Sitka Gear
First Bear Hunt with my Son
Contributors to this thread:
Chekmate 03-Jun-24
Supernaut 03-Jun-24
midwest 03-Jun-24
Chekmate 03-Jun-24
DConcrete 03-Jun-24
No Mercy 03-Jun-24
mooseslayer 03-Jun-24
Chekmate 03-Jun-24
Chekmate 03-Jun-24
Chekmate 03-Jun-24
bghunter 03-Jun-24
Merriam 03-Jun-24
Charlie Rehor 03-Jun-24
VAMtns 03-Jun-24
g5smoke21 03-Jun-24
molsonarcher 03-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
Chekmate 05-Jun-24
DConcrete 05-Jun-24
molsonarcher 05-Jun-24
Insheart 05-Jun-24
From: Chekmate
My son and I are at "Sleeve Lake Outfitters " Manitoba, Canada bear hunting. Sunday June 2nd, 2024 was our first night on stand. We had thirteen different bears come in between 3:30 and 10:00. A couple of shooters for Thursday night. Though no monsters for the first night.

Keep You posted

From: Supernaut
Good luck!

From: midwest
Enjoy and keep us up to date! Best of luck to both of you!

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
A couple of photos of the action.

From: DConcrete
Heck yeah!!! Keep the updates coming and good luck!!

From: No Mercy
Awesome-best of luck!

From: mooseslayer
Nail a brute. coming. Love reading these threads.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Taking a little nap between the action.
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Taking a little nap between the action.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo

From: bghunter
This should be a good one to follow. Good luck and shoot straight

From: Merriam
That looks like a good time!

Have a great hunt.

From: VAMtns
Good Luck , keep it coming Thanks

From: g5smoke21
Good luck! Can't wait to do this with my kids!

From: molsonarcher
I know for a fact you are in good hands! Good luck on your hunt. They have the bears, and some real good ones too. Enjoy it with your son. My dad and I were there the last 2 years. Fantastic place to be

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Monday, June 3rd, 2024. Second evening in the same stand. It is hot for bear hunting tonight 24C/75F, with no wind. We got into the site at 3:30. Already had a bear feeding ,it was up a tree when we arrived.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Got situated in the stand. By 4:15 had an average three year old come into feed.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
The other bear was still in the tree. Didn't move or make a sound. The three year old, hung around the baits munching for an hour before wandering off. Half hour later tree bear slowly came down.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Tree bear feed for a while. Before heading back into the forest. We had a couple other bears come in. Then just before sunset a sow came in with two of this year's cubs. Only got a picture of her and one of the cub's.

From: Chekmate
A father and son out of Kentucky doubled tonight. The father's bear came in at 354 lbs. With a skull we'll over 20 inches. By the time we got back from the site his bear was mostly skinned. The son took a nice three to four year old with a good coat.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Tuesday, June 4th, 2024. Third evening in the same site. There's a big bear on the camera coming in after dark each night. Hoping he'll come in while there is still light. With the heat yesterday. We have a fresh big crop of mosquitoes. Glad my son and I had our "Shannon Bug Tamers" on and brought a couple of Thermacell's. Started off slow this evening. Didn't have our first bear come in until 5 :30.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
He feed at the site for close to an hour. Then one of last year's cubs came in. Recently kicked out by mom.

From: Chekmate

Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Chekmate 's embedded Photo
Another bear came in around 8 o'clock. All the bears we've seen still have nice coats.

From: Chekmate
The first bear of the evening came back in around nine, for a late night snack. Then another of last year's cubs came in just after sunset. Tomorrow I'm taking the hold out off my son. If a descent bear comes in, we'll see what happens. ??

Good luck and good times!

From: DConcrete
Goodluck guys! It’ll happen!

From: molsonarcher
Its going to happen! Good luck!

From: Insheart
Good luck, very much enjoy the "family " threads.

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