the first night.
Keep You posted
From: Supernaut
Good luck!
From: midwest
Enjoy and keep us up to date! Best of luck to both of you!
From: Chekmate
A couple of photos of the action.
From: DConcrete
Heck yeah!!! Keep the updates coming and good luck!!
From: No Mercy
Awesome-best of luck!
From: mooseslayer
Nail a brute. coming. Love reading these threads.
From: Chekmate
From: Chekmate
Taking a little nap between the action.
Taking a little nap between the action.
From: Chekmate
From: bghunter
This should be a good one to follow. Good luck and shoot straight
From: Merriam
That looks like a good time!
From: Charlie Rehor
Have a great hunt.
From: VAMtns
Good Luck , keep it coming Thanks
From: g5smoke21
Good luck! Can't wait to do this with my kids!
From: molsonarcher
I know for a fact you are in good hands! Good luck on your hunt. They have the bears, and some real good ones too. Enjoy it with your son. My dad and I were there the last 2 years. Fantastic place to be
From: Chekmate
Monday, June 3rd, 2024. Second evening in the same stand. It is hot for bear hunting tonight 24C/75F, with no wind. We got into the site at 3:30. Already had a bear feeding ,it was up a tree when we arrived.
From: Chekmate
Got situated in the stand. By 4:15 had an average three year old come into feed.
From: Chekmate
The other bear was still in the tree. Didn't move or make a sound. The three year old, hung around the baits munching for an hour before wandering off. Half hour later tree bear slowly came down.
From: Chekmate
Tree bear feed for a while. Before heading back into the forest. We had a couple other bears come in. Then just before sunset a sow came in with two of this year's cubs. Only got a picture of her and one of the cub's.
From: Chekmate
A father and son out of Kentucky doubled tonight. The father's bear came in at 354 lbs. With a skull we'll over 20 inches. By the time we got back from the site his bear was mostly skinned. The son took a nice three to four year old with a good coat.
From: Chekmate
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024. Third evening in the same site. There's a big bear on the camera coming in after dark each night. Hoping he'll come in while there is still light. With the heat yesterday. We have a fresh big crop of mosquitoes. Glad my son and I had our "Shannon Bug Tamers" on and brought a couple of Thermacell's. Started off slow this evening. Didn't have our first bear come in until 5 :30.
From: Chekmate
He feed at the site for close to an hour. Then one of last year's cubs came in. Recently kicked out by mom.
From: Chekmate
Another bear came in around 8 o'clock. All the bears we've seen still have nice coats.
From: Chekmate
The first bear of the evening came back in around nine, for a late night snack. Then another of last year's cubs came in just after sunset. Tomorrow I'm taking the hold out off my son. If a descent bear comes in, we'll see what happens. ??
Good luck and good times!
From: DConcrete
Goodluck guys! It’ll happen!
From: molsonarcher
Its going to happen! Good luck!
From: Insheart
Good luck, very much enjoy the "family " threads.